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i hate hutts...


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i don't know why, but almost every time i talk with hutts in quests, i just want to kill them right away...

the best quests i did is when i killed hutts, maybe because they believe they are so superior, or because the slavery, i don't know... i just hate them.

9 in each 10 hutts make me want a bloodbath...

what is your opinions on hutts?

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As long as they are

A: Not slavers

B: Aligned with the Republic


I am okay. However, I did admit that I was almost goaded into killing Toborro with my Jedi Knight for all that BS he spewed at me at the end. No matter, my smuggler can do that job...

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i don't know why, but almost every time i talk with hutts in quests, i just want to kill them right away...

the best quests i did is when i killed hutts, maybe because they believe they are so superior, or because the slavery, i don't know... i just hate them.

9 in each 10 hutts make me want a bloodbath...

what is your opinions on hutts?


I'd like to say the slavery ideal, but then I look at what the vast majority of players seem to embrace slavery. So one must learn to accept! Kill em because they're a giant slug who embraces slavery instead, before they make Slurm Soda!

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Hutts are kind of a weird thing for me, because they have an obviously terrible and exploitative society and mindset, and basically a biological instinct towards amoral self-interest (apparently canon?). By most standards of other species, they're going to be seen as despicable, even as their savvy in trade gives them a lot of economic power.


On the other hand, there's almost kind of an acceptable targets thing towards the Hutts that makes me just a bit uncomfortable. In game whenever someone says "Hutt" the tone strikes me as eerily similar to real-life prejudices of generations past.


Hutt jokes are hilarious though. In part because Hutts generally have a lot of misplaced pride - but good luck telling one to a Hutt's face.

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I'd like to say the slavery ideal, but then I look at what the vast majority of players seem to embrace slavery. So one must learn to accept! Kill em because they're a giant slug who embraces slavery instead, before they make Slurm Soda!


i play as a sith and starting a trooper and i want to kill 99% of the hutts...

they think they are so superior, even those who help the empire...

slavery can be "acceptable", if it gives me a legitimate reason to kill those giant slugs, i just hate how they treat me as a grunt, wanting me to do their dirty job and they don't even thank me properly...

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It's kind of like racism, really. Because you hear about all the bad hutts, you automatically think of them as bad as a whole.

(kind of like how the terrorism thing affected us)


honestly, every time i talk with a hutt in a quest, i start to hate them... or they think they are so superior or they betray me...

very, very few hutts are worthy living, but the majority i spoke, i want to kill and those i killed a had so much pleasure


(about terrorism, it doesn't affect me at all, my country never had this kind of problem)

Edited by MalthazarCeres
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