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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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You'll be waiting forever then. All the "reasons" you seek are readily available to you. It is neither my fault nor my problem that you are too lazy to read up on something before you decide to get involved.


I've been involved, clearly you haven't read everything if you think i'm new here.

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Join a pug group, you'll see that there is clueless people even though somehow they managed to level to 55. People need on stuff now even though they dont need it.


Yeah, lets just make it exponentially worse by legitimizeing, to some small degree, this anti-social and negative behavior.

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Then you are well aware of the reasons, you just choose to ignore them.


Because I don't go read through 250+ pages of people barking at each other i'm ignoring reasons that your refusing to put on the table? I'm trying to have a debate with you about this, if your going to stand up for something then speak up and lets debate, if you don't want too quit replying to me trying to make it seem like i'm refusing to talk about this.

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Yeah, lets just make it exponentially worse by legitimizeing, to some small degree, this anti-social and negative behavior.

How many times have I said something similar in this very thread. Their solution to bad players is encouraging more bad players. Counterproductive and destructive at best. All so they don't have to re-roll.

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Because I don't go read through 250+ pages of people barking at each other i'm ignoring reasons that your refusing to put on the table? I'm trying to have a debate with you about this, if your going to stand up for something then speak up and lets debate, if you don't want too quit replying to me trying to make it seem like i'm refusing to talk about this.


My reasons have been on this very table for a multitude of pages.


You'll have to forgive me if I am sick and tired of typing the same reasons 1000 times across hundreds of threads since pre-launch.


I've been having this debate for nigh on 3 years. I'm sorry that you haven't been paying attention.

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My reasons have been on this very table for a multitude of pages.


You'll have to forgive me if I am sick and tired of typing the same reasons 1000 times across hundreds of threads since pre-launch.


I've been having this debate for nigh on 3 years. I'm sorry that you haven't been paying attention.


Yet your still here. Your not sick and tired of anything, your here to try to belittle others because they dont agree with everything that you say. Theres been many reasons why it should be put in, some good, some bad, there has been many reasons why it shouldnt, some good, some bad.

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Yet your still here. Your not sick and tired of anything, your here to try to belittle others because they dont agree with everything that you say. Theres been many reasons why it should be put in, some good, some bad, there has been many reasons why it shouldnt, some good, some bad.


That is a fact. And if you look up on this very page or the previous one, you'd see that I am not 100% against this concept. But you can't even be bothered to do that much. You insist that I spoon feed you.

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That is a fact. And if you look up on this very page or the previous one, you'd see that I am not 100% against this concept. But you can't even be bothered to do that much. You insist that I spoon feed you.


I never said you were completely against it. You wanted to compare good/bad reasons then the second I come back at you with a counter reason you instead of continuing a friendly debate you decide to turn this hostile.

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I never said you were completely against it. You wanted to compare good/bad reasons then the second I come back at you with a counter reason you instead of continuing a friendly debate you decide to turn this hostile.


I never turned it hostile, until you flat out implied that you would not research the entirely of the thread.


My opening statement to you was feel free to read the thread.


How is that hostile?

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I never turned it hostile, until you flat out implied that you would not research the entirely of the thread.


My opening statement to you was feel free to read the thread.


How is that hostile?


Are you ready to get back on topic yet?

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Do you have proof that they aren't going to allow ac swapping? Do you have proof that most of the player do not want it? No you don't. I still follow this thread and in almost every one of your posts you put yourself on a pedestal and act superior like you know BW/EAs plans.


Do you have any proof that they will allow it?


Do you have any proof that most players do want it?


I'm not trying to be a d&&k, but the answer is NO to both as well.

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Are you ready to get back on topic yet?


Yes I am. Just as soon as you answer the questions I posed to you. I made a point to attempt to answer all of yours. We can take it to PMs if you like. I'm not opposed to conversation/debate. But, I seem to recall asking a lot of questions and not getting a lot of answers.

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Do you have any proof that they will allow it?


Do you have any proof that most players do want it?


I'm not trying to be a d&&k, but the answer is NO to both as well.


No I don't, nor have I tried to claim that they will. I've put out opinions on the subject, I haven't directly said "AC changes WILL happen".

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Yes I am. Just as soon as you answer the questions I posed to you. I made a point to attempt to answer all of yours. We can take it to PMs if you like. I'm not opposed to conversation/debate. But, I seem to recall asking a lot of questions and not getting a lot of answers.


