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Shien Server Event - Republic Side


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Well folks,


Welcome to your TOR adventure :) I know alot of you will be leveling, questing, having a blast so I thought we should get together for the first Offiicial Server RP Event :) This event is basically just a meet and greet, to allow our characters to meet each other in game etc.



When: Wednesday Decemebr 14th

Time: 7pm Server Time

Where: Coruscant


Hope to see ya there!

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Good to see the server-events efforts starting early! I hope we'll get to see eachother a lot in the future. Sadly, even if my EGA begins tomorrow, I'll still be at work :mad: BUT! That doesn't mean I can't /applaud your efforts!


PLEASE take some screenshots! It's important to geeks like me to possess such things as the game's 1st player-event's screenshots.


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Sadly I don't think I can make it either :( I was hoping to get into today but that is a no go and I got work tomorrow :(


You guys can still get together though :).


I posted this as well Here and someone did suggest to push it back, since many may not be able to attend.


Would that be a better option for you guys so you aren't feeling rushed to push past the Origin Worlds?

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Honestly, as gun ho and people are, this feels like an attempt to feel relevant because of the whole Lord Ardrass drama.


I dont think any events should be happening during early access, its not a real test of what is to come.


Start holding these events later on, after everyone is in the game, possibly even after New Years so they arent conflicting with holidays.


You need to give people a chance to get their feet wet. Even the greatest RPer still gets excited about a new game, and if you werent in the beta at all, you have alot to check out still.


Holding events now will result in a low turn out, which will discourage people about the server, which might lead to migrations towards Lord Ardrass.

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I would almost suggest having it Saturday or Sunday, by the several waves of new people should be in, and a larger number will have leveled naturally to the Coruscant area. For example we have 53 people on our guild roster, but only a dozen or so actually in game yet. I figure every guild has people still locked out as well.
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You know, I don't want Lord-whatever server drama here in Shien. Please keep it to yourselves ok? I picked this server specifically because we had an event, and I was excited to see pro-active and positive stuff on the server instead of a bunch of people trying to control each other.


I'm logging in now, and will be happy to waste a bit of time readiny all the codex entries I gathered on Ord Mantell last night while sitting in the cantina in the market just before the Senate Building on Coruscant.


People who can come and want to, .l... come! People who can't come and don't want to.... don't! There will be more events later right? No big deal, so don't make it one.

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Mm, didn't seem like the event went live last night - I think there was some confusion about times, locations, etc. Plus as stated, lots of folks are just getting early access, into their starting class and zone, or not even in game yet.


So my suggestion FWIW is to keep the momentum, but let's try to plan something a little further out. What about a big Dec 21st Welcome party? I suggest Dec 21st so that everyone who gets the game on Dec 20 has time to take their time through character generation and their starting planet first.



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Well I did schedule an RP dance party scheduled tonight at the Republic fleet. It's going to be a regular Thursday thing through the first weeks of launch.


The thing to remember is, you can leave your starter planet and go to Coruscant or Dromund Kass at level 1. People don't have to level up to go RP. I also agree that an early start doesn't hurt, if people don't show up, it's ok, I normally still enjoy myself there anyway, because it is down time to read my collected codex entries while I lie in wait err lounge about with no ulterior motives for vic-err, fellow friends to interact with.

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