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Social and Reputation dyes


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Social and Reputation vendors could sell dyes as well as armor, with minimum social levels or reputations for use. For factional worlds, the colors of the faction: Republic White/Blue on Coruscant, Imperial Dark Gray/Red on Dromund Kaas, Hutt Cartel colors on Nar Shaddaa, Alderaan, Voss, Balmorra, and Makeb colors on their respective worlds. For battleground worlds like Tatooine, Hoth, and Quesh, camouflage: sand and rock, snow and ice, alien vegetation. GSI would sell GSI Blue/Orange. The reversed colors (e.g. Red/Dark Gray) could be sold as well, at the same or higher rank.
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Social and Reputation vendors could sell dyes as well as armor, with minimum social levels or reputations for use. For factional worlds, the colors of the faction: Republic White/Blue on Coruscant, Imperial Dark Gray/Red on Dromund Kaas, Hutt Cartel colors on Nar Shaddaa, Alderaan, Voss, Balmorra, and Makeb colors on their respective worlds. For battleground worlds like Tatooine, Hoth, and Quesh, camouflage: sand and rock, snow and ice, alien vegetation. GSI would sell GSI Blue/Orange. The reversed colors (e.g. Red/Dark Gray) could be sold as well, at the same or higher rank.

Bioware, please hire this man for more concepts! ^.^

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Section X reputation vendor already has a dye, doesn't he? Dark red/black, if I remember correctly.


Anyway, imo if social vendors would get dyes, pvp vendors should too (with some valor requirement, of course).

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