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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operative healers


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If youre having such a hard time outdpsing HoT's i doubt giving you more snares would help, cause they would just cleanse it anyway.


You know since you cant outdps the HoTs


I outdps the hots, if you are stupid enough to facetank me. Unlike other healers, ops dont't have to stand still ti put out the heals.

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Are too mobile and can heal until the cows come home outhealing any single dps at all times. They are the FOTM healer, there is a ton of them around where before they were a minority. They need to be toned down. Or give out more snares and heal debuffs to dps. It's not enough to have a heal debuff only on one AC.


Read as "I don't know how focus target and I cannot manage a DPS rotation cause I can just spam 2-3 buttons".

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Give all healers unlasting resources so that they can heal themselves and/or others for a while, but not infinitely -> problem with healers solved.


Problem with changes like this is they mess with PVE. There's already two systems for metering healing in PVP - trauma and expertise. I don't see why they can't just mess with those.

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Problem with changes like this is they mess with PVE. There's already two systems for metering healing in PVP - trauma and expertise. I don't see why they can't just mess with those.


Where there's a will there's a way. For example, reduce healers basic reg speed and give them a self-buff that increases it again, but only outside WZs.


Edit: Or even more straightforward would be to add some reg stats to PvE gear that are not present in PvP gear.

Edited by Cretinus
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Are too mobile and can heal until the cows come home outhealing any single dps at all times. They are the FOTM healer, there is a ton of them around where before they were a minority. They need to be toned down. Or give out more snares and heal debuffs to dps. It's not enough to have a heal debuff only on one AC.


There are 2 heal debuffs.

Edited by Scotland
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Where there's a will there's a way. For example, reduce healers basic reg speed and give them a self-buff that increases it again, but only outside WZs.


Edit: Or even more straightforward would be to add some reg stats to PvE gear that are not present in PvP gear.


Or why wouldn't we just use the systems designed for this? To me its simple - either operative healers are outperforming other healers - in which case buffs/nerfs make sense, or healing in general is outperforming in the specific context of PVP, in which case we should use the systems designed to meter this (trauma and expertise). I'd imagine that healers are probably performing about the same, in general, in which case the issue is healing in the context of PVP rather than in the context of the operative class.

Edited by dcgregorya
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I have also been thinking BW needs to put a limit on healers per WZ. But yeah when things get too hectic, Scoundrels/Ops throw the emergency Stealth, Scamper 30 meters away, and heal themselves. Still I don't think it's really OP, unless you get 7 healers.


7 healers shouldn't be killing anyone as long as you have 1-2 healers on your team.

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Healers, healing healers. THATS the problem. The game needs to limit how many are placed into a warzone.



if they heal each other they aren't playing the objective, or their objective at least, which means keeping alive tanks and dps..and i like to spec heals in defence and dps in attack in VS so how would you deal with that?

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Sorc and merc are op?! Are you kidding?! Who thinks that heal is op, specially sorc and merc, suffers from an acute l2p condition.


Dude, this thread is about operative healers being op, me saying that merc and sorcs are nowhere near operatives regarding survivability without having anyone else to guard/ heal you does in fact mean that mercs and sorcs are actually ok and not op as operatives are.

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There should be a passive debuff that increases the resource cost of all instant casting heals by 33% (the exact % can be worked out) in a WZ. While instant casting heals are fine and balanced for PvE, in PvP we can't exactly just pull out a gun and do a ranged attack for 8000 damage per shot, or start running at 300% run speed toward someone trying to get away us like important mobs can do. This would make instant heals still potent but not something you just spam over and over, and it has to be WZ only since trying to spam instant heals in PvE would get you nowhere as all significant mobs can easily overpower that, but players don't have the massive DPS/range DPS at will/super run speed that mobs get.
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I still believe that the problem is that they never run out of resources.

I wouldn't mind if they'd heal big numbers for a while, even with instants. Let's say, one healer with all his CDs is able to support two DPSers for 1-2 minutes. But if the DPSers don't manage to do their job within the 1-2 minutes, then the healer is empty.

What we have now is that the healer can go on healing the DPSers forever.

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Are too mobile and can heal until the cows come home outhealing any single dps at all times. They are the FOTM healer, there is a ton of them around where before they were a minority. They need to be toned down. Or give out more snares and heal debuffs to dps. It's not enough to have a heal debuff only on one AC.


they were never a minority. outside of mandos/mercs in 1.0, they've always been the best and preferred heal class.


edit: regarding the scamper, it would be nice if VGs/PTs got their snare back. 30% is a joke when everyone else's is 50%. take it off IP/FB so that they have more buttons to push. (i.e., make it independent of plasma cell/cgc)

Edited by foxmob
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I outdps the hots, if you are stupid enough to facetank me. Unlike other healers, ops dont't have to stand still ti put out the heals.


That was not my point, he was asking for more snares because the Operative was running away and healing himself(there you go, post = pointless), obv he had problems outdpsing HoTs, which gives the Operative alot of TIME to waste a GCD on cleanse to get out of root.


Hope I helped, please read posts better next time

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