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Loot Ninjas


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It's like all the rules have been thrown out the window and they just don't care. Sometimes people don't think and realize hey that is a real person on the other end of that toon. Would you do that to them in RL? Seems like the MMO in game community has really changed over the years or maybe I am just getting old.

Welcome to the internet... producing ***** by the sackful since 1991

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Welcome to the internet... producing ***** by the sackful since 1991


Yeah, but she's right, it seems lately the community is this game is just garbage.

The ninjas are every where, and I've been cussed out so many times for simple requests like asking the DPS not to pull so I can set up CC, or asking other players not to break CC. things like this would never have been tolerated in other MMO's but it's common practice here. It's saddening. It's getting to the point where I'm starting to question whether or not I want to continue with this game.


When I started, as long as you avoided these forums, the people seemed to be the nicest, most helpful community I have ever been a part of, but lately it seems that ignore lists just aren't long enough...

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Are you able to do that 55 HM with the piece you currently have? If so, then you do not "need" that piece, you "want" it to make it easier for you to do that FP. There is a difference.


Youre wrong about this. I need this lvl69 gear to gear up for tfb and sv hm. so youre point is not vallid.

But no madder what you think or say. We will always disagree.So this discution is pointless.

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Ratajack you're a douchebag. Your companion didn't help clear sh*t. Your companion did nothing to speed any progress in any FP if you are a full group - and therefor, even by your own logic is entitled to nothing.


Your whole rant about respecting your rolls is just a lame defense for needing on everything in the game. The social norm is not behaving like you so your behavior only let's you get more loot then people who have courtesy.


Stop with the bs, just be honest about your behavior, you are not following some honorable loot code that is reserved to 10% of the community, you are just greedy.

Edited by Vandrain
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ratajack you're a douchebag. Your companion didn't help clear sh*t. Your companion did nothing to speed any progress in any fp if you are a full group - and therefor, even by your own logic is entitled to nothing.


Your whole rant about respecting your rolls is just a lame defense for needing on everything in the game. The social norm is not behaving like you so your behavior only let's you get more loot then people who have courtesy.


Stop with the bs, just be honest about your behavior, you are not following some honorable loot code that is reserved to 10% of the community, you are just greedy.



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Ok, me and my wife this weekend decided to roll new characters. As we have been going through the early FP's and heroic missions I have noticed a huge amount of loot ninjas, it's crazy. It seems in the last few days on the low level characters there hasn't been a single group that we haven't had to kick some one for being a ninja. Has it suddenly become the norm to roll need on everything an no one told us?


Why should you kick someone if they Need an item? It's why there are Need and Greed buttons.


I do think it's highly arrogant to kick people because you think they are ninjas.


Recently the GM from another guild asked me to get a guildie to return an item he'd apparently ninja'd. I did so, even after finding out that the complainant had already won the roll for the same item previously, and just wanted a second! He thought he had more claim for it than my guildie because he was of the right class for the item... At the end of the day it was more fruitful to keep that GM happy than let the guildie keep the item.


I say, bugger the politics. Roll Need or Greed and get over it. It's a Flashpoint not a Court of Appeal ffs. Use the buttons!

Edited by Ycoga
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They should make it so you can only roll need if it's for your class. Aka a consular won't be able to roll need on a knight's gear. It 's not perfect but it would at least help hinder loot ninjas.


Bioware wrote this over a year ago, nothing new and nothing has changed.


This is one of those topics they simply will not touch or comment on for some reason.

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Why should you kick someone if they Need an item? It's why there are Need and Greed buttons.


I do think it's highly arrogant to kick people because you think they are ninjas.


Recently the GM from another guild asked me to get a guildie to return an item he'd apparently ninja'd. I did so, even after finding out that the complainant had already won the roll for the same item previously, and just wanted a second! He thought he had more claim for it than my guildie because he was of the right class for the item... At the end of the day it was more fruitful to keep that GM happy than let the guildie keep the item.


I say, bugger the politics. Roll Need or Greed and get over it. It's a Flashpoint not a Court of Appeal ffs. Use the buttons!


