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PvP guilds transfering to the Bastion


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ASB will put up quite a fight, they are the most experienced team that queues right now. But don't expect us to fail where you guild has for so long. I understand your angry because your guild is falling apart, but don't worry. It will all be ok soon :rolleyes:


"Put up quite a fight." I do admire your confidence lol. We've had our fair shares of victories (not a great ration :p) vs Ascension and quite frankly their overall skill and awareness is on a whole nuva level than you guys. But you guys should be the 3rd best ranked teams on BC! Oh wait there are only 3 ranked teams on BC.

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Funny because I remember us originally beating ascension and grim when we had our team over the summer. Now that we have it again, I doubt we will be pulling a grim and losing for 6-7 months in a row. As Myrm said you guys couldn't even pass up his rating, and he stopped queueing around August. :rolleyes: I give you guys a week before you switch back, or to another to server.
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I thought you might be older than a teenager but apparently your first insult proves otherwise :p Our rating in ranked isn't so hot because we play Ascension 90% of the time until Infamous recently came around with theirs. I'm absolutely shocked you managed to find others willing to play with you to form a ranked group! You finally grew some ballz to fight Ascension, who knows maybe someday you'll come to a server with greater challenges. Oh wait you could barely even form a full guild, keep working on those baby steps, you'll be a big boy in no time :D


Yeah we've been so scared of ascension and you guys, we just waited til you two decided to fall apart before entering the ranked scene again. Because the last time we were there it was just so unbearable. Its too much! And were going through a rough time because all of our members keep quitting. :( maybe you're right the grass is greener on the other side. We can try to ride off the success of another guild on bastion. Surely they'll let us in on their ranked teams given our stellar rating. :)

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Yes I did research The Bastion has the biggest PVP community not POT5. In the year + you guys have jumped around from guild to guild you waited this long to do ranked when you said on these forums after 2.0 to watch out you were going to throw your hat into the ranked scene When Ascension and GD still had their ranked teams and queued on Modays you did not.


You wanted to queue on days they didn't and play lesser guilds who had trouble putting together a team. So now that guilds are moving and people are transfering your puffing your chest out like your the next big ranked team.

Your guild is johnny come lately and no one cares at this point because it took you so long to do anything and still haven't.


Fluxs a grown man of a tank called you and strouds out months ago so don't come on here now and act like other guilds all failed and your going to do something they didn't. GD beat Ascension sometimes 5 in a row they gave them the best competition on the server your guild never queue'd up and that is a FACT.



Right it couldn't possibly be that our guys aren't on Fridays. You know, they're out, playing some thing called real life. I hear its great, its f2p too.


You also act as if we've never fought grim or ASB in ranked before. We have, and never lost to a pub guild. We completely owned GD as well.


Also amusing how they wanted to call us out for ranked while we were still gearing our players, but now that they're in the same position that's a legitimate excuse. Before it wasnt. Love the double standard. But I've grown use to it from them.


And I've never seen you on a ranked team, so since we're all l337 pl4yers where's your credentials mayne?



Yes people are going to a more challenging PVP server and being trolled by someone who couldn't even pick up his punk card when Fluxs dropped it as his feet. Try again.


Oh yes we're just terrified of flux too. Scary guy.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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What's so funny about you Neo is no one even notices or mentions you or your bro as elite players and I quickly note players who impress me in warzones. Hell I didn't even know who you were until you opened your mouth on the forums. You may be darn good and smashing in a big circle of players (while ignoring or spotting healers for half the wz) to juice your stats and flaunt your peen on the highest damage total but you're blind as a bat when it comes to objectives and go fight one v ones in hutball ignoring ball carriers for personal revenge. But perhaps you are growing and becoming a team player now that you've actually got a guild that may last more than 2 weeks. How many guilds have you been in? :D
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What's so funny about you Neo is no one even notices or mentions you or your bro as elite players and I quickly note players who impress me in warzones. Hell I didn't even know who you were until you opened your mouth on the forums. You may be darn good and smashing in a big circle of players (while ignoring or spotting healers for half the wz) to juice your stats and flaunt your peen on the highest damage total but you're blind as a bat when it comes to objectives and go fight one v ones in hutball ignoring ball carriers for personal revenge. But perhaps you are growing and becoming a team player now that you've actually got a guild that may last more than 2 weeks. How many guilds have you been in? :D


Ah there we go! I wouldnt be talking about guild's lasting, yours is on its way to taking a dirt nap while ours is still going strong. As for neo's "flaunted dmg" he gets that while beating on healers. I know its shocking to you because you cant get that kind of dmg to save your life while playing objs, but some of us can. It was always entertaining to hear your voice cry in Aroca's vids. "Heal me Heal me!" now that your crutch *oh i mean healers* are gone, your falling apart. Your in need of some of that healin right now, I just crit you for 10k :eek:

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I've never played you once in a ranked game Neo, that's probably a big reason why you may have won :D (Hope he doesn't spend 2 hours looking through his fraps and burn me if I'm wrong:p).


