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I dare you, mention one good reason to PvP in SWTOR ?


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Some of you will say, for fun or competetive gameplay. But be honest if you are a veteran those

reasons just dont fly anymore with any game.Unless it had the things that i wrote below that the game

dont have.


Before you answear think about this... :csw_deathstar:-------------------------------------:csw_alderaan:

SWTOR dont have:



Reason for open world PvP.

Developers that care about PvP.

Ranked cross server gameplay.

Stat system ingame or a site armory.

No rewards as in special mounts or awesome looking gear that only PvP players can get with a high veteran status.

No PvP events( gree event is a pure PvE event and suck !!)

Fluid/smooth gameplay, still ALOT of ability delays.

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Because the PvP in here is actually a lot more balanced and subtly tuned than people would like to think.


Its really interesting to see how people come up with some of the most bizarre and hilarious excuses to blame the game and the developers, instead of themselves, when they are playing in such an... abysmal... manner.

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Because I like smashing recruit gear wearing, keyboard turning, mouse clicking bads for 9k then coming on the forums to listen to them QQ.


this..love watching them backpedalling with their eyes full of terror, or slowly turning around calling hax

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Because I like playing swtor stories and Im too lazy to install some other game for pvp purposes only. And also because I have very little experience in pvp, so its good for me to pvp in swtor, since all real pvpers play other games already. Gives me a chance to feel as better player than I really am.
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Because as broken as it is, and as much as the devs keep futzing around with it, often to its detriment, it is still more fun than the PvE.


I'm here for the Star Wars.


Because it's fun. A lot of games have the things you wish for, but their combat systems are so terrible that the base game isn't fun.

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No arenas

Game wasn't marketed as a PvP game.

That sucks.

Not sure why you want that so much, they have tons of websites already dedicated to creating the ultimate player for whichever class

There were special mounts and the "awesome" gear is Battlemaster/War Hero.

They had PvP events (illum) and it was terrible as the server couldn't handle it.

I find gameplay to be smooth.


I pvp because I find it fun. If you want to PvP for rewards/other reasons than you are fighting a losing battle in itself.

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Because I like playing swtor stories and Im too lazy to install some other game for pvp purposes only. And also because I have very little experience in pvp, so its good for me to pvp in swtor, since all real pvpers play other games already. Gives me a chance to feel as better player than I really am.


Actually all the hardcore pvp players now play all kinda games until a real pvp game come along, me now i'm playing cod 4 again pro mode until a mmo comes along that i will enjoy, well i'm waiting for wildstar and CU but thats a few month off.And i know all the harcore pvpers now actually still play swtor and all other mmos etc in some sort of limbo/stasis waiting for something good, trust me they dont play GW2 that flooped pvp wise bigtime, and only idiots at this point play wow so......


But i belive all hardcore pvp players will move to wildstar to see how that game will pan out.

Wildstar is launching with arenas that alone is gold.And with Camelot Unchained in 2015 a RvR heaven

super pvp game with no pve what so ever, made my the man who made the best pvp game ever

dark age of cameot. http://camelotunchained.com/en/

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Some of you will say, for fun or competetive gameplay. But be honest if you are a veteran those

reasons just dont fly anymore with any game.Unless it had the things that i wrote below that the game

dont have.


Before you answear think about this... :csw_deathstar:-------------------------------------:csw_alderaan:

SWTOR dont have:



Reason for open world PvP.

Developers that care about PvP.

Ranked cross server gameplay.

Stat system ingame or a site armory.

No rewards as in special mounts or awesome looking gear that only PvP players can get with a high veteran status.

No PvP events( gree event is a pure PvE event and suck !!)

Fluid/smooth gameplay, still ALOT of ability delays.


I guess because you compete against mostly intelligent beings rather than against scripted enemies. In pve you basically pvp against the games designers, however that gets old as soon as you know how to beat them. A player can do vastly different things which is entertaining to see by its own.


Even a only pvp game is getting annoying, just imagine the cc multiplied by thousand which you have in any game which does have pvp..... . Some people never grow up.

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Well, when your premise is that "you can't like it because of my reasons" it kind of a flawed question to begin with.


But I like PvP because I actually *like* the way objectives work. With having to actively start a cap, and having to actively interrupt it, I think it makes for more variety in the game play and allows for more coordination. Any other game's PvP that I've tried (I've only tried a couple) the "cap" mechanic is that you just stand in the circle. I can't put my finger on why, but that always feels so boring compared to "OMG he's about to finish the cap, I'm stunned, someone STOP HIM!!!"


And, much as people complain about the lack of communication in this game, at least there is some. Again, the other PvPs I've played, people don't communicate AT ALL. I mean, for the games I played, I saw exactly 0 messages in chat (about coordinating the team, or even anything else). All the one's I've seen are the "cap 2 of the 3" maps, and the teams just run from one node to another constantly. No one stays to guard. No one calls incs. No one tries to coordinate anything. I foolishly tried that once in one game, and got totally ignored. So then I just went with the flow there. Again, for me, that's really boring.


