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So...how about that free name change for subscribers?


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They can just put it in the unclaimed section of the CM. It's shared by the entire account and you can choose which character gets it. Other games with cash shops have done that before, putting items in the unclaimed section. If that's hard to code in for Bioware then I don't know what to say...


I'm impressed that you are so familiar with their Cartel Market code that you can solve a problem in 3 sentences that they can't solve in 3 weeks.


They should hire you. Immediately. :rolleyes:


Really guys, what do you think their motivation for not releasing this is, if it's not as they've said? Someone give me a valid theory, please.

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DarthTHC makes a good point. Do you send it out to just one character on the account? They did say one free change. But how do they do that?


Before when they have sent out items like this it was to every character if I remember correctly...the fireworks, the digital deluxe items. Perhaps they do not have a mechanic in place to simply send it to one character on the account.


My solution to that? Just pass out coins. Players can do with this coins what they wish, use them to buy the single unlocks directly or just spend them on anything else.


Someone else mentioned putting it in the bin, but the bin might be too dependent on player actions. It may be something they can directly access depending on how it's coded.

Edited by LordArtemis
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DarthTHC makes a good point. Do you send it out to just one character on the account? They did say one free change. But how do they do that?


Before when they have sent out items like this it was to every character if I remember correctly...the fireworks, the digital deluxe items. Perhaps they do not have a mechanic in place to simply send it to one character on the account.


My solution to that? Just pass out coins. Players can do with this coins what they wish, use them to buy the single unlocks directly or just spend them on anything else.


Someone else mentioned putting it in the bin, but the bin might be too dependent on player actions. It may be something they can directly access depending on how it's coded.

That's a great idea. That's the sort of thing that I think they should be doing routinely, let alone ever. Doesn't even have to be enough coins for the name change. I bet a lot of people would be happy (it's never gonna be everyone, lol) if they said, "hey, name changes were harder to code than we thought. but we feel bad. here's 400CCs to make it up to you."
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I'm impressed that you are so familiar with their Cartel Market code that you can solve a problem in 3 sentences that they can't solve in 3 weeks.


They should hire you. Immediately. :rolleyes:


Really guys, what do you think their motivation for not releasing this is, if it's not as they've said? Someone give me a valid theory, please.


If they're not able to do that then something is wrong with:

a.) The coding behind the CM

b.) The programmers themselves

c.) All of the above


When other games do things like these with ease it raises eyebrows when Bioware can't pull it off themselves.

It hasn't been weeks btw it's been months.


Even setting up a website and choosing from there which character gets the rename is feasible as other games have done this! I'm not pulling this out of the air, this has all been done before

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DarthTHC makes a good point. Do you send it out to just one character on the account? They did say one free change. But how do they do that?


Before when they have sent out items like this it was to every character if I remember correctly...the fireworks, the digital deluxe items. Perhaps they do not have a mechanic in place to simply send it to one character on the account.


My solution to that? Just pass out coins. Players can do with this coins what they wish, use them to buy the single unlocks directly or just spend them on anything else.


Someone else mentioned putting it in the bin, but the bin might be too dependent on player actions. It may be something they can directly access depending on how it's coded.


That would be an easy solution right there. Everyone gets however many free coins a rename costs.


The thing I see my (**** retentive) managers, whom I imagine the BWEA managers resemble, saying to that is, "How do we know they'll use it on a rename like we want them to?" To which I'd point, laugh, and go back to wasting my time figuring out how to solve a technical problem that I just solved via logic but my managers shot down because they are irrational and like to waste developer hours.


But I digress... ;)

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If you think that was sound logic, you need to take some classes to figure out what sound logic really is.


It is illogical to assert that BWEA is holding back on the free name changes just to screw with customers. If you can't figure out why that is, you may also need some business classes or experience running a business yourself

I find it funny that you criticize my logic, yet all you do is tell me I'm wrong and you shouldn't have to explain to me why, instead of why I'm actually wrong. Explain to me what is so complicated in issuing the "Rename: Character Name" item to players.


Please refute my point instead of just telling me I'm wrong.

