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Only Show Player Name


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Would be nice to have the option to only show the other players' name on the name plates. Currently there's no way to turn off titles or legacies which adds quite a lot of clutter on the screen. Please add an option to hide titles and legacies, like you can disable showing the guild name. Edited by Daegil
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1.Click Preferences.

2. Click Nameplates

3. Unclick Boxes that are filled in.

4. It won't show their guild name until you click on them.


As for the legacy name, you can't derelict someone else from showing it. You can turn your own off if you like. So I highly doubt BW would deny the right to turn off legacy names. The closest thing you can do for not showing a name is while you are in the Nameplates Tab in preferences unclick the Show friendly/enemy players boxes and then you won't see the name until you click on them.


If you would like me to post a screenshot for you, I will be more than happy to do so. I am only trying to assist.

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1.Click Preferences.

2. Click Nameplates

3. Unclick Boxes that are filled in.

4. It won't show their guild name until you click on them.


As for the legacy name, you can't derelict someone else from showing it. You can turn your own off if you like. So I highly doubt BW would deny the right to turn off legacy names. The closest thing you can do for not showing a name is while you are in the Nameplates Tab in preferences unclick the Show friendly/enemy players boxes and then you won't see the name until you click on them.


If you would like me to post a screenshot for you, I will be more than happy to do so. I am only trying to assist.


Are you being intentionally dense?

The legacy name+title+actual name floating over EVERYONE is a huge cluster of pointless clutter. Whoever thought it was a good idea to allow people to show that much floating over their head without giving other players the ability to turn it all off for them is a moron.


Players should be able to turn off everyone elses title/legacy names for themselves. Thus you get to show it all you want, but if I don't want to see it cluttering up my screen I don't have to see it. It is important I have nameplates on so I can see you are there and an ally in pvp with a .005 second glance, I should not also be forced to see the inanity of your legacy and title.

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