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2.0.1 Individual Class Records (under new management)


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Ever since patch 2.0 was released and all 3 medic classes received massive buffs (sage and scoundrel more so than mercenary), and all 3 ranged DPS received massive buffs, long duration WZs are very common. Until a more severe trauma debuff than the one that is currently in place is instituted, lots of less than 10 deaths per team WZs will occur compared to prior to patch 2.0. Ranged DPS are awful at capturing turrets, planting bombs, and capturing pylons. Edited by TheCourier-
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Really? Focus spec for PvP? I've tried that in the past, and I could definitely see breaking 1.5 mil easy if everyone stayed put, but that's a BIG If. I know I've gotten some impressive numbers before in the Focus, but only on individuals or small groups, and definitely nothing to that extent.


Yea. it's pretty much common knowledge at this point that the records set by all the Warrior/Knight classes were done in Focus spec and in very special circumstances (ie Nobody could cap the natural node, 2-3 healers on both teams, very few deaths etc.). But to call them out for having a "set-up" game is kinda low. It was just luck of the draw.


If there was someone up there that got the warrior/knight records in another spec, props to you, though you would have a very had time convincing me without video evidence lol

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from this post, you show that you are ignorant of the numbers that can be achieved by good pvpers. 1.5 mill is definitely achievable in a 15 minute voidstar. The match you have in question is probably closer to 21 minute match Civil War..


and to break down the screen shot even more (arote, you SS'ed the wrong wz), healers healed a total of ~3.6 million that game with very few deaths on their team. This indicates that there are relatively few DPS on the imp team and a lot of healers (i would guess 3 healers, probably more). Smashers by themselves produce a lot of "fluff" aoe damage that is easily healed and this particular pub team was lacking the burst DPS to take down a group of 3 competent healers (just look at their damage). plus you can see from the SS that there was a sin-tank guarding the healers, which A) adds a guard to make it harder for to burst down an imp healer and B) reduces the number of imps that could DPS pubs.


edit: found it buried in this thread. my assessment was pretty accurate. 1 sin tank, 3 imp healers, 1 node guarder, and only 3 imp dps for the 3 pub healers. stalemate ftw


img: http://i.imgur.com/hHzW2OX.jpg


Dark Magician's stream: http://www.twitch.tv/atti_dreemcrusher/b/415345682


3 hours, 25 minutes, 33 seconds.



no doubt, I don't know a whole lot. I've been away from the game for over a year, and things have changed immensely since then. I notice that they have really nerfed the Focus Spec though. I remember back in the day being able to build centering in just a matter of seconds, as well as getting the 3 tics of singularity in a matter of seconds, and they have DEFINITELY slowed that down.

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I dont know what place it is suppose to be but it should be top 5. I want my d*mn name on the list. ANd yes I know Im not on this server no mo. But I really want my name on the list.


By the way nice game Dany




That puts you at #2 I think.

Thanks, it was still a loss though...can't wait to see what numbers I can pull with a full set of Conqueror gear!

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Is this still ongoing or has it stopped since transfers?


If still going,


Healing Per Second(Mercenary/Commando)

2. Kickimanjaro 1785.76 http://i.imgur.com/oe3Y5bx.jpg


I'm in all Partisan and trying to get full Conqueror, how much better is Conqueror to Partisan?


Still going. Although incoming records have slowed to a crawl since they changed a few things/tinkered with bolster. Some of the higher records will not be matched, let alone beat, due to this unfortunately so this thread has stagnated a bit. I'll stop being lazy and update tonight tho.

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i still out taunted you that match Yuuz.. and you were using quickbars that match. L2P scrub :p


For once....out of like 15 matches that we played that night. :D. I was only using quickbars to handicap myself to see if you could keep up. :D Obviously not...so I think you may need to practice more. Keep trying maybe someday you can get on my level. :p

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