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I find it funny that you criticize my logic, yet all you do is tell me I'm wrong and you shouldn't have to explain to me why, instead of why I'm actually wrong. Explain to me what is so complicated in issuing the "Rename: Character Name" item to players.


Please refute my point instead of just telling me I'm wrong.


You haven't read my posts then. I've given examples of the types of things it could be. Also, I'm not the one refuting the devs' communication; you are. Burden of proof is on the one calling someone a liar, I would think.


Is it, or is it not, your contention that they're holding it back to screw with players?

Edited by DarthTHC
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That would be an easy solution right there. Everyone gets however many free coins a rename costs.


The thing I see my (**** retentive) managers, whom I imagine the BWEA managers resemble, saying to that is, "How do we know they'll use it on a rename like we want them to?" To which I'd point, laugh, and go back to wasting my time figuring out how to solve a technical problem that I just solved via logic but my managers shot down because they are irrational and like to waste developer hours.


But I digress... ;)


Yea...Honestly we are going to use the free rename the way we want anyway if they give us the packs. Some folks are simply going to sell them I expect.


If I were in charge I would just add up the cost of Legacy, Guild and One character name change and kick out that level of coins to the subs. Easy peasy.

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DarthTHC makes a good point. Do you send it out to just one character on the account? They did say one free change. But how do they do that?


Before when they have sent out items like this it was to every character if I remember correctly...the fireworks, the digital deluxe items. Perhaps they do not have a mechanic in place to simply send it to one character on the account.


My solution to that? Just pass out coins. Players can do with this coins what they wish, use them to buy the single unlocks directly or just spend them on anything else.


Someone else mentioned putting it in the bin, but the bin might be too dependent on player actions. It may be something they can directly access depending on how it's coded.

It's still a trivial issue: for every subscriber account, issue one "Rename: Character Name" item and have it sitting in the unclaimed items section on the Cartel Market. Log onto your character you with to rename, claim item. I still don't understand the delay.

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If i could speculate, I think one of a few possible things are going on...


1) they are considering all options.

2) they are trying to find a way to send the unlocks to a single character on the account (like first one you log in) without having the mail duplicate.

3) they are trying to find a way to trigger the mechanic without the actual pack required.


The fact that they abandoned the Guild and Legacy rename might be a clue, though I can't form what it might say to the issue...why is personal rename possible and not legacy or guild? Are the mechanics different.


Its a very interesting mystery.


I say toss the whole thing and kick coins out.

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It's still a trivial issue: for every subscriber account, issue one "Rename: Character Name" item and have it sitting in the unclaimed items section on the Cartel Market. Log onto your character you with to rename, claim item. I still don't understand the delay.


The delay is for all the people who don't know about that "feature" and for the people who wont wait for it. After they get the money from those 2 types of people, it will then be added as a free feature for subs.

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It's still a trivial issue: for every subscriber account, issue one "Rename: Character Name" item and have it sitting in the unclaimed items section on the Cartel Market. Log onto your character you with to rename, claim item. I still don't understand the delay.


Cool, one more person who can solve in 3 sentences a problem a team of MMO developers can't solve in 3 weeks.


HIRE THIS MAN STAT! :rolleyes:

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You haven't read my posts then. I've given examples of the types of things it could be. Also, I'm not the one refuting the devs' communication; you are. Burden of proof is on the one calling someone a liar, I would think.


Is it, or is it not, your contention that they're holding it back to screw with players?


It's clear you don't understand what I'm saying.


I wan't to know what is taking so long because, as I have said, there are multiple viable methods of delivery for a name change. The mechanics are in place and exist. I want to know why this is an issue period because it does not make sense.

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It's still a trivial issue: for every subscriber account, issue one "Rename: Character Name" item and have it sitting in the unclaimed items section on the Cartel Market. Log onto your character you with to rename, claim item. I still don't understand the delay.


Sure, if they have access to the bin on their side. I'm not sure they do.


They could try and trigger an automatic purchase when you first log in that kicks the items into your bin....that might be one way they could do it.

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Cool, one more person who can solve in 3 sentences a problem a team of MMO developers can't solve in 3 weeks.