This is a valid complaint. If it was knight gear, it doesn't matter if he "had" one already. The mod and enhancement could be much better than what's in a previous slotted item. Say it was gloves, the mod and enhacment are way better than what comes in the boots. Its benifical for the knight to swap them out. Its called min/maxing. The fact of the matter was Bioware made that item for KNIGHTS and your vuildie, who was not a knight took it. Tell yourself whatever you want but we all know how the mmo community looks at stuff like this. Your guildie ninjaed the item. If I took a piece of gear with cunning on ot for Doc, you know damn well the smugglers in the group are going to say something about it. The community would look at it like I ninjaed it. I know it, you know it and everyone on these forums knows it as well. You people can complain about it all you like, you are not going to change the communities. views on the subject, no matter how you try to spin it.

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Because if you don't get it, the universe will explode.


This commend has nothing to do with it.

I could not care less if i lose it fairly (to a player from my same class). But not to layers who things everything belongs to him. (aka ninja)

You are missing the point of this threat completly.

Edited by hages
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This commend has nothing to do with it.

I could not care less if i lose it fairly (to a player from my same class). But not to layers who things everything belongs to him. (aka ninja)

You are missing the point of this threat completly.

No, you are way over-blowing the importance of losing out on virtual loot in a computer game. That's why I posted way back "My philosophy is everyone roll Need and let the chips fall where they may." If a player is so childish that he or she is gonna throw a pouty face because a game didn't go exactly the way they wanted, they shouldn't be playing that game.

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What is interesting, is all the issue went away when I got into a good guild.... We even talk about the drops, I may get one for my tank that I really do not need and offer it up by selecting greed and letting others know that.... I find, a little communication and MATURE players help, so that is what I found, a guild with mature adults. also, I may see a strength drop and I may be the only strength toon in the group, but its more for Mara then for me, I will also allow others to have a shot at it. If anyone having these issues PUG, I really recommend you get into a good guild, with mature adults.


PUG, no way.... I wont bother at all.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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No, you are way over-blowing the importance of losing out on virtual loot in a computer game. That's why I posted way back "My philosophy is everyone roll Need and let the chips fall where they may." If a player is so childish that he or she is gonna throw a pouty face because a game didn't go exactly the way they wanted, they shouldn't be playing that game.


No, your trivializing it. We all know that Bioware design the loot system to drop loot based off of group composition. That being said, if I am the only knight in the group and str dps gear drops, it dropped because I was in the group. If I wasn't there, the str gear wouldn't ha e dropped in the first place. Making it hard for someone to ninja in the first place. Because I was there and it dropped because of ME, what gives you the right to take it? What makes you think you are entitled to it? You screwed someone, plain and simple.

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No, you are way over-blowing the importance of losing out on virtual loot in a computer game. That's why I posted way back "My philosophy is everyone roll Need and let the chips fall where they may." If a player is so childish that he or she is gonna throw a pouty face because a game didn't go exactly the way they wanted, they shouldn't be playing that game.


so, you're saying you have no respect for other players and the time they're investing? i guess i'm over-blowing the importance of being a decent person in a game full of other human beings instead of just npcs. i mean, it is -your- game we're all playing. it's on your computer and your screen, so i suppose participating in a community isn't so important as getting the stuff you want?


do you announce this at the start of the fp, and say 'i'm going to need all loot. if i can't use it, i still need it to vendor?' make a lot of friends that way?

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do you announce this at the start of the fp, and say 'i'm going to need all loot. if i can't use it, i still need it to vendor?' make a lot of friends that way?


This is the fun part. Never have I seen anyone announce this. And none of the codex-looters in this thread ever announces this either.


If they actually did announce this their word would mean something. But they know full well that most people would just straight off kick them if they did that... Making the nay sayers in this thread major hypocrites.

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No, your trivializing it. We all know that Bioware design the loot system to drop loot based off of group composition. That being said, if I am the only knight in the group and str dps gear drops, it dropped because I was in the group. If I wasn't there, the str gear wouldn't ha e dropped in the first place. Making it hard for someone to ninja in the first place. Because I was there and it dropped because of ME, what gives you the right to take it? What makes you think you are entitled to it? You screwed someone, plain and simple.


You realy have not played enough to know this is not true, I have been in a fair amount of flashpoints and recently a good few in this set up 3 sages and a shadow, and I have see gear drop with aim, cunning and even strength, meaning class gear is not 100% guaranteed even if you are the only knight in the group, what it does mean it that you add a small percentage to the over all chance of loot droping for you. :rolleyes:

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so, you're saying you have no respect for other players and the time they're investing?

