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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

HK-51 (have cyber) or Talos for 51-55?


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Ashara has some insane single target damage output. Andronikos, in Assault stance and with the 'activation time' abilities off, murders groups and puts out a _lot_ of sustained damage (true for more or less _every_ dual blaster companion). Talos lets you solo Heroic 2s as a tank.


OTOH, if you're not tanking, then yeah, HK might be worth it unless you've been keeping Khem or Xalek geared. Though Xalek ... honestly, even while decently kitted out he's kind of underwhelming.

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Ashara clearly does most dps. As for her being squishy, even if it was true (it isn't) why would it even matter if she is squishy? If you run in Darkness spec, then you're the tank, so it is you who is getting attacked. Edited by Eternalnight
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I've been seeing different results than most people here by parsing my companions dps when I got curious, this is done on Makeb while leveling and not on a training dummy what-so-ever so it's not quite fair. Anyway...


Just to fully answer your question HK-51 or Talos: I'd go with HK-51 if you're a tank so everything isn't incredibly slow, Healer + Tank is very safe, but Makeb isn't challanging, if it is start using your stealth-CC. If you're DPS and you take damage up to ~60% of your life after every fight I'd pick Talos just so you can keep on running, but HK-51 if you take little to no damage and the healing up after a fight-time is low.


Now for companion effectiveness over-all.



Ashara did decent DPS how-ever she can spend ages picking a mob to kill or moving towards it after she already used her leap. Making her total DPS a bit lower than equal geared Andronikos. Luckily if you burst out of stealth with her she often save her leap.

Andronikos does quite a bit of DPS and the AoE worked great with the tank-combo to finish off stuff surviving wither + discharge.

HK-51 (the crafted gear from daily commendations vs campaign Andronikos/Ashara) did less DPS in 90% of the fights since he lacks AoE and didn't quite make up for it vs elites either. I was very suprised by his numbers almost constantly being lower than the others. Upsides are; 1-hit kill silvers, for mobs you'd generally CC you get to mind trap a goldie/elite and 1-hit a silver. A tiny stun (which you can use to maul, hardly needed though with our skills) and he adds a lot of humour to the fights.



Khem Val is a lot better at tanking groups and over-all is less spiky than Xalek. Likely since he's based of a juggernaut. How-ever even in good gear it's just pathetic how little companions avoid/shield.

Xalek is a tiny bit better at tanking 1 mob than Khem is, how-ever these occasions are very rare and he's unreliable vs groups. Upside is that if you have both optimized DPS and Tanking gear in quite some people's cases will outgear your other companions by a mile.



Obviously Talos beats the droid even if it's just because he knows how to hold a blaster.

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Both are good companions, it depends more on your spec and playstyle when it comes to the "which is better" argument.


Personally, I'm a fully spec'd tank and run with HK (or Ashara) as my DPS "kill em all" companion and do just fine mowing through everything. He's a fairly sturdy companion and can totally obliterate almost any mob I leave him alone with. Talos, on the other hand, has really good heals when he's fully decked out. I'm still tweaking things on mine, but when I run him, I pretty much can't be killed. I can solo most heroics with him and things don't die too slowly.


But in all, I'd say run with who you want. Gear them out and they'll pretty much do well for ya.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Personally, I liked using Andronikos on Makeb because he uses the same gear as Talos: Any time I need to pull out a healer, I just give him Andronikos' gear and I was ready to go...


That's a good point

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