HIRE THIS MAN STAT! :rolleyes:


Because being condescending is the best way to have a discussion.:cool:

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If i could speculate, I think one of a few possible things are going on...


1) they are considering all options.

2) they are trying to find a way to send the unlocks to a single character on the account (like first one you log in) without having the mail duplicate.

3) they are trying to find a way to trigger the mechanic without the actual pack required.


The fact that they abandoned the Guild and Legacy rename might be a clue, though I can't form what it might say to the issue...why is personal rename possible and not legacy or guild? Are the mechanics different.


Its a very interesting mystery.


I say toss the whole thing and kick coins out.


They've already proved they can do that. Solves the problem immediately, gives the players more choice, costs nothing more than what was planned, and frees up the resources currently beating their heads against the wall to solve whatever the problem is.


Without sarcasm this time, hire this dude. :p

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They've already proved they can do that. Solves the problem immediately, gives the players more choice, costs nothing more than what was planned, and frees up the resources currently beating their heads against the wall to solve whatever the problem is.


Without sarcasm this time, hire this dude. :p


Hehe. Thanks.


Yea, it might not be a perfect solution but it might save them some aspirin use.

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It's clear you don't understand what I'm saying.


I wan't to know what is taking so long because, as I have said, there are multiple viable methods of delivery for a name change. The mechanics are in place and exist. I want to know why this is an issue period because it does not make sense.


Sometimes you don't get to know why. But this time you do! They've already told us there's a technical problem. So there you have it.

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Sure, if they have access to the bin on their side. I'm not sure they do.


They could try and trigger an automatic purchase when you first log in that kicks the items into your bin....that might be one way they could do it.


Of course they would!!!!!! If it was client side IT WOULD BE HACKED! Do you play other mmos!? Like some of the posts I'm seeing I'm just stunned! This isn't a mystery or some complex problem with no apparent solution!


MMO A does this, MMO B does this, MMO C does this! It's not difficult!


If you're a sub, you log onto the website, into your account, and BW will make a new page where you can select your server and which character you send it too! They've done something similar before!




They put it in the Unclaimed section. Done

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Of course they would!!!!!! If it was client side IT WOULD BE HACKED! Do you play other mmos!? Like some of the posts I'm seeing I'm just stunned! This isn't a mystery or some complex problem with no apparent solution!


MMO A does this, MMO B does this, MMO C does this! It's not difficult!


If you're a sub, you log onto the website, into your account, and BW will make a new page where you can select your server and which character you send it too! They've done something similar before!




They put it in the Unclaimed section. Done


I know, this stuff totally boggles my mind. I've never seen an MMO have to cope with the difficulties SWTOR seems to have with industry standard features.


I think what bothers me the most about all of this stuff with transfers, ranked pvp system, name changes, and legacy difficulties, etc. is that these were designed from the ground up by Bioware and yet it seems they didn't have the forethought to have these features work seamlessly before releasing/announcing them. We're still (Since 1.2!) in rank pre-season one, when is this junk going to get figured out?

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Of course they would!!!!!! If it was client side IT WOULD BE HACKED! Do you play other mmos!? Like some of the posts I'm seeing I'm just stunned! This isn't a mystery or some complex problem with no apparent solution!


This comment seems a bit odd. It seems to be a bit predatory and derisive, as if I am somehow naive. So, for the sake of fairness I will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge that they definitely have the ability to do this..explain to me how the system is coded, specifically the claim bin and how the system generates the database call for the item chosen.


I will wait for your response.


MMO A does this, MMO B does this, MMO C does this! It's not difficult!


Again, this seems rather assumptive if you are not privy to how the system are designed specifically in this game. But I have to be fair, so I will let you explain the particular system in this game and how it is coded.


If you're a sub, you log onto the website, into your account, and BW will make a new page where you can select your server and which character you send it too! They've done something similar before!




They put it in the Unclaimed section. Done


I actually considered suggesting the page claim idea....I think that would work as well.


At any rate, since you decided to be predatory in your first part of your post I'm going to give you the opportunity to explain yourself. Considering I did nothing to draw your ire I think it's reasonable to expect an explanation.