So that, plus the occasional good huttball game.

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SWTOR dont have:


Arenas , there is one in tatooine i guess also they have WZs(BGs) I think they are an improved version of TDM arena.

Reason for open world PvP. mmoRolePlayingGame you role play a empire(republic) partisan, we are at war, try to feel the role of your character and lay waste to the enemy. brag rights, showing off your skills, apparently it is been said some people have some, who know maybee you too.

Developers that care about PvP.Like you know anything about that CutTheCrep

Ranked cross server gameplay. Yeah it is not threre yet, maybee there is a technical hurdle to overcome first you do know beyond the fun there is a business and people feeding their families with it like devs,producers, designers, artists managers etc.

Stat system ingame or a site armory, I guess there is a ranking system and win/lose ladder is the only valid stat to trace the rest is just unreadable. even if ranked was not there the PvP would still be good enough for my taste, lack of armory i can't care less

No rewards as in special mounts or awesome looking gear that only PvP players can get with a high veteran status. yeah these are always good, brag rights or merely a bit of public recognition are always adding to the fun, but still i don't lose hope, and meanwhile the PvP is fun.

No PvP events( gree event is a pure PvE event and suck !!), well as true as there can always be more stuff, I don't find it particularly deal breaking, starting with the fact on my side I don't participate more than 10€ every one month in a while. to be honest I can only find one game/hobby/activity which procured more hours of fun for less money and that is StreeFighter IV,


This game is a jewel, and it is handed out for nearly nothing, and people are still complaining.


Fluid/smooth gameplay, still ALOT of ability delays. I have had the same king of issues, in DAOC, WoW, WaR, EvE, LotRO, Lineage II, SWG, so i guess it is working as best as one can provide with the current state of technology. It was not the case for Age of Conan, and other epic failures FailCOM and comapnies in that taste spam on the market with massive advertisement campaigns.


In the end as said above, you are free to move on, but lets be honest PvP on this game is very decent and very balanced and in all modesty I have a lot of comparison material.

Can it be better, SURE ,

Would it be good if some of the features you spoke of made it to the game, SURE,


But if you are looking for anything but "Fun " you are on an impossible quest, and none of the features you spoke of will fix that, you need to find another activity/game/hobby that will entertain you better.

Edited by Ajuntalee
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While i agree 100 % with you OP...Dont bother..... posting on the forums at this post isnt gonna do anything. All the hardcore raiders left along time ago.....all the hardcore PvPer's left also..all thats left are casuals and FanB@ys.. who will defend Swtor as the greatest game out there with no bugs...no ability delay...balanced pvp...alot of content...h@s lightsabers..etc.. just move on and delete it off your harddrive for good like i did. Having alot of fun with Tera, world of tanks, neverwinter..while waiting for Wildstar and other mmo's to come out. Edited by LightForse
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While i agree 100 % with you OP...Dont bother..... posting on the forums at this post isnt gonna do anything. All the hardcore raiders left along time ago.....all the hardcore PvPer's left also..all thats left are casuals and FanB@ys.. who will defend Swtor as the greatest game out there with no bugs...no ability delay...balanced pvp...alot of content...h@s lightsabers..etc.. just move on and delete it off your harddrive for good like i did. Having alot of fun with Tera, world of tanks, neverwinter..while waiting for Wildstar and other mmo's to come out.


Dont you need a sub to post here?

or you are just being sarcastic?

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While i agree 100 % with you OP...Dont bother..... posting on the forums at this post isnt gonna do anything. All the hardcore raiders left along time ago.....all the hardcore PvPer's left also..all thats left are casuals and FanB@ys.. who will defend Swtor as the greatest game out there with no bugs...no ability delay...balanced pvp...alot of content...h@s lightsabers..etc.. just move on and delete it off your harddrive for good like i did. Having alot of fun with Tera, world of tanks, neverwinter..while waiting for Wildstar and other mmo's to come out.


Yes cause you are so cool, and hop from game to game every six month because you can never find a game that is easy for you and hard for tothers that makes you feel special, there is none, cut the chase enjoy the good things when you find some.


Chess can be fun and it is only pieces of wood on a piece of wood, and dead simple rules, what people like you want is that we reinvent chess everytime, and you'd complain about chess all day until they fixed the PvP on chess by nerfing the enemy's queen to a pawn and not yours. chances are you'd still suck.


You wan't artist carved pieces with gold ligning and silver engrave and mahogany chess board but you don't want to pay anything for it, and six month in you label it **** and kick the board, burn the pieces, piss on the ground and roll inside it crying until mommy buys "checkers deluxe mahogany" cause you've seen an advert saying it is the next best thing with a revlutionnary pvp system.

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Dont you need a sub to post here?

or you are just being sarcastic?


Yes you do..mine expires in 20 days...was foolish enough to keep my sub going..but once the info about 2.2 and others was released i uninstalled game ..told guildies im done ( even though most of the guildies ive played with have already quit ) What keep me playing was the pvp,..yes it was fun...but not anymore.