I wouldn't waste time on you. You talk the talk that's obvious, but you don't walk the walk. The only reason you're even known to me is because you are notorious for raging. Also, all the smileys in the world won't disguise the fact that you clearly are angry at the moment. This is the time when you should just walk away from the keyboard and refrain from saying anything altogether.

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Im glad im not involved in all this drama :D its nice to be on the sidelines




Edit: In case you haven't been following along the rage for the past week(TLDR):



The myrmedouche brothers are moving from thread to thread pwning every baddie that questions their "eliteness". While at the same time... passively insulting every member of the community.

Edited by Bellumpvp
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I've never played you once in a ranked game Neo, that's probably a big reason why you may have won :D (Hope he doesn't spend 2 hours looking through his fraps and burn me if I'm wrong:p).


Lol "watch out we got a bad *** over here" :D

You guys should take a page from Infamous' pvp playbook and learn to manage expectations. Right now your setting the bar really high with all this big talk. I cant wait for when you guys xfer and get wiped, my only hope is that bioware will make the xfer cost so high that people will have to think twice before xferring back. All this big talk reminds me of chihuahuas, little things that think they are tough :rolleyes:

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Half of ascensions Ranked team has left ot Join up with ITK, and we currently have 3 people leveling their characters, all are around their 40's right now. Hopefully they will hit 55 by the end of the weekend, then again they're all heavy PvPers and stink at leveling (Looking at you Approxy ;D) Anywho, We will be transferring to the bastion, and if I'm not mistaken some of GD's best are coming aswell, and some other very good PvPers.


Plus, don't really pay attention to Retaliation, they're just itching for someone to acknowledge they finally put a ranked team together a year after it came out. ;)

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Half of ascensions Ranked team has left ot Join up with ITK, and we currently have 3 people leveling their characters, all are around their 40's right now. Hopefully they will hit 55 by the end of the weekend, then again they're all heavy PvPers and stink at leveling (Looking at you Approxy ;D) Anywho, We will be transferring to the bastion, and if I'm not mistaken some of GD's best are coming aswell, and some other very good PvPers.


Plus, don't really pay attention to Retaliation, they're just itching for someone to acknowledge they finally put a ranked team together a year after it came out. ;)


By half do you mean Kirax and Threid? Because it is only you and Melyn that left that I am aware of.

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wow! the original poster must be having a blast with all these childish bickering. Kudos on painting a nice picture of BC community.

Here people are boasting about putting a ranked team out after more than one and a half years. Talk about efficiency.

People are calling out other people just because they decided to leave. Its a game server not your county. Its not like they are betraying valuable intelligence to the enemy troops.

If someone feels there is a lack of competition on this server don't you people think the right question is to ask is why they feel that way rather than ranting about how they will get their *** handed to them on somewhere else.

The most funny thing is people are actually debating about which one is better POT5 or Bastion! why?! you neither belong to POT5 nor Bastion.

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1 and half year after the game came out. What I dont understand is why these bickering when someone just wanted to know who is changing server?

Did he pretend that their server has better PvP? Yes, does that mean anything? NO. What did we do in response? start throwing dirt on each other. What does that say about our community? You dont see people from Bastion come over here to fuel the argument. We are childish enough to keep it sustained.

There is another post on the forum where someone asked about PvE guilds and people just answered the question. Why is all this bickering here. Does it prove anything?

Trolling!? Look the word up and see what it means.

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1 and half year after the game came out. What I dont understand is why these bickering when someone just wanted to know who is changing server?

Did he pretend that their server has better PvP? Yes, does that mean anything? NO. What did we do in response? start throwing dirt on each other. What does that say about our community? You dont see people from Bastion come over here to fuel the argument. We are childish enough to keep it sustained.

There is another post on the forum where someone asked about PvE guilds and people just answered the question. Why is all this bickering here. Does it prove anything?

Trolling!? Look the word up and see what it means.


Yep. We've never done ranked before. Like ever.



All this bickering does is make those who are leaving want to leave sooner, those who are iffy lean toward leaving, and those who are staying feel bitter


This community is on a downward spiral and it correlates to how well Neo's guild is doing. Once the PvP'ers and PvP guilds leave his guild will look that much better and perform that much better. This will lead to these forums being flooded by him and his lackies. It's funny though once ASB's ranked team got broken up Neo does ranked all of the sudden, kinda cute


I know it's rude to call out an entire guild like that but frankly I don't give a damn.


Any rate I'm looking forward to joining the Shadowlands - an easy going east coast PvE server - for those who stay enjoy what's to come


Do you ever say anything positive? Everything's so negative with you man. All you do is complain. Not even sure why you're still here, you claimed you unsubbed like 6 times. Quit trolling the forums.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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