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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Transfers, 11 Months Later...


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I would think that there would be more of a demand for EU to NA transfers, rather then NA<->NA or EU<->EU transfers. I have characters on both servers and would be happy to pay the fee to transfer the rest to NA. Allow us the option to do this.
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Come on Eric, Amber, someone...give us a genuine, real answer on this one.


Plz gives us a reason?

I was forced to move to the Bastion with the merges, been there solo, waiting to change for an euro server... now i find out i can't?

Souldn't have been paying all this time :/

Edited by Yettofall
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This is really disappointing. During that population blip around early - mid 2012,I went to the ONLY heavily populated server at the time : The Fatman despite being on GMT because I loved the game and wanted it to continue playing it.

Now that character I levelled there will probably have to sit there for another year before I can propally play him again... And you give no reason why your restricting it? First I see that transfers are delayed now this? Your constant lack of info and actual disrespect for players intellect is dumbfounding. I have stuck through thick and thin with this game but I'm getting quite sick of this 'need to now' basis. It's just disappointment after disappointment. Sometimes I just wish that you wouldn't announce things until they are 100% ready for release. I enjoy this game so much but this is getting tiresome.

Edited by Darth_Exar
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Bioware, all we are asking for is when character transfers become available, please let us choose any EU to NA or NA to EU transfer. If you truely do read and care about what your subscribers want, then work out whatever has to be in order to make it happen. You have alot of people that want EU to NA and will pay. Please allow this feature, I am speaking on behalf of everyone who has been forced to a server on NA or EU and their ping is to high to enjoy the game, or for those who rolled toons to play with friends who have now left the game and they find themselves in opposite time zones and unable to enjoy the game. This is all we are asking in this thread, and if you all care about your paying subscribers, you will work on fixing the EU to NA transfer problem. It's not like there will be a mass exit of players from EU or NA, because players do want the best ping, but I am sure once you open transfers, people will find a home and be able to enjoy playing again. Edited by tonooo
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This is pathetic. Now we get to wait two more weeks so you can tell us it is delayed yet again? I do not care about my achievements transferring (almost all the things I did before the achievement system never showed up anyway). I do not even care about the legacy as I am transferring to a higher level legacy. If it is such an issue, give us the option to transfer without those so we can actually transfer!


Charge me 900CC and explicitly state that these things will not transfer.

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This is pathetic. Now we get to wait two more weeks so you can tell us it is delayed yet again? I do not care about my achievements transferring (almost all the things I did before the achievement system never showed up anyway). I do not even care about the legacy as I am transferring to a higher level legacy. If it is such an issue, give us the option to transfer without those so we can actually transfer!


Charge me 900CC and explicitly state that these things will not transfer.


Well put. ^^


Let us transfer to any sever of our choice. Show us that you do listen and want to support what your paying subscribers want. Your new content means nothing to those who are stuck on servers in opposite time zones with no one to group with, or a sever half way across the world where the ping makes it impossible to play, or simply for those who just want to take their character to any server to join new guilds and meet new people without spending hours upon hours grinding gear, levels again.

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Well put. ^^


Let us transfer to any sever of our choice. Show us that you do listen and want to support what your paying subscribers want. Your new content means nothing to those who are stuck on servers in opposite time zones with no one to group with, or a sever half way across the world where the ping makes it impossible to play, or simply for those who just want to take their character to any server to join new guilds and meet new people without spending hours upon hours grinding gear, levels again.


Another good point. I should really be starting all the nightmare content that was released today, considering the amount of time I've played this game, but I've still not even completed SM S&V, TFB, TC...none of it, because raiding at 2am when everyone else on your server is doing it, is obviously not feasible.


Moreover, what gives with this complete and utter silence from you? This is past insulting now, it's just laughable. Give your customers a damn answer. Would you ignore a customer in a shop with a query? Of course not, and we're paying.


Like has been said, don't give a crap about achievements (and like has also been said, very little of the actual achievements ever registered with your system anyway). Just let me play the game with people in my timezone.

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Patience ......Eric responded earlier they were not going to release server transfer abiltity until its working properly.


The goal is 6/25 but only if it is working correctly. You have your answer... There is no silence. They will release when it's fixed.

Edited by neoncactus
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Patience ......Eric responded earlier they were not going to release server transfer abiltity until its working properly.


The goal is 6/25 but only if it is working correctly. You have your answer... There is no silence. They will release when it's fixed.


Thanks for your reply, but you've clearly not read anything in the last 30 or so posts.

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Thanks for your reply, but you've clearly not read anything in the last 30 or so posts.


My applogies.. you commented just a few posts above there was nothing but silence.


Eric has kept us in the loop... Told us the transfers aren't ready to go live yet but will once everything is ready.. He also posted no NA to EU transfers for now as well. I would say that isn't silence at least it's some communication. If you are wanting to know why the delay or decision on destination servers than I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed. I would assume Eric at this time doesn't have or isn't allowed to say the reason or he would have told us in the first place.

Edited by neoncactus
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Hey folks,


I know there have been quite a few questions around paid character transfers so I spent some time rounding up the answers to the more heavily asked ones and here they are! If there are any that I missed please feel free to post them in this thread and I will see what I can find out.


How much do transfers cost?

Paid character transfers cost 1800 Cartel Coins per character. The purchase must be made using Cartel Coins.


How do I transfer a character?

Once the service is live in 2.2, you will be able to go to your account page here on swtor.com and transfer from there.


What happens if there is a name collision?

If your character name is already taken by another player on your new server, you will need to rename your character. Your character will be “flagged” for a rename once you login.


Will my Legacy, Achievements, and Collections all transfer with my character?

Yes! All of your Legacy unlocks, Achievements earned, and triggered Collections will be waiting for you.


What happens if I have a Legacy on both my source and destination servers?

Whichever Legacy is of a higher level will take precedence and become your new Legacy. This has no affect on unlocks, the unlocks from both Legacies will combine. For example: You are transferring a character from the Bastion to the Harbinger. The character you are transferring from the Bastion is in a level 27 Legacy. Currently on Harbinger you have a level 13 Legacy. After the transfer you will now have a level 27 Legacy on Harbinger which combines the unlocks from both servers.


Is there a way to transfer a guild?

There is currently no method in place to transfer an entire guild at one time. Each person must transfer their characters individually and recreate their guild on the new server.


I hope that clears some things up! Let me know if there are any major questions still pending that I missed.




EDIT. nm. caught up to end of thread

Edited by swClay
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My applogies.. you commented just a few posts above there was nothing but silence.


Eric has kept us in the loop... Told us the transfers aren't ready to go live yet but will once everything is ready.. He also posted no NA to EU transfers for now as well. I would say that isn't silence at least it's some communication. If you are wanting to know why the delay or decision on destination servers than I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed. I would assume Eric at this time doesn't have or isn't allowed to say the reason or he would have told us in the first place.


Again, not really read what's been said, but I'll fill you in.


They've confirmed paid transfers are coming, within the next week or two most likely. They've already moved many of the APAC players to East coast servers, so cross-region transfers is perfectly viable. Finally, they've stated their reason for not allowing EU <-> NA transfers is nothing technical.


Do you not see something wrong with this? And if you do, which you should, are we not entitled to an explanation as to why they aren't doing it?

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You are right... Bioware could make it easier by just explaining why people can not transfer from one server to another regardless of location. If bioware is worried about server balance than it couldn't hurt them just to say that.
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You are right... Bioware could make it easier by just explaining why people can not transfer from one server to another regardless of location. If bioware is worried about server balance than it couldn't hurt them just to say that.


It's not as if I'm expecting to change their mind. This is Bioware, after all; they would never their mind simply to make people happy, but it would be nice if they had some respect for us and just gave us a reason.

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Chances are, there two kinds of posters in this thread are...



People whom are on servers they don't plan on transfering anyway ~


" It's relatively cheap! "

" Stop complaining! "

" Deal with it! "



People whom are on servers they do plan to transfer off of for various reasons ~


" Well ****, It's gonna cost 14,400 CCs to move all my characters... "


I think you've hit the nail on the head my friend!

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I think you've hit the nail on the head my friend!



There's the center, too.


People like me, who say:


It IS relatively cheap. However, the game is built around alting and legacy. There should be a bundled offer for subscribers to transfer their legacy.


Single transfer is a good option for those who have 1 or 2 toons stranded on another server -- but if you have a legacy? They're (trying to) bleed you dry.

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There's the center, too.


People like me, who say:


It IS relatively cheap. However, the game is built around alting and legacy. There should be a bundled offer for subscribers to transfer their legacy.


Single transfer is a good option for those who have 1 or 2 toons stranded on another server -- but if you have a legacy? They're (trying to) bleed you dry.


LOL!!!! Ok we'll insert yours as option 3.

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