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At any rate, since you decided to be predatory in your first part of your post I'm going to give you the opportunity to explain yourself. Considering I did nothing to draw your ire I think it's reasonable to expect an explanation.


Because you stated something that made my jaw drop. "Do they even have access to the bin."

It's either on their server or it's in the client, what you just suggested was that it was client side, and they would be exploited to hell and back


And when other mmos all offer the same basic service, "technical difficulties" lasting for weeks does not cut it under any circumstance.

This is something you seem to ignore and in one of your other posts called it a "mystery" as if no other mmo in existance had solved this conundrum


You're shocking me really. Like I really would've kept my mouth shut towards you, but then you mentioned that and it was, you're being ignorant on purpose now and you're not even trying to understand

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This comment seems a bit odd. It seems to be a bit predatory and derisive, as if I am somehow naive. So, for the sake of fairness I will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge that they definitely have the ability to do this..explain to me how the system is coded, specifically the claim bin and how the system generates the database call for the item chosen.


I will wait for your response.




Again, this seems rather assumptive if you are not privy to how the system are designed specifically in this game. But I have to be fair, so I will let you explain the particular system in this game and how it is coded.




I actually considered suggesting the page claim idea....I think that would work as well.


At any rate, since you decided to be predatory in your first part of your post I'm going to give you the opportunity to explain yourself. Considering I did nothing to draw your ire I think it's reasonable to expect an explanation.


Think about it. Why would they design a game system that they didn't have access to or couldn't alter at will? That makes zero sense whatsoever. If this were the case, they would be the most shortsighted, inept MMO devs on the face of the planet. What if something went wrong with a transaction? You're screwed cause Custom Service doesn't have access to the bin?

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Because you stated something that made my jaw drop. "Do they even have access to the bin."

Because it's either on their server or it's in the client, what you just suggested was that it was client side, and they would be exploited to hell and back


And when other mmos all offer the same basic service, "technical difficulties" does not cut it under any circumstance.


This isn't a matter of whether it cuts it or not. My statements in NO WAY lay judgement on whether or not what they are doing is wrong, unprofessional, negligent, etc.


What I am doing is giving them the benefit of the doubt for the sake of discussion and trying to reason it out logically. But I'm not presenting that view to others inside the discussion as I felt that would cause conflict and be unproductive.


There are three games right now that I could list and over half a dozen delivery systems that are not directly available to folks in the company. One game has this problem due to poor design, the other two due to no need for access...actually that is not accurate. One game shut off access on their side to prevent devs from stealing items from players. It is a secure delivery system.


It all depends on their UX plan. The UI is strait forward, but the UX plan can define how the system produces and accesses content. Security also plays a role naturally, as do data layers.


So, they may have access or may not. It is not a cut and dry ideal.


....did that make your jaw drop as well?

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Think about it. Why would they design a game system that they didn't have access to or couldn't alter at will? That makes zero sense whatsoever.


Does it. Are you sure about that?


If this were the case, they would be the most shortsighted, inept MMO devs on the face of the planet. What if something went wrong with a transaction? You're screwed cause Custom Service doesn't have access to the bin?


Lack of delivery access can be for security sake. There are a few MMOs on the market right now that restrict delivery access by devs for security reasons...to create a secure delivery system for the user.


In one game almost the entire cash shop system is locked out except for listing new items and making adjustments. The only way to get access to the systems code is to pull the code in downtime and work it on another server, then reload it to the frame. There is no direct access from the server into the secure transaction system.


At any rate, this is quite a few calories burned in a seemingly silly exchange. Let me summarize.



....I'm not sure why they are having a problem. Maybe they can't get into the bin.


...are you crazy? Of course they can.


...Not necessarily. Depends on how it is designed.


...That's stupid. Anyone that designs it that way would be stupid.




The back and forth over one small element of the discussion reminds me of ice skating uphill. My dad used to have a saying...dont complain that the water was cold when you just jumped in without checking it first.


So maybe you guys should check the water next time before you belittle other community members posts.


Let's try to loosen up a bit, shall we?

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