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Just another PvP rant...


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I will try to make this one short. Can you play Republic on this server and win ONE bloody pvp match? I've tried for days now, to do some leisure time pvp, but lost every single match. I used to do the same with my Vanguard, last year, and I would win some, lose some, the ratio was decent. But now...now winning a game is something of a fantasy. What has happened. Only imp premades are playing Warzones here now?


Seriously, it's so frustrating it makes me really push that Unsub button. I don't want to be forced to play the Empire side, just because I like to pvp every now and then and have a good time.


I'm not kidding, I've tried winning a match for the past three days. Haven't counted how many games I've played (maybe 20-30), but i can tell you this - lost every single one of them. And everytime the Imps were steamrolling.

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What level are you?


I have done some PVP lately from levels 10-35 and I definitely have not had it this bad with my sage and sentinel.


I probably lost about 60-70% in the past two or three weeks while winning about 80% with my juggernaut for the Imps so I see where you are coming from.


Maybe you just are not playing with the correct people or most likely at the correct time friend. You may also suck, I don't know.

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Are we talking lower brackets or 55?


For 55, Reps seem to use the same few premades at certain times of the day/week. Seems if you want any hope of a good fight on the Rep side, you have to make a group for it, whereas Imps can usually get away with a PuG as we work out who's gonna do what.


Least thats my experience.

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I find the only time you're liking to get a win on the republic side at the moment is the hour or so leading up to reset.

At lunchtime as soon as the daily resets the premade 4's and 8s come out to play and they will stomp you for most of the afternoon.

I've had a late afternoon (around 4:00pm - 5:00pm) win now and again and then once early evening starts the premade 4's and 8s continue until late night.

If you're a nightowl you might see a win after 11:00pm - but then a couple of hours later and you wont get a WZ.


It's becoming tedious and I just wish the imps would for the main go ranked - but they wont and I guess why should they? It's far more fun stomping on the pugs.

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It's becoming tedious and I just wish the imps would for the main go ranked - but they wont and I guess why should they? It's far more fun stomping on the pugs.

What is this ranked you speak of?


Oh, you mean the pug ranked games that they're currently organising on rep side every now and then, meaning the reps left in normal queues are special olympics material at best`.

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As I've said, last year, by this time, I used to level my Trooper. Things weren't that bad. I think the win loss ratio was 2:3 or something like that. Wasn't great, but wasn't that bad either. There wewre matches where you really felt like ''Man, what a game''. Especially some huttballs, with tight scores and last second victories.


But now, the win loss ratio is something like 1:436347567356. And that one time you win, most of the rep players go into a ''let's swear and yell at the imps because we won''-frenzy. It's really sad the state of pvp on this server.

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What is this ranked you speak of?


Oh, you mean the pug ranked games that they're currently organising on rep side every now and then, meaning the reps left in normal queues are special olympics material at best`.


I.....actually.....nope, canny make head nor tail or it - I'll assume it was a dig at someone.

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In the 55 bracket, the pugs on imps have gotten significantly better (probably rep re rolls), before 2.0 the majority of rep pugs were willing to listen, imp pugs average were just plain old fools. The decent rep players (not all, but some) have given up with rep side warzones. They have just lately, started making 4 man premades or more and filling the rest of the spots for two teams worth of rep pugs for ranked warzones.


They have also made a 4 man + premade with rep pugs and sent someone to form an 8 man pug imperial team for ranked, knowing full well the rep team would smash them. People these days just want the easy wins without having to fight to get the win. Dont blame the factions, blame the people who are not taking the initiative any more.

Edited by jojoee
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  • 2 months later...

I played at the American server for last year and since the guild there fell apart I wish to go back to European as the time suits me much better.


My original server was Tomb of Freedon Nadd and I have toons there, but I miss RP aspect of the game which was the reason I re-rolled in the first place to Jung-Ma, the only RP-PVP server out there.


I really am curious how the PVP is on this server and if there are any good PVP ranked games and guilds out there.

If there are, I would transfer to this server.


And yea.. I am republic with my main. :3

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sadly the term rp-pvp is met with much derision on this server. Its not that it is despised or anything but some rp people on the progenitor server can be a bit snooty when it comes to pvp. Many guilds on the server do enjoy warzones but not many get involved in world pvp. There are some pure pvp guilds but their rp is quite poor. Sorry to say you picked the most minority driven aspect of the server both on republic and Imperial. However on saying that when you do find those guilds who favour this niche you can get quite a lot out of it.. Finding them is the problem.
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Why is the PvP on the Prog Bad, And the PvP on the rep side worse? My answer would be that the PvP on the prog isn't at all bad!! Okey, you might think, cos' the Imp teams that smash me to bits are good, because they always win. But the rep side is worse than bad, you might add . . .And I say no. Having played the better part of a year as lvl 50 then lvl55 and after that every class at every lvl, I say this;

First the obvious - this is mainly a RP-server, and the reason for playing PvP on an RP-server? You tell me? I do it for fun and the rush of facing real players, but what happens is this:

- The lvl of immaturity I meet on the rep side PvP is HIGH!!

