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Early levels energy management


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So I recently rolled a commando, and I am level 19. I like to PvP a lot, but I also do a bunch of Pve. In both areas, I have problems with energy management, but especially in PvP. I hit the target with some attacks, and then I am out of energy, or whatever it's called. I use the one ability "energy clip"? which restores some of the bar, but it has a long cooldown. Will I get abilities to help with this in the future, and can anyone suggest a good rotation to use?

Thank you for the help.

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At 19 you have no other regen ability.


However you can spec into Assault and get Parallactic Combat Stims so every time someone stuns, knocks down, knocks back, roots or snares you, you get ammo.




You start with a full ammo bar which recharges itself over time


You can see three pips beside your ammo bar


3 means highest ammo regen

2 means medium regen

1 means you've burnt out your ammo and now its going to take ages to spawn more


You have to control your attacks in a fight, use hammer shots and not go into medium regen or low regen.


The only times you can go into medium or low is when someone is going to die and you'll be able to Recharge and Reload after.


Of course in PVP people get excited, press too many attacks, burn their ammo and now they're helpless but that's all in your control.

Edited by Gyronamics
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