Okay i'll play along.

Is AC changes more important then fixing current bugs? Depends who you are asking. Bugs will never fully be fixed, they shouldn't delay possible new features to fix bugs unless its bugs that prevent the game from being playable.


How are you being hostile? Read your previous posts, I'm trying to stay on track, your out to get me because I refuse to go read through previous posts to find reasons that you may or may have no put out there.

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Okay i'll play along.

Is AC changes more important then fixing current bugs? Depends who you are asking. Bugs will never fully be fixed, they shouldn't delay possible new features to fix bugs unless its bugs that prevent the game from being playable.


How are you being hostile? Read your previous posts, I'm trying to stay on track, your out to get me because I refuse to go read through previous posts to find reasons that you may or may have no put out there.


Brother, I'm not out to get you. I just refuse to put you into my personal Delorian and hit 88MPH. If you want the info, it is available to you. If you don't want it, don't go looking for it. But if you don't look for it, please do not imply that it doesn't exist.

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Brother, I'm not out to get you. I just refuse to put you into my personal Delorian and hit 88MPH. If you want the info, it is available to you. If you don't want it, don't go looking for it. But if you don't look for it, please do not imply that it doesn't exist.


After going back through some of your posts, I believe you are confused with story/class. Bounty hunter is indeed a class, not just a story.

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At the end of the day, this argument comes down to time played vs subscription time (or maybe amount achieved).


Much of that is negated by the F2P model. You can level a toon (or many toons) as intended without ever really feeling the F2P restrictions. Believe me I know.


Oh snap, EK, how do you know?


MY first 4 toons were as follows: Merc, Operative, Warrior, Sorc. My next four were Sentinel, Shadow, Van, Slinger.


Up to this point (in my game life) everyone had these same options and choices. They could have inverted their ACs, but we were sub-based with 8 toons per server. I went this way, it made the most sense to me given the options I had.


Now, we are F2P and your toon slots are dependent upon how much $$/cr you put in the game.


It is no secret, I have little sympathy for those that want to AC respec. I did want to AC respec back in the day, but rather I leveled that AC to completion.


Leveling is NOT a challenge, nor is it time consuming. You can be level 50 prior to reaching 40 hours of game time. Is that so much to ask? I think not. 40 hours? No, sorry. Less than 40 hours and you want to respec? Sorry - not on my watch. Re-roll.

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After going back through some of your posts, I believe you are confused with story/class. Bounty hunter is indeed a class, not just a story.


Uhm, no. If you look at Daniel Erickson's and Stephan Ried's posts from the time, I am right.


You can choose to ignore them, but that doesn't change the facts.

Edited by ekwalizer
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I think it's a horrible idea.


I'm running regular flashpoints through the group finder and no matter what level range I just keep running into idiots that have no clue how to play their characters and rather sabotage the rest of the group's efforts. That it happens in Hammer Station, sure can happen people have to learn. Then it happens in Athiss, maybe they got lucky and were pulled through Hammer Station, but you'd think they'd start to learn a little now. Mandalorian Raiders, by now they should know communication is a good thing, or at least during they should learn. Cademimu... FIRE IS BAD... Barbecued! ... The list goes on!


During that time you also learn to play your character, just the other day I decided to kick our "healer" who was playing as a tank, and while I was gathering the NPCs he was breaking the crowd controls and running to the gathered NPCs and using overload ALL THE TIME. He refused to listen, and that will be even more common in the Hard Mode ones is Advanced Class changes become a reality. It's just like trying to explain to a sorcerer/sage healer that Overload/Force Wave (or whatever it was called) is not a substitute for a healing ability, in my book it'll almost always be an emergency skill (a smart tank can use it to put NPCs together) and it was a stupid move to allow it to do healing, it causes more harm than it does good.


As long as people can't even take advice advanced class changes are bad. They already have so much trouble figuring out how the flashpoints work, are completely unwilling to work as a team. Do you really want them LEARNING their new class in Hard Mode flashpoints?


Once introduced there's no going back. They should probably start with a restriction: Requires a level 50 of that advanced class or it's other faction counterpart, as well as a heavy cost.


This isn't even addressing the missing gear, people will roll need even more because they claim to want to switch advanced class.

Edited by Lyshar
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