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Bounty Hunter RP guild...real bounties


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Ok first let me start by saying I'm not an RP expert and I dont know all the rules but this is an Idea I have had and wondered if anyone else has considered it or tried it. I'm an SWG vet and really miss the Bounty Hunter aspects that SWG had, to this day I think it was one of coolest things to do in an MMO.


My idea is to create a BH only RP guild, and to reach an agreement with another RP guild to active Bounties. This would require good communication between the guild leaders but I think it could be an awesome RP opportunity for both guilds and provide alot of fun for all involved.


Story line would be that the Republic has hired a group of Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries to Track, Find , and Kill high value targets.


How would this work??? First you would have to volunteer to be placed on the bounty list, your guild leader would then submit your name to the guild leader of the BH guild, who would then generate a bounty for you. Your bounty would be given to a BH who is within 1 level of you to keep the fights as fair as possible. you would be notified that your bounty has been taken but no other info would be given. Only one BH can be assigned your bounty at a time.


Once the accepting Bounty Hunter has your name and the reason you have had a bounty placed on you, he/she will send out seeker droids ( Friend Finder ) to help locate your planetary position. Once on planet it is up to the BH to find you, using whatever means needed, bribe other players, run around aimlessly, whatever method he/she chooses.


Once the BH locates their target they must get within range to request a duel, the mark MUST!!!!! accept this duel. The bounty will end with the winner of the duel.


Now this is a very short version of how this would all work out, there are many variable still in the mix, like what if your target is on the fleet?


Risk vs Reward.....


Lets say you want to be added to the Bounty Boards, but your thinking whats in it for me. You could place a sum of credits in escrow against your bounty.


Example: you place $20000 credits against your bounty, the bounty hunter who accepts your bounty must also place $20000 credits in escrow. If the bounty hunter kills you he collects $40000, if you defeat the bounty hunter you collect $40000.


I'm just spit balling here guys tell me what you think. I'm really interested in starting this BH guild and trying to find a Sith guild to work with. could be alot of fun if done right.

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Sounds interesting if you ever get this going pm me or send me a message in game as I would donate a couple of bounties to be collected.


I would suggest you limit the area to where the hunter can hunt the bounty, i.e. I could place a Wanted add something like,


"Wanted Dead or Alive (Dead preferable) a vicious sorc who cant keep his pants on goes by the name of <insert name>. Bounty is set at $50000. Payment on confirmation of kill. Can usually be found drinking his sorrows away in a Cantina on Tatooine at 6-7PM PST (happy hour)"


Obviously the marks will have to be willing to have their PVP flag turned on. I will have a word with my guildies if they want to get involved with this.

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I dont want to limit the area because half of the fun will be trying to find your target. If your taget is in a known preset location then it just becomes a duel, not a hunt. LIke I said there are many variable to work out, and it still needs to be an RP situation. I want it to be fun not two guys talking crap and then dueling.


And I also want to encourage all levels to participate. You will never be hunted by anyone higher or lower than you by one level. I will try my best to make sure that hunters and marks are the same level but in order to make this a little easier we will keep it within one level.


Something I didn't mention before was that only the hunter can initiate the duel, so he has the option to not attack if he finds his target and decides he cannot win.


I will be starting this guild tonight or tomorrow and working on the ruleset. I will then be reaching out to other RP guilds.

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For those interested in joining the BH guild please send me an ingame message or email. I have not created the guild yet, but will do so very soon. I'm looking for RP Sith guilds who are interested in joining in with me in this idea. Membership will be selective. All levels welcome as I hope to have bounties available for all levels.


And the portion of my idea that had the BH and Mark putting in credits is totally voluntary, if the mark want to have a bounty placed on them just for fun, with no monetary value thats fine also, the credit option is just a way to up the risk.


Remember this will be an RP event, I will not tolerate %$# talkers and immature players who do nothing but run their mouths when tracking their mark, killing their mark or dying at the hands of their mark. You will be encourage to engage in some sort of RP with your mark, this could be prior to the fight , after the fight , during the hunt. So if you are just looking to join the guild so you can PVP and talk crap, stick to the warzones. If you are looking for a cool RP event in game send me a message in game.


IGN : Solace-Two

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  • 5 months later...

This sounds fantastic. While I'm not the leader of a guild or anything, I'd be happy to enter my character as a bounty, perhaps even make a bounty hunter just for this.


If in need of a trial bounty hit me up IGN: Vidicon (Sniper)

Edited by bastiondh
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