Oh, so it's an investment, is it? How is that portfolio performing for you? Is it padding your retirement savings?


i guess i'm over-blowing the importance of being a decent person in a game full of other human beings instead of just npcs. i mean, it is -your- game we're all playing. it's on your computer and your screen, so i suppose participating in a community isn't so important as getting the stuff you want?


do you announce this at the start of the fp, and say 'i'm going to need all loot. if i can't use it, i still need it to vendor?' make a lot of friends that way?

I solve the problem by not grouping in the first place. Your attitude (and the attitude of the so-called ninjas) demonstrates that the childish drama makes it so not worth the bother. I got my instance grouping play out my system with DDO.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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This is the fun part. Never have I seen anyone announce this. And none of the codex-looters in this thread ever announces this either.


If they actually did announce this their word would mean something. But they know full well that most people would just straight off kick them if they did that... Making the nay sayers in this thread major hypocrites.




I would be the first person voting to kick someone who came right out and said this. Why waste my time with the group when someone there thinks they deserve everything that drops. And before someone says I can just leave instead, why should I leave, take the debuff and wait even longer for a group because someone ELSE felt they where entitled to everything? I'm willing to play by community rules, don't see why I should be the one leaving for that.

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Oh, so it's an investment, is it? How is that portfolio performing for you? Is it padding your retirement savings?



I solve the problem by not grouping in the first place. Your attitude (and the attitude of the so-called ninjas) demonstrates that the childish drama makes it so not worth the bother. I got my instance grouping play out my system with DDO.

It has nothing to do about childish.

You play as a team you get rewards as a team.

By not grouping you are not playing a Mmo. then u should play a rpg or some singleplayer game.

I know fps are not that hard or time consuming. But still no one is happy when players take things what they can not use them self.

Why can you not understand this?

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You realy have not played enough to know this is not true, I have been in a fair amount of flashpoints and recently a good few in this set up 3 sages and a shadow, and I have see gear drop with aim, cunning and even strength, meaning class gear is not 100% guaranteed even if you are the only knight in the group, what it does mean it that you add a small percentage to the over all chance of loot droping for you. :rolleyes:


Really? I have 4 lvl 55s that I have ran everything with, numerous times and I have never seen that happen. I run a lot with a group where the group composition is , sentinel, sage telekinesis (whatever lol) vanguard tank and sage healer and have never once seen a piece of cunning gear drop. More often than not its willpower gear. I wonder why that is? I've been here since beta and play the heck out of this game, don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining. Bioware has even confirmed this.

Edited by AidanLightwalker
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Considering the friction between two diametrically opposed viewpoints that's engendered by the Need or Greed process, I can't help but wonder if it might not be best to have the entire system scrapped and replaced by something less prone to accident, abuse and divisiveness.


I have no idea offhand what such a system would look like, though I'm certainly willing to brainstorm one...but not while I'm at work. ;) I'm certain, however, that the replacement would have to be better than what we've got now. After all, look at how many of these threads we've seen here since launch. There simply HAS to be a better way of doing things.

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I don't know why you guys are arguing with them over this. The argument is just going in circles. They aren't going to change their ways. When you run into a loot ninja, vote him out and put him on ignore then move on. After a while they will start coming to the forums making threads like........why is it taking 5 hours to get a group during prime time????? :D


Then you can respond to the thread with something like.......well with all that gear you rolled need during those flashpoints, you shouldn't need a group to do anything, your companions should be outfitted to keep soloing!

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You're more likely to get people who don't understand the loot etiquette at the lower levels. Next time, speak up and ask the person why they rolled on something they can't equip or that has stats for a different class. A lot of times, they just don't get it and you can help educate new players how things work. With the trade timer, I've seen people trade stuff after the normal etiquette was explained to them.


On the other hand, a lot of times, the person is just a greedy punk who rolls need for a companion or just doesn't care and rolls need on everything. By asking why they needed on the item, you can flush those motives out, throw that person on your ignore list, and thereby ensure that you will never be matched up with them in the group finder again. By the time that person gets later in the game and has been 50 for awhile and ticked off enough people, they will be the one on the fleet complaining that it takes them 2 hours to get a group finder queue.


The good news is that you'll quickly outlevel gear at the early levels anyway and you can stomp through the early levels with mediocre gear so it's not all THAT useful or much of a loss in the end.

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