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Patch 2.1.1 and Mission Rewards Feature

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Just wanted to say I really appreciate this feature that Bioware added into the game, it's nice to be able to look at my mission codex screen and know what commendations or rewards I will receive for completing missions.


Helps me know where to focus, small things like this can go a long way and sometimes it's the smallest of things in a patch that make the difference. Here's to more things in the future, thanks Bioware, what's next and keep the goods coming! :rolleyes:

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This is a great feature, but then again it should have been there from the beginning, I can't think of any other MMO that does not show the quest rewards. Now at least SWTOR follows suit.


A great addition to the game yes.

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I'm jumping on the list for this one too. I'm SO glad they added this. Funny thing was I was reading a forum a week or so ago about things people would like tweaked in the UI. A gold post actually dropped in and said this is something "he'd like to see added to the game." I think it was a subtle hint personally. I am still very pleased either way though that this was added.


I don't really see many threads saying this so I'll type it out too. Thank you guys for finally adding this!

Edited by Azoic
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