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So, I RP'd on your server and found some baddies...


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So, I RPd here the other night and you guys are just terrible at it. I mean, seriously bad. You should uninstall the game and see if you can get your money back. It was terribad. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for being bad RPers. This is a mmoRPG after all.


For shame.

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You dont have to apologize, this is little league compared to some of stuff ive seen on these forums


You haven't seen the worst of it, Politeassasin and his groupies made a guild called Infamad Infanoobs in what looks like a sad attempt to vent some of their nerd rage against Infamous players.


Basically these guys dislike every team that does ranked on BC and claims to be better, but when we challenge them to any form of ranked match they chicken out.


And instead of facing us in ranked, they premade regular warzones and record their matches. If they end up winning any matches they post them on the forums claiming they beat "ranked teams". When in reality its upwards of 4-6 of their members vs 2-3 members of a ranked team... Welcome to BC :t_angel:

Edited by Bellumpvp
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