-The general tactical lvl is LOW. The universal command for a victory seems to be 'control mid' IN EVERY WZ!!!!???

-On the Imp side the knowledge of gear and stim impact on the game is HIGH, while on the Rep side it is LOW.(Bolster takes away that you might think. NO it doesn't!!Bolster consider green, blue and purple gear in low and mid lvl PvP, on the other hand the so called PvP gear in those lvls is useless, compared with purple gear and mods!! this is an empirical fact)

In general the lvl 55 rep PvP still is poor and I've seen the self proclaimed PvP 'stars' on the repside since they were lvl 10! And at lvl 55 there still is a lack of healers! Which have to do to the main reason the PvP on Rep side isn't what it could be. - The tone of voice(writing) in Ops chat. It always seem to be someoneelsess fault you loses. And you rage write it before you rage quit. And the rage writing is 9 out of 10 times delivered towards the healer. Therefore it is not unusuall that you enter a lvl 55 WZ with only smashers and thrashers which have no chance since the mind set of those is to get a single kill on the statboard and they killchase that single kill all over the WZ if they had to. Or the stealther that just wont cloak to wait for the right moment to cap because he is set on getting 500k in dps. Or the poor sod thats on guard duty and hardly sees any action in whole WZ then get yelled at in general for only having 55k in dps. ... and I could go on and on...

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Well for the past 2 months, ive found that i barley ever lose vs imperials now in the 55 bracket. The main reason as to how you turn around games, is by taking the initiative.


If you have a defender at your objective, memorise their name, and constantly monitor their health/resolve meter. Always assume that your defenders WILL NOT CALL INCOMING, and react accordingly if they are being attacked (call incoming on their behalf, the amount, and straight away, if no one is going to assist within 7 seconds, then go to help yourself).


Dont derp for the numbers. Yes, it looks nice on the scoreboard which makes you think that you contributed, WRONG. Its not about high numbers, its about contribution and pressure. Dont lose focus on the things going on around you because of tunnel visioning one target you are trying to kill. (search for enemies sneak capping, healers, low hp enemies to finish off, interupt crucial heals, dps abilities, or any healers that are returning back to the field after they died)


DISCIPLINE, if you are dps and you are being by another target who you are not focusing, dont loseyour **** and start attacking them. Try and contain them, and keep to your previous target (healers, heavy hitters, attackers on your own healers) if you die by them, its fine. Its not about you, its about what benefits your team. No people going to defend your objectives?? THEN GO YOURSELF take the initiative. All your team is on the attack in hutball and noone is defending ball respawn, then defend it, adapt around what your team is not doing. BRIDGE THE GAP.


dont try to lead a team by throwing out tactics that you have seen work in previous games. You call tactics based on your team composition vs your enemies compostion, does your team have more burst or not, does your team have more survivability or not, does their team have smart stealthers or not, does yours? are their defenders smart, is it a pug defending, TEST THEIR COMMUNICATION AND TRY FOR IT. its no good calling tactics unless they genuinely are calculated, or theirs no other people giving out tactics.


one person who has awareness and takes the initiative can turn a game around which you would otherwise lose. No, you wont win every game alone, but you will see a much bigger change.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PvP'ing on Rep Side, it's just like having the Nightmare Mode always setted up. The thing is, on our server really few people knows what PvP Is, especially in Warzones. Imp side, has much more premades, because there are actually more people that knows what to do. On Rep Side, there are many roleplayers that just want easy-gear and they think that the best thing to get it, is just farming WZ without caring of the entire game.


I almost stopped to solo Q in Warzones, because is pointless, even to get 4 losses takes too much, so I'm always going with a guild premade or a friend premade. Also, on this server there is an inclination to get high numbers in the end of the WZ, because people thinks those High Numbers means "I am a good player".


Sadly, Arenas revealed that those number spammers really don't know how to play their class in a properly fight, apart spamming those 4 buttons that gives them a burst phase against those clueless pugs that are trying WZ just to see what is PvP.


But now, Arenas are dead also on The Progenitor. After those 2-3 teams are dominating the ladders, nobody wants face them, people are too afraid to lose. In Arenas you can't blame pugs, or blame lag, or objectives. If you lose, means that the other team played better than you. Nothing more.


So in these days, Progenitor PvP is DEAD. D E A D. If you call PvP steamrolling pugs in a WZ, well you don't know anything about pvp.


GG, and cya around the server.

