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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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I do NOT want AC change to be allowed. I have 11 55's precisely because I accepted that the choice I made around level 10 was PERMANENT, as the tool tip informed me at the time. I think people need to start learning to live with the consequences of their actions, instead of constantly expecting instant gratification.
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I do NOT want AC change to be allowed. I have 11 55's precisely because I accepted that the choice I made around level 10 was PERMANENT, as the tool tip informed me at the time. I think people need to start learning to live with the consequences of their actions, instead of constantly expecting instant gratification.

And you need to stop worrying about how others play their game and just play your game.

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This again? Unless there are some severe restrictions on this, I personally would most likely quit the game if they implemented it as it can be used as a form of pay to win.


I'm not sure how it could be construed as pay to win.


At most it may help a player avoid having to go through a potential reequip but that is very unlikely.

A Tank has different gear requirements than a DPS or Healer.

A Healer can just about get away with the same set of gear as a DPS.

A DPS spec that has a lot of channled abilities will want a different set than a DPS spec that has a lot of instant abilities.

All of this potential reequipping already exists with the skill tree specialisations.


Are you worried about a player not having to go through content to level a second character of the same class but different Advanced Class? They gain a little flexibility in means of roles they can use (this is largely dependant on any restrictions placed on the AC change) they do not gain any of the advantages of having levelled an actual second character such as another character to run dailies, fps or ops on, grind pvp dailies, extra storage, extra crew missions or extra crafting skills.


An AC change does not offer any mwans of acquiring gear that is not already available to any other player.

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id rather just have enough character slots on a server to let me run through the class story twice as each advanced class :)


If you are at least of preferred status then you can, extra character slot unlocks are available from the cartel market (either directly cartel coins or buy them from the GTN for ingame credits) upto 10 in total for 16 slots (22 if you are a subscriber).


It is more a convenience for those players who don't have vast resources of time to relevel a new character but do want to alter the AC they have chosen.

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If you are at least of preferred status then you can, extra character slot unlocks are available from the cartel market (either directly cartel coins or buy them from the GTN for ingame credits) upto 10 in total for 16 slots (22 if you are a subscriber).


It is more a convenience for those players who don't have vast resources of time to relevel a new character but do want to alter the AC they have chosen.



yeah i just read in the newcomer section about unlocking more characters lol, learn something new all the time :)

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There is no anger in that statement, just fact.

First anger, now denial. You are on a dark path, young one.


This is a bad ideal for overall gameplay since two classes can only provide two roles....while the other two can provide all three roles

If AC change were "Click a button" and you were able to do it as often as you wanted, you would have a point.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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an AC change would not allow a character access to tanking abilities and healing abilities at the same time.



The devs designed the game so that no single character could access tanking and healing abilities at ANY time, not just at the same time.

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Only Bioware have the metrics at hand that would reveal whether there is much desire for this feature in those that are no longer subbed (and therefore unable to post on forum) and whether such a change would retain players or lure them back to play abandoned characters.


What does the devs' TOTAL AND COMPLETE silence on this matter tell you? Is it possible that maybe there is not as much support for class changes as you would like to think? Is it possible that they have no plans to allow class changes, despite that ambiguous statement made about a year and half ago?

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The devs designed the game so that no single character could access tanking and healing abilities at ANY time, not just at the same time.

You keep saying "The devs did this and the devs did that," If the devs change this and change that, then it won't matter at all what the devs did.


The idea of AC change makes you angry, for whatever bizarre reason. Get over it. It's not here yet. It might never be here.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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You keep saying "The devs did this and the devs did that," If the devs change this and change that, then it won't matter at all what the devs did.


The idea of AC change makes you angry, for whatever bizarre reason. Get over it. It's not here yet. It might never be here.


You assume anger where there is none, simply a desire not to dilute this game any further than it is and not to hand everything to those that are unwilling to use the options already at their disposal to achieve their desires.

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You assume anger where there is none, simply a desire not to dilute this game any further than it is and not to hand everything to those that are unwilling to use the options already at their disposal to achieve their desires.

If you want to keep denying it, fine. I can't make you confess.

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I said he'd have a point, not that I would agree with that point. DPS-only will still be tops at DPS.




Do you have any links to show that marauders/sentinels and snipers/gunslingers top the DPS charts on a consistent basis as those are the only classes that are DPS only?


Are you only stating how you think it should be?

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This is a bad ideal for overall gameplay since two classes can only provide two roles....while the other two can provide all three roles.


Unbalancing class versatility and thus, value.


Unfortunately this particular issue of class imbalance already exists as you pointed out.


Bounty Hunter/Trooper and Inquisitor/Consular have access to all three roles (four if you consider ranged DPS and melee DPS separate roles) across their Advanced class. While Agent/Smuggler and Warrior/Knight have an AC that is purely DPS.

If anything allowing an AC change would open up a little flexibility for those playing as a Sniper or Marauder.


The trick of balancing the implementation of an AC change is to make it cost the right amount, enough that it is still feasible to the casual player (those most likely to want to use the facility) and not so cheap that hardcore players could abuse it (ie swapping between heal role and tank role in the same operation).


Putting a cooldown on it is an easy way of addressing potential abuse. Cost wise I'd place it in the same sort of price range as name changes, species change or server transfers. Not something you really want to be doing every day but it's there should you desire.


Ootinicast posted a synopsis of the San Diego cantina tour and it was stated that new Advanced classes would appear before a new class (although neither are currently in the pipeline) it would be hoped that any new ACs would address this basic class/role disparity providing Agent/Smuggler with a tanking AC and Warrior/Knight with a healing role. It would also be a neat way of introducing the martial arts class many seem to want in the Bounty Hunter/Trooper class with an AC that can use tech blades or tech staffs.

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The devs designed the game so that no single character could access tanking and healing abilities at ANY time, not just at the same time.


And as the game matures, class balancing, new content and future plans can all cause the original design brief to be replaced.

Personally I think the decision to seperate out the ACs as they are and not provide an AC change option at launch was to generate a greater number of classes to compete with those MMOs that had been around for longer. If that was the intent I'm not sure I agree with it, the Devs main sales pitch was all about the introduction of story and the epic Star Wars adventure. Seperating out the Story class into the two Advanced Class that you cannot change between has always felt somewhat artificial to me.


What does the devs' TOTAL AND COMPLETE silence on this matter tell you? Is it possible that maybe there is not as much support for class changes as you would like to think? Is it possible that they have no plans to allow class changes, despite that ambiguous statement made about a year and half ago?


The quote that I have put links to in the past was made by the lead designer 8 months ago (November 16th) and was less than ambiguous.


We have had serious talks recently about offering an Advanced Class change option – I think that one will likely happen eventually.


Usually devs don't comment unless they have anything further to add to a previous statement. So I would imagine their position is, it's been discussed, it will happen eventually. That may not mean soon.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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