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My only problem with current SWTOR PvP is I am bored of it. Most of my real problems are with the PvP it doesn't have and what seems to be a lack of commitment to add anything. Then if they do; it probably is going to be more of the same of what its already here with nothing larger scale than 8vs8.


The game does have some nice things. I am a fan of the Star Wars setting and all that comes with that and I have not seen something with a cover system like I have with sniper and truly enjoyed that. I even find all the CCs and breakers an interesting aspect albeit TTK has a huge spectrum depending on if you have heals or not now. I don't even care about the bolster system if it is done right.


I guess it just comes down to having my fill of the PvP content offered after playing since launch and they lost me when I don't see any more content coming for several months nor do I have any idea what it is going to be and whether it will be worth it.

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Yes cause you are so cool, and hop from game to game every six month because you can never find a game that is easy for you and hard for tothers that makes you feel special, there is none, cut the chase enjoy the good things when you find some.


Chess can be fun and it is only pieces of wood on a piece of wood, and dead simple rules, what people like you want is that we reinvent chess everytime, and you'd complain about chess all day until they fixed the PvP on chess by nerfing the enemy's queen to a pawn and not yours. chances are you'd still suck.


You wan't artist carved pieces with gold ligning and silver engrave and mahogany chess board but you don't want to pay anything for it, and six month in you label it **** and kick the board, burn the pieces, piss on the ground and roll inside it crying until mommy buys "checkers deluxe mahogany" cause you've seen an advert saying it is the next best thing with a revlutionnary pvp system.


Typical response from the Fanb@y .. ive been subscribed since early access..playing the same WZ's since then...dont hop around games..only reason im playing others cause this one fails to keep me playing...would you watch the same tv programs over and over if they werent good?..no..you'd try another shows till it grabed you and kept you watching..same goes for games..you like it thats fine. But others dont..and have left and will leave.

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think longterm here guys. beyond 5 months, beyond a year.


what have we seen for PvP content? 2 new warzones, and Ranked PvP. that is really it. Ranked was 1.3 (june). AHG was 1.6 (december). so that is 6 months with no PvP content update.


2.4 will likely be october. that is 10 months. do you suddenly think bioware is gonna pick up the pace with PvP content release? do you really think that whatever they release in 2.4 is going to hold you over for 6-12 months?


the devs are not competent. even the PvE patches are terrible and just recycle old content for the most part. this game is content starved, and the devs have no idea how to create content that we cannot complete in a months time. there is no big picture thinking on this dev team, and if there is its pushed down because "we dont have the tech" or "its on the wall of crazy".


its just sad thinking about how much potential this game had at launch, and how much it still has.


This guy sums it up pretty well..i agree it has potential..but how long are you willing to wait / trust EA/ bioware to do something about it?

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Typical response from the Fanb@y .. ive been subscribed since early access..


Rofl and it is me who waited the game had a year of seasoning and could only be attracted by the f2p offer who is the fanboy, don't bother arguing with me pal you are nowhere near my level when you dig your own rethorical grave in the first sentence.


Couldn't care less about this game, the day I don't like it, I'll quit and I won't be making a fussthread here to tell it to the rest of the world cause the rest of the world has his own agenda and doesn't give a damn about mine.


You are a disgruntled game hopper, doing all the prelaunches cause the grass always looks greener in the advertisement campaign. and you are always dissapointed because the games starts to suck when it gets older and more balanced.


If you don't like it make suggestions I mean real suggestion where you actually invest a little thinking effort, and that you think about with a little empathy, and try to see how they could be flawed, that is what game designers do.


If you can't be bothers doing some efforts, don't come ranting cause noone cares about your rants, we all want a better and entertaining game, naysaying doesn't help, and your complaints we don't share, dare I say.


Lets assume a devs comes here and tells


we are very well aware that


Yes we know armory lacks,

Week's most valuable rank team statues on Ziost's deck lacks,

PvPvets only decorum/tattos/fluff/armors lacks

Coupe new WZs With original mechanics lacks

Couple new arena's of Huttball could be enjoayble

A tug of war "alterac style " 25 vs 25 WZ opened on weekends lacks

A better data collection tool for accurate and faster rate, for pvp balance tweaks, would be appreciable

A fix to the bolster system is needed

X-server ranked PvP Lacks

Objectives and realm guild bonus lack in open PVP, ( and the population imbalance bolster that goes with it)


it would be pretty understanding from him cause none of these things really lacks, but nevertheless these are all very cool features.


but we need an average of 4 weeks to develop any of these things in what order should we implement them, also please note that any time we implement one we forgo a PVE content update, so this will all depend on the temperature on the PVE forums as well


what would you answer to him :


**** it i can't be bothered deciding, and I can't be bother waiting, and I can't be bothered sharing with the bloody PVEers, do your job, I am off you don't get a cent more of my money.

Edited by Ajuntalee
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