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DEVS: What does "unlimited access to all game features" mean?


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Yes. Yes it does. It also said it two weeks ago when I dropped the cash for a 3 month subscription. They should have said something. They definitely need to change the page now.

I just found it. So, yes, I agree, it is very misleading, unless by "access" they mean "You can buy with CC if you want to," in which case even F2P have "access" to everything.

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I wasn't able to role a Miraluka on the Imperial side (which I have now) when I first looked at the character creation screen, so I guess I was LIED TOO!


My god man, what has Bioware done to me!!! :jawa_eek:


you know, this actually happened to me and pissed me off. my miraluka, which is level 50, is stranded on another server. i re-rolled when that server died a long time ago. when they released legacy they said i could 'unlock' those characters. back then, they didn't care about their subscribers at all. they just sat around doing nothing, watching subs quit by the thousands. they did eventually merge servers with the f2p switch, but it worked such that my toons are still spread across 3 servers and, given the option, they would rather see me quit than try to fix it.


that's alright. maybe in 2.2 they'll see if they can get me to spend more money on top of the subscription fee to fix their inattention.


I just found it. So, yes, I agree, it is very misleading, unless by "access" they mean "You can buy with CC if you want to," in which case even F2P have "access" to everything.


this has been covered


For Cartel Market items, you have access to purchase all of them, as do F2P players. What sets you folks apart is your monthly stipend which will allow you to purchase those features at no additional cost should you choose. I realize with your stipend, and with all the features we have, you may not be able to get it all at once but you can get it in time as a subscriber.


cartel market purchase are covered under "access"

Edited by curtkram
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Quote: Originally Posted by Jeff Hickman

First, you can continue as a subscriber, which gives you unlimited access to all game features and future Game Updates at no additional charge.




I noticed how a few folks on this thread seriously did their best trying to apologize for this statement. I love the game too, but Jeff is a highly paid grown man and should take some accountability for what he is telling the customers. I'm not about to call Ralph Nader or anything but as a subscriber and fan I logged on to pimp out my characters only to find out that it just wasnt possible that day.


As a subscriber that is all I know so far. It just wasn't possible. Should I look into it and write an article? I'm not even excited about it, as if it didn't happen. In my mind this is all being interpreted as if the customization update wasnt even implemented yet. What exactly are SWTOR bloggers supposed to write about it? I feel as if the only story to be told about this is through a negative article, and I dont like writing about the game in a negative light. But I am going to write about chairs in the Cantinas that folks can't sit on.


SWTOR is my favorite video game of all time, even better than Empire Strikes Back on Atari. I play all new games that come out, but I always, always, always go back to SWTOR, which is why I subscribe. But DCOnline 2008 beats all when it comes to customization. Why SWTOR devs didnt look into it, beats the hell out of me. My only guess is that the administrators were too concerned with trying to make as much money as they can off of cartel coins. That feeling really cheapens the experience. But at least it means it is not the fault of the developers who are being told what to do.


My last two cents are if and when sitting in chairs is finally implemented in an effort to complete the development of this video game, we better not have to pay cartel coins to sit down! I will freak.

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I noticed how a few folks on this thread seriously did their best trying to apologize for this statement. I love the game too, but Jeff is a highly paid grown man and should take some accountability for what he is telling the customers. I'm not about to call Ralph Nader or anything but as a subscriber and fan I logged on to pimp out my characters only to find out that it just wasnt possible that day.



And I am glad you are stopping short of the political analogy -- politicians are trying to win elections based on what they say they will do, and therefore have PR machines that make sure every statement is carefully worded. Jeff Hickman isn't trying to win an election and I think in an attempt to genuinely communicate to the players the future of the game, he misspoke. I don't think he counted on this type of scrutiny over his syntax and semantics.


I'm still trying to understand the point of dwelling on this now infamous clause...:mon_trap:

Edited by PaulyTheHut
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I just asked customer support and they were speechless and couldnt refute the sub facts had changed, so i think that says it all.


I've worked on a helpdesk/call centre before, and I work somewhere that has one... And I hate to say it bud, but saying the customer support person didnt know what to say has little value.... Those people tend to work at the coalface so to speak, dealing with the immediate problems and not the bigger picture stuff. They have a community team to trawl the forums, I doubt the customer support keeps track of evertyhing a Bioware employee says on the forums and what it means if they seem to change tack in the future.

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Really? You all are still going on in here after the question as been answered?


The horse isn't just dead, it's completely flattened at this point. Give it a break. Move on to the next topic.


How's that Bolster coming along? :rolleyes:

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This is a very subjective question... for example features could be considering:


Story content

Group Content

Raid Content





For example... Cathar is a race, but the specific race Cathar might not be considered a "feature" from a game perspective, but the ability to choose races at all is a feature.


There's no set in stone rules for how a game (MMO or not) defines "feature"... so though I might be interested in their response I think its kind of pointless.

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And I am glad you are stopping short of the political analogy -- politicians are trying to win elections based on what they say they will do, and therefore have PR machines that make sure every statement is carefully worded. Jeff Hickman isn't trying to win an election and I think in an attempt to genuinely communicate to the players the future of the game, he misspoke. I don't think he counted on this type of scrutiny over his syntax and semantics.


I'm still trying to understand the point of dwelling on this now infamous clause...:mon_trap:



Quote: Jeff

First, you can continue as a subscriber, which gives you unlimited access to ALL game features and future Game Updates at no additional charge.


1. False advertising


2. Misrepresentation of terms of service


3. Misrepresentation of terms of purchase


4. Misrepresentation of contents of purchase


Now, I repeat I'm not going to make a big stink of it. Like I said above, I'm not going to call Ralph Nader. Just showing some solidarity for my fellow SWTOR subscribers, the community, who felt a little cheated when they logged on after the update to see what the videos were about only to learn that it just wasn't going to happen. I also agree with you that he misspoke, but this is a business and we are customers. To be honest, this topic isn't even too much of a concern with me (I want to see more interaction in the Cantinas), just sharing that it hurt to hear that one.

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1. False advertising


2. Misrepresentation of terms of service


3. Misrepresentation of terms of purchase


4. Misrepresentation of contents of purchase



The only one that you could apply to a blog comment is #1. I too have solidarity with my subscribers -- SWTOR is my MMO of choice, and its players are my tribe. But I also count the devs and community reps as my tribe, and thus prefer to give them the same consideration. Call me gullible, but I just don't think Jeff Hickman gets up everyday thinking about how he can **** over the SWTOR player base.


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