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Accuracy broken?


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First I want to appologize for my english. I'm french and noone from Bioware read our topics for 6 months, so I'm posting here.


I'm a bit concerned about accuracy. I'm playing a sorcerer with 109% accuracy and I usually have around 1-2% of resists. That is normal.


What I don't understand is that my friends with 105% and the other one with 108% (both sorcerers) have absolutly no resist after 3 operations! Not even one! They don't have a huge dps, actually it is not very good ; so the only reason I see is that under a certain limit you just can't miss.


Here are their parses :

http://www.torparse.com/a/230621 (accuracy 108%)

http://www.torparse.com/a/230617 (accuracy 105%)


Another issue I have. My alt is a mercenary with 109% accuracy. I must do something wrong because I've got around 20% of misses sometimes!!! (I got a lot of "broken" GCD yesterday, it might explain this ; if this is the reason, Bioware now you know how broken your servers are)


Here's my parse : http://www.torparse.com/a/230619


If someone can take some time and analyse these parses and find an explanation, that'd be great.

Eric, if you can share that post with devs...


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Kesphin
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For the merc it is possible that the 20% is coming from your secondary pistol, as the accuracy is much lower than than your primary. Anyway I don't know if it is possible to differentiate in parses between the "miss" from your primary and secondary pistols.



Pour le "merc" c'est possible que les 20% vient de ton pistole secondaire, car la précision est beaucoup moin bien que ton pistole primaire. En tous cas, je ne sais pas ci c'est possible de faire la différence dans les "parse" entre les "miss" de ton primaire et ton secondaire.

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For my mercenary I compared with a friend from my guild and he's just having around 2% of misses. So I don't think it comes from my secondary pistol. Anyway, I'll look into it. Thanks. Edited by Kesphin
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For my mercenary I compared with a friend from my guild and he's just having around 2% of misses. So I don't think it comes from my secondary pistol.


My merc is still leve 20-something so I don't have more to say. But you could do something to verify that. You can remove the secondary pistol and run the parse again to see how much "miss" you are getting from it alone (unless the abilities need you to be dual wield.)

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I just ran another parse on the operation target dummy and I got 25% of misses with my mercenary!!! (109.18% accuracy). It doesn't come from "broken" GCD because I didn't get one. I just don't understand.



http://www.torparse.com/a/231653 8% misses with only one gun (still strange)


My biggest concern is about my sorcerers friends having no miss with only 105% and 108% accuracy. After that many fights it is statistically impossible.

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When I remove my secondary pistol I just have 0.42% misses instead of 15% but I still have 8% dodge.


So the 15% misses are indeed because of the secondary pistol. Don't know about dodge.


I am using black nebula heavy blasters from the cartel market in both hands (both 66 barrels). One can only be used with MH and the other one with both. There might be a bug because of it. I just don't know.

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http://www.torparse.com/a/231653 8% misses with only one gun (still strange)



Actually not so strange, the 109.18% you gave is for special attacks, normal attacks have 99.18% accuracy. So if you look at the Miss column of the miss stats you will see it is 0.42% Your special attacks will never miss, while your normal will miss at a rate of 0.82% so the total average will be around half of it if you used the same number of normal and special attacks --> 0.42%

As for Dodge, well if the attacks lands, then it have a 10% chance to dodge, and since normal attacks doesn't go beyond 100% it has no chance to lower that value. That mean the normal attacks are getting a rate of 10% dodge. As for the special attacks since they have more than 100% chance they lower by that amount the 10% dodge, so they should be dodged at a rate of 0.82%. Special at 0.82% and normal at 10% so you got the 7.59%


edit: the 7.59% is a tad high (should be around 5% I suppose) but it is not statistically significant (so I wouldn't worry about it much)

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That explains a lot. Thanks!


But I still don't know why I get 15% misses with my secondary pistol when my merc friend doesn't get one. I'm crafting an OH only pistol and i'll test it as soon as it's ready.


And I still have the sorcerer issue, which is my biggest concern. At least we have one question solved :)

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But I still don't know why I get 15% misses with my secondary pistol when my merc friend doesn't get one. I'm crafting an OH only pistol and i'll test it as soon as it's ready.

I would think the 15% are more normal than not missing any.

As for the sorcs, I will take a look and see what's in it.