Edited by Xarimath
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I agree with you, in some degree, but not in all. I have the out most respect for you as a PvPer and I recognize you as a key player on the server, regarding PvP. Now that said, the following is needed to be shared;


Yesterday night I did my daily and weekly in 90 min on repside, low level mind u. (lvl 30 and below). This is what I experienced; Innovative and functional tactical calls before entering the WZ. Adaptive communication to what the other team was doing during the WZ and a positive out come every time.


Now as I was doing lvl 55 WZ earlier that evening the contrast was staggering as the following seemed to be the rule; no tactical calls prior entry, no tactical call during and at the end when defeat was starring us all in the face. Then the blame game and the quitting begun. And in the event of an tactical call before a WZ entry did include more then one capturing a side node, or didn't include the instruction 'controlling mid'. Then that one was hard and severely deemed as 'noob' by many of those players that by now should be able to lead a team in a WZ but for some reason never does.


For some reason these loudmouthed, ill mannered, bulling individuals is the only ones remaining in majority when PvP hits lvl 55 on Rep side. How is that?


And Jariel no one likes being bullied in generalchat when losing a WZ, it's just bad taste. If a player with your talent for this game want a real challenge, start educate the rest of the player pool. Start by placing a constructive thread here on the server Forums. And those Y-tube contributions of yours, how ever entertaining they are, why not start even there to educate in the tricks of the trade.


You have in your hands the knowledge and the capability to form this servers PvP community on the Rep side anyway. Now that's the hard choice and a very hard work. The easy choice, however, is to join the ranting mob, scream 'noob' and just blame every on else, for just about every thing.

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I agree with you, in some degree, but not in all. I have the out most respect for you as a PvPer and I recognize you as a key player on the server, regarding PvP. Now that said, the following is needed to be shared;


Yesterday night I did my daily and weekly in 90 min on repside, low level mind u. (lvl 30 and below). This is what I experienced; Innovative and functional tactical calls before entering the WZ. Adaptive communication to what the other team was doing during the WZ and a positive out come every time.


Now as I was doing lvl 55 WZ earlier that evening the contrast was staggering as the following seemed to be the rule; no tactical calls prior entry, no tactical call during and at the end when defeat was starring us all in the face. Then the blame game and the quitting begun. And in the event of an tactical call before a WZ entry did include more then one capturing a side node, or didn't include the instruction 'controlling mid'. Then that one was hard and severely deemed as 'noob' by many of those players that by now should be able to lead a team in a WZ but for some reason never does.


For some reason these loudmouthed, ill mannered, bulling individuals is the only ones remaining in majority when PvP hits lvl 55 on Rep side. How is that?


And Jariel no one likes being bullied in generalchat when losing a WZ, it's just bad taste. If a player with your talent for this game want a real challenge, start educate the rest of the player pool. Start by placing a constructive thread here on the server Forums. And those Y-tube contributions of yours, how ever entertaining they are, why not start even there to educate in the tricks of the trade.


You have in your hands the knowledge and the capability to form this servers PvP community on the Rep side anyway. Now that's the hard choice and a very hard work. The easy choice, however, is to join the ranting mob, scream 'noob' and just blame every on else, for just about every thing.


Didn't expect to have a reply, so I'll try to explain my points of view. Sadly, people in lowbie WZ - sometimes - tend to have a better teamplay of certain people at 55 level. I've noticed this experience too. Sometimes doing lowbie Warzones is more fun than having certain at high levels.


Anyway, I'll try to reply to your question. I tried to educate people to play as a team, but I saw that this works better on Imp side than Rep side. I think it's just attitude on how you play the game. On Rep side I've always got in WZ people they told me something like "I'm here just to get the gear for Operations" or "I don't care, I need easy money".


When I got people with this attitude, I just lose all my hopes and I'm moving on. There is also another attitude that pisses me off a lot and it's common, surprise, most on Rep side than Imp side. I mean leaving the WZ when things are going bad. Couple of days ago I was in a huttball and we were holding the game, then a guy got Jumped on the line from a Random Jugg and after the enemy scores and after the team told him to not stay on the line next time, he quit the WZ.


Now, you ask me to try to educate people how to play as a team. I'll tell you that most of those people don't care to be part of a team and those people Ruins the pvp. I've been also, in some games on Rep side, where people tried all that they could to win the game, and when it happens, trust me, you can feel it. The majority of Rep pugs, they don't care about pvp, they do it just because they need it to farm something or even to see if they like it or not, they don't even try to get some information before starting to Queue. On imp side, things are really different. When I play on Imp side everybody are agree on defeating the enemy, so they play as a team.


Anyway, thanks for the reply and of course I'm always available for a discussion even in the game or on the forums.

Edited by Xarimath
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