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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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Who cares? Tell me what you think your little word game proves.




If they were simply different specs from the same class, they would not classed as vanguard or commando, but would reflect the "real" (at least according to some) class of trooper.

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Thats how it CURRENTLY works, for crying out loud.


Then why do I see so many juggernaut TANKS getting bent out of shape when the marauder rolls on that heavy armor with DPS strength stats?


But we digress. This thread is about whether or not class changing should be allowed, and not loot rules.

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I hope changing AC is never implemented.


It's so easy to level up an alt that it's totally unnecessary. I would understand the request it if it was weeks/months of hard grinding work 1-55, but it isn't.


True. All it takes is a modicum of time and effort.

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I hope changing AC is never implemented.


It's so easy to level up an alt that it's totally unnecessary. I would understand the request it if it was weeks/months of hard grinding work 1-55, but it isn't.


its not about the grind though, its about the hard work we have put into the character that would pretty much be washed away since we'd be making a new character of the SAME class just the other AC.

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I guess what I dont understand is, it would be a completely optional service, why are people so heavily against it? it wouldnt affect them...


just to clarify, just for AC switching, not actual CLASS switching.

Edited by PeterTLJr
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its not about the grind though, its about the hard work we have put into the character that would pretty much be washed away since we'd be making a new character of the SAME class just the other AC.


No. You'd be making a character of a DIFFERENT class.

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I guess what I dont understand is, it would be a completely optional service, why are people so heavily against it? it wouldnt affect them...


just to clarify, just for AC switching, not actual CLASS switching.


This thread is full of well thought out, logically and rationally presented reasons why allowing class changes WOULD affect every player and not just the ones that choose to change their class. Are you going to just dismiss them because they do not mesh with what you want?

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This thread is full of well thought out, logically and rationally presented reasons why allowing class changes WOULD affect every player and not just the ones that choose to change their class. Are you going to just dismiss them because they do not mesh with what you want?


and there has been a bunch of reasons why it wouldnt affect other players, why do you keep dismissing that?

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I guess what I dont understand is, it would be a completely optional service, why are people so heavily against it? it wouldnt affect them...


just to clarify, just for AC switching, not actual CLASS switching.


Sorry, I disagree, (I'll use Imperial classes to illustrate, but their Republic mirrors are the same) my Bounty Hunter Mercenary is largely different from my Bounty Hunter Powertech, their gameplay is poles apart, Operative vastly different from Sniper, Assassin bears absolutely no resemblance to Sorcerer, it's really only the Warrior advanced classes that are fairly similar in that they're both melee range, but again they're pretty dissimilar and to cap it off one is Heavy and one Medium armoured so not at all the same.


On each faction there are effectively 8 different classes which simply share 4 parent class storylines, trying to make out there are only 4 actual classes per faction is quite absurd. Choice of Advanced class is very clearly permanent just going off the text on the quest even if you ignore the gross gameplay differences.

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and there has been a bunch of reasons why it wouldnt affect other players, why do you keep dismissing that?


I do not dismiss the well thought out and reasonably presented arguments, even if I do not agree with them.


It seems to me, though, that most of the reasons why it wouldn't affect others boil down to "that happens already" completely ignoring the fact that allowing AC changes would drastically increase the frequency and scope of these "already occurring" situations. Increasing a negative is a negative.

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Sorry, I disagree, (I'll use Imperial classes to illustrate, but their Republic mirrors are the same) my Bounty Hunter Mercenary is largely different from my Bounty Hunter Powertech, their gameplay is poles apart, Operative vastly different from Sniper, Assassin bears absolutely no resemblance to Sorcerer, it's really only the Warrior advanced classes that are fairly similar in that they're both melee range, but again they're pretty dissimilar and to cap it off one is Heavy and one Medium armoured so not at all the same.


On each faction there are effectively 8 different classes which simply share 4 parent class storylines, trying to make out there are only 4 actual classes per faction is quite absurd. Choice of Advanced class is very clearly permanent just going off the text on the quest even if you ignore the gross gameplay differences.


ok fine, lets say your right, does that mean Retribution, Holy, and Protection (paladin), are all separate classes then in wow? I mean, there play style is completely different, so that means there not all the same class?

