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Remove Healing nerf at PVP - Bioware ;and Commando combat medic disadvantages...


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2018 expertise :

+60.00% more damage boost on player

+37.00% damage reduction

+20.00% healing boost at pvp


What the hell is that really ? I am commando healer almost full ranked warzone gear. However against same gear - or near gear ( if you have full normal lvl 55 warzone gear you will have 2018 expertise too ;and if you do some modification on it you still do good damage ) I cannot do anything anymore even I stay behind my teammates. Why ? Because of insane damage ( even at 1 vs 1 ) at lvl 55.


I don'T know if you play against good gear players or ranked warzone premades ,if you played you will understand what I mean !!! My healings are not healing to keep group or a person alive fast most of times - even I made that person keep alive -I am out of ammo for sure at the end ; or they targeting me first ( I am commando which is easy to kill by melee classes or other ranged classes so thy targeting me first or thy see me thy change target to kill me ...)


Other 2 healing classes are much more better at healing than troopers - it is for sure... I have never able to reach a sorc's or an operative's healing done amount at the end of warzones...


The problem here is " We get too much damage ;and our heals are not enough anymore ". Already after lvl 55 new cap came - this game's balance on classes increased too much again. It is the truth unfortunately...


Not only me - most of healers want this " healing nerf on pvp " to remove by Bioware really !!! Damage percentage is 3x than healing. Where is justice here ? Make it fair - and let us get more fun from warzones...


Additionally, make combat commando medic more usefull at warzones pvps ( we don't have open world pvp at end game - and Bioware doesn't think bring such a thing - we stuck ed with warzons... I have full pve gear too - I don't like to do operations or flashpoints too anymore ;because they take too much time...). The only thing left to do is warzones which are not go so well most of times... Give commando medic more usefull healing skills ;or buff our current healing skills...

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2018 expertise :

+60.00% more damage boost on player

+37.00% damage reduction

+20.00% healing boost at pvp


What the hell is that really ?



And what does it has to do with your concern ?

If you're trying to imply that damage grow faster than healing and that's why you have to stay behind your mates because you'd die, then you're simply wrong and not aware of how Expertise works. Expertise damage reduction does not work additively. In fact, only healers gain something by stacking Expertise. DPS and Tanks gain nothing, it's simply negated by the opponent's Expertise.


As a healer, your damage reduction negates the damage bonus from your ennemies, but them can't negate your healing bonus.

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combat medic commandos are more than fine and can out preform sages/scoundrels if played well, its their dps specs that are still lack luster compared to other dps


DPS Commandos rock when played well and that the problem: people don't play them well and complain.

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2018 expertise :

+60.00% more damage boost on player

+37.00% damage reduction

+20.00% healing boost at pvp


What the hell is that really ? I am commando healer almost full ranked warzone gear. However against same gear - or near gear ( if you have full normal lvl 55 warzone gear you will have 2018 expertise too ;and if you do some modification on it you still do good damage ) I cannot do anything anymore even I stay behind my teammates. Why ? Because of insane damage ( even at 1 vs 1 ) at lvl 55.


I don'T know if you play against good gear players or ranked warzone premades ,if you played you will understand what I mean !!! My healings are not healing to keep group or a person alive fast most of times - even I made that person keep alive -I am out of ammo for sure at the end ; or they targeting me first ( I am commando which is easy to kill by melee classes or other ranged classes so thy targeting me first or thy see me thy change target to kill me ...)


Other 2 healing classes are much more better at healing than troopers - it is for sure... I have never able to reach a sorc's or an operative's healing done amount at the end of warzones...


The problem here is " We get too much damage ;and our heals are not enough anymore ". Already after lvl 55 new cap came - this game's balance on classes increased too much again. It is the truth unfortunately...


Not only me - most of healers want this " healing nerf on pvp " to remove by Bioware really !!! Damage percentage is 3x than healing. Where is justice here ? Make it fair - and let us get more fun from warzones...


Additionally, make combat commando medic more usefull at warzones pvps ( we don't have open world pvp at end game - and Bioware doesn't think bring such a thing - we stuck ed with warzons... I have full pve gear too - I don't like to do operations or flashpoints too anymore ;because they take too much time...). The only thing left to do is warzones which are not go so well most of times... Give commando medic more usefull healing skills ;or buff our current healing skills...


Since patch 1.2, Commando healers have been behind the other two healers (especially operative), just as DPS commandos have been behind the other two ranged DPS classes (especially sniper). I don't think that's ever going to change, considering it's been this way for well over a year now. Yes Commandos/mercs got some buffs with 2.0 (electronet and hold the line in particular), but the other healing and ranged DPS classes arguably got buffed much better.


Aside from electronet, Commandos/mercs don't really bring anything unique to the table. And that ability is still underpowered due to its excessive cooldown (90s).


In short, you will probably enjoy healing more if you just roll an operative or at least a sorc. I wouldn't wait around for Bioware to buff Commando healing up to the level of the other two healing classes.

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combat medic commandos are more than fine and can out preform sages/scoundrels if played well, its their dps specs that are still lack luster compared to other dps


they're fine, but equal skill on all three classes, there's no way the mando out heals the other two classes, imo.

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Everyone in this thread has it backwards. Commando DPS is very good, in fact it is currently one of the best single target DPS AC's in the game. Commando healers are not on par with other healers.


Taking everything into account (cover, entrench, roll/escape, etc), I would still strongly argue that DPS commandos are not by any means on par with snipers. Snipers are still the best ranged DPS class in the game. Elecronet has not changed that by any means.


What I find particularly hilarious is the notion that elecronet is the end-all, be-all ability in PVP that makes Commando's the God's of warzones.

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