Edit: the parses are very strange! Seriously, not even a single dodge in the whole parse! I would be a million euros that the problem with with them and not you.

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Yes indeed! Same with my sorcerer, he has no problem. Having 2% of resists is absolutly normal. Having none is not, especially with how much accuracy they have. I'm gonna check their weapons when they log in.


Edit : well I changed my OH to an OH only but I still have misses with my merc. My merc friends do have dodges but no miss. I don't get it.


Here's an example : http://www.torparse.com/a/205426

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Yes indeed! Same with my sorcerer, he has no problem. Having 2% of resists is absolutly normal. Having none is not, especially with how much accuracy they have. I'm gonna check their weapons when they log in.


Edit : well I changed my OH to an OH only but I still have misses with my merc. My merc friends do have dodges but no miss. I don't get it.


Here's an example : http://www.torparse.com/a/205426


I don't recognize all the attacks in French (while my French is good) but I think he is only using special attacks.

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I've got a lot of misses on rapid shots and he doesn't use it indeed, but I get 23% of misses on unload (déchargement) when he's got only 4.8% dodge (no miss).


Here's the parse of another merc friend : http://www.torparse.com/a/228571


So, his dodges are only on rapid shots and unload but again, it's only dodges, no miss. As you can see I don't use all the attacks (ie electronet or fusion missile). Might come from here... I don't know.

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I checked my sorcerer friend's weapons, he's using and underworld saber and a 69 orange focus. I see no reason why it would bug accuracy. Only difference with me is that I'm using a verpine focus. Same lightning template too. I guess I'm gonna need an answer from the devs here.


P.S. No I'm not gonna upload my DirectX log.

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I checked my sorcerer friend's weapons, he's using and underworld saber and a 69 orange focus. I see no reason why it would bug accuracy. Only difference with me is that I'm using a verpine focus. Same lightning template too. I guess I'm gonna need an answer from the devs here.


P.S. No I'm not gonna upload my DirectX log.


I don't think it has to do with the focus or the hilt (but I could be wrong.) Anyway I don't have any theories on that, a yellow post will certainly help.

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If I were on the european servers I would friend you guys instantly, so polite and helpful! I wasn't aware there was a parse client established for the game that integrated features into the client at this point either, thanks for bringing it to light for me! :)
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Two things to point out, that may help narrow down the problems.


1.) Is your accuracy you are giving us Tech Accuracy? Or ranged?


2.) A mercenary in our guild figured something out. He has 110% tech accuracy with no problems, but you cannot get 110% ranged as well without sacrificing other stats. Unload, one of the important spells, will miss somewhat often. It removes a lot of possible DPS, and I wonder if this was an oversight.

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Two things to point out, that may help narrow down the problems.


1.) Is your accuracy you are giving us Tech Accuracy? Or ranged?


2.) A mercenary in our guild figured something out. He has 110% tech accuracy with no problems, but you cannot get 110% ranged as well without sacrificing other stats. Unload, one of the important spells, will miss somewhat often. It removes a lot of possible DPS, and I wonder if this was an oversight.


Special attacks on Merc have the same accuracy as tech. And they differ by 10% from normal ranged attacks so he is giving us both.


If I were on the european servers I would friend you guys instantly, so polite and helpful! I wasn't aware there was a parse client established for the game that integrated features into the client at this point either, thanks for bringing it to light for me! :)


Thank you :)

I didn't quite fathom what you said, but the game can give you parses (check preference>Combat Logging) and these can be uploaded to a website like the ones you saw that analyze it for you :)

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Thank you :)

I didn't quite fathom what you said, but the game can give you parses (check preference>Combat Logging) and these can be uploaded to a website like the ones you saw that analyze it for you :)


Oh, when I stopped playing in April 2012 I knew the combat log was coming, but as friends explained it at the time, it was a hefty file size and had to be processed offline, which wasn't very attractive. TORparse looks like a big improvement over last year, almost as clean as Recount for WoW.

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Oh, when I stopped playing in April 2012 I knew the combat log was coming, but as friends explained it at the time, it was a hefty file size and had to be processed offline, which wasn't very attractive. TORparse looks like a big improvement over last year, almost as clean as Recount for WoW.


Oh no, files are quite small (few hundrand KBs). Pretty easy and quick, but the files if I am not mistaken can only be accessed after you logged off.

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