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no im pretty sure if i wanted to switch to a commando after playing a vanguard, id still have to do all the same stuff that my vanguard did.


I'm pretty sure...no...I'm absolutely sure that you would be playing a different class even though you are doing the same stuff.


Advanced Classes ARE different classes, period, end of story, get over it. The only reason there is only 4 stories is because BW didn't want to hire 8 more voice actors and write 8 more sets of dialogue.


By your logic, If I did the same heroic on my Operative as I did my Sorc I should be able to swap their classes.


What defines a class is their abilities and the role they play in the party.


IMO, AC respecs should never be allowed.

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I'm pretty sure...no...I'm absolutely sure that you would be playing a different class even though you are doing the same stuff.


Advanced Classes ARE different classes, period, end of story, get over it. The only reason there is only 4 stories is because BW didn't want to hire 8 more voice actors and write 8 more sets of dialogue.


By your logic, If I did the same heroic on my Operative as I did my Sorc I should be able to swap their classes.


What defines a class is their abilities and the role they play in the party.


IMO, AC respecs should never be allowed.


why do you guys keep twisting my words, your trying to say i want to allow base class change, no i dont want that, i want AC change.

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ok fine, lets say your right, does that mean Retribution, Holy, and Protection (paladin), are all separate classes then in wow? I mean, there play style is completely different, so that means there not all the same class?


No. it doesn't. A pally is a pally, whether that be a holy pally, a ret pally or a prot pally. Just as an assassin is an assassin, whether it be a darkness assassin, a deception assassin or a madness assassin. They all have different play styles as well. The darkness assassin is a tank, while the deception and madness assassins are DPS. Even the latter two specs are different in their style of play. The deception assassin is more melee, direct weapon damage, similar to a rogue, while the madness assassin is much more about dots, more similar to a warlock.


An assassin is NOT a sorcerer, however.

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No. it doesn't. A pally is a pally, whether that be a holy pally, a ret pally or a prot pally. Just as an assassin is an assassin, whether it be a darkness assassin, a deception assassin or a madness assassin. They all have different play styles as well. The darkness assassin is a tank, while the deception and madness assassins are DPS. Even the latter two specs are different in their style of play. The deception assassin is more melee, direct weapon damage, similar to a rogue, while the madness assassin is much more about dots, more similar to a warlock.


An assassin is NOT a sorcerer, however.


and a trooper is a trooper, whether its commando or vanguard.

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why do you guys keep twisting my words, your trying to say i want to allow base class change, no i dont want that, i want AC change.


No one is twisting your words. You want to change class, nothing less. Your AC IS your CLASS and changing your AC would be changing your CLASS.

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and a trooper is a trooper, whether its commando or vanguard.


Do troopers have talent trees? NO. If you wish to prove me wrong, then show me a single character with the class of "trooper", (not vanguard or commando) who has allocated a single talent point.


Vanguards and commandos have talent trees, but TROOPERS do not. Therefore, troopers cannot even have a spec, as they have no talent trees into which to put their talent points. A player cannot even have a spec until they actually choose their CLASS, such as commando or vanguard.

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Do troopers have talent trees? NO. If you wish to prove me wrong, then show me a single character with the class of "trooper", (not vanguard or commando) who has allocated a single talent point.


Vanguards and commandos have talent trees, but TROOPERS do not. Therefore, troopers cannot even have a spec, as they have no talent trees into which to put their talent points. A player cannot even have a spec until they actually choose their CLASS, such as commando or vanguard.


so, let me get this straight, what decides your class is skill trees?


lets just completely ignore the story, the companions, the trainer (who i might add says your base class trainer not your AC trainer), gear vendors who are separated by base class not ac class, and all that other junk

Edited by PeterTLJr
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Just about every popular swtor site has the 8 classes listed as Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Trooper, Smuggler, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Bountyhunter, Imperial Agent. Now, if these sites are wrong, I suppose somebody should fix them. Until then, my trooper would like to respec into commando instead of vanguard, thanks.




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