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Haveing trouble with my guild

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So I really do not want to sound like a crybaby but I just can't stand it anymore and need some advice on how to handle my current guild. I started out in the guild a little over a year ago. Within a few weeks of me joining the officers and gm had a falling out and the gm left along with a sizeable chunk of the guild. At the time I wasn't a serious raider so this really didn't affect me and I just stuck around shortly after the new gm and officers who were the guilds main core group wanted to put together a second core and I was one of the first people to volunteer for it and made some really good friends through it including the officer who had put together and was running the second core group. Soon after personal issues forced him to quit the game and the core fell apart. The officers told us they were putting it back together and at this point we still had the tanks and several of the dps ready to go. After over a month of waiting the officers finally started it back up but at this point we were down to one tank and one dps(myself). After a week I was switched to be the other tank. Instead of filling the other spots with new people the main core basically took over and used it as a group for their alts. After a while they complained about getting too tired and disbanded the second group. I understood their point but failed to see why they couldn't have just brought in new people to begin with. Myself and the other tank who had at this point decided to go heals started to put together our own group. We had 2 tanks 2 dps and a heals in order then the gm swoops in and basically says yeah everything you guys have done is pointless we are putting a group together that's been almost a month and a half ago and still no group. While this is annoying my biggest problem is that even though we have people who are good at their roles in guild but whenever the core group needs a replacement instead of giving someone in guild a shot at it they find someone from out of guild. For example they lost their main tank after I was fully geared and had gