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Appearance customisation: Age


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For those sad barstewards such as myself, it seems sort of odd to create a legacy family tree in which a parent, child and grandchild are the same age.


Also, for the roleplayers amongst us, it would be nice to be able to create an older character, or at least to modify an existing character with an older complexion.


You already have these programmed in for NPC's. It'd be nice to be able to implement them to a few of my existing characters, and generally see a bit more variety in the mix.

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Far less problematic than having three generations of the same family all look identical in age.


What that age is (18, 25, 30?) is subjective because adult computer sprites, even good 3D ones, don't have clearly definable ages within a few years of estimation. The best you can say really is "young", "middle aged" and "elderly". Real world is full of examples of people in the younger bracket romancing people in the older ones. Don't see why it should be "problematic" in a game if it isn't in life.


Some people consider same sex relationships problematic, but I don't see why the dev's should pander to such outdated concepts of what is and isn't acceptable. The same goes for relationships with large age gaps. Maybe some people consider it "not wholesome", but I don't see that as a barrier to adopting it.

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Personally I don't mind characters in my family tree looking the same age - you can't log in to 2 characters at the same time, so you don't necessarily have to think that they "exist" at the same time. Now, I don't really rpg in TOR, but with a RPG friend of mine I have tried that a few times. Now, I have characters x and y and my friend has character z. Character x, in our RPG game, is married to character z and we thought that they having a relationship in TOR, too, would be fun. BUT, my character y is actually a child of characters x and z. Then, we just played that if I'm logged to character x and my friend to z, we play like the characters would be young and just met each other, but if I was playing my character y, we played as characters x and z would have been married for a long time and z was y's father.


But I'm used to a way of RPG where you use your imagination to all the "visual" stuff, so I really can't say if the people who RPG in TOR need the "visual" side to be more detailed.


The companion romances wouldn't be the only problem (even though now already there was a thread a few weeks ago about how people think many romances are almost pedophilia, think about after that). There would be people who look 60 years old...but are still jedi padawans. They must be really hopeless at being jedi, don't you think? Also, 60 years old person shouldn't have the body of a 20 years of person, and really, would you like to see all those grandmother-aged people running around in slave girl outfits?

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I understand what you mean, but on the other hand- Humans already have a variety of "aged" faces, just not an "age" skin applied to any face.


If you want to play an alien (near human, lets face it) then you are going to have to be satisfied with a single age group only.


In truth, I'd be happy if they just released a few older faces for the other races, if that's easier than creating a "wrinkle" skin ;).

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Romancing companions could be problematic after this - when the companion is 18 and your character is clearly at least 50, it would feel pretty...weird.


Well, not really, if you consider that it's legal and, to some extent, acceptable IRL (esp. if we're talking about an older man and a younger woman).


None of the companions are younger than 18, IIRC, but I personally still wouldn't pursue a romance with a character that's supposedly 30-40 years younger than I am, but then again I'm not an RPer.


But, as far as I know, RPers love angst and dramatic settings so I guess it's something they'd love to have as an option.


I do agree, though, that having 60yo Padawans and Apprentices would seem weird, so maybe, it they choose to implement it they should only make it available after Chapter 2, by which point I'm pretty sure everyone has moved past that stage of their training. There is no reason, however, to limit it for the non-force using classes.

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Romancing companions could be problematic after this - when the companion is 18 and your character is clearly at least 50, it would feel pretty...weird.


When you get close to 50 I promise you won't feel weird about wanting to romance 18 year olds, and it won't matter whether you are male or female. Giggety.

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