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An Ultimate Guild System Renovation Idea Thread!


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Thanks for the revival, I had some other ideas I need to post but don't recall what they were at the moment, when they come to mind again I will add them to the list!


Now I remember...

Added: The ability to export the guild roster...

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As of right now only the gm can see ranks and permissions. I would like the guild officers have access to at least see this info also.


Good idea, I'll add it! In my guild I have the permissions written down online so my officers and members can see it there, but I still get asked who can do what.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree 100%, this is a very neglected portion of the game. I was beginning to compile a list of my own similar to this, and then I saw yours.


If we could organize these into things that would have zero impact on balance, and things that could have minor or major impact, it would likely help to prioritize things and simplify the decision-making process at Bioware.


A guild calendar (and any other information sharing) is greatly needed--and should have been anticipated before launch--I'm sorry, but a tiny (often ignored) MOTD doesn't cut it.


Your other suggestions are nice, but I have seen a ton of dysfunctional guilds come and go, driving many players to quit entirely. The guilds that survive today are the ones willing to find ways to overcome in-game obstacles.

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  • 3 weeks later...
i don't join guilds and really am not a big fan of them .but dam nice post


Yeah understandable, some of them don't last or tend to fall apart for one reason or another. Honestly though these ideas could really help boost guild interest, consistency and inspire them to be better given the tools and to their members. If you're interested in a gaming community that's been around for years, check mine out, we take care of our people and don't tolerate drama.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...
There are a lot of sound ideas in that thread, and that could definitely use some implementation into the current guild system for the game. I can look at other games and see what is available to members as non-officers can see what they have available to them, etc and so forth. Either way, it would be nice to see a nice major re-work of the guild system for TOR to have more options available to guild leaders and guilds as a whole.
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Great post, lots of great ideas. As a GM for a guild of over 500 I can tell you the most important pieces for me at this point are: Action Log, Timestamps, Expanded MoTD text area, Guild Tax, Guild Calendar, Neutral Guilds, and In-game email to all or partial group of members.


I would add to this: better guild roster management and take the strongholds out of phase or at least let you convert a group to an Ops group while in your stronghold or flagship.


Guild Roster needs have been listed on other forum posts, but the most critical in my opinion is more sortable columns, also making sorts inside of sorts from those columns, stop popping me back to the top of the roster when guild members log in/out or I make a change to the roster, and put filtering abilities on the roster so you can say I only want to see a subset of my member list to act upon. There are lots of other great ideas, but just getting started with this list of items would show great progress and attention to our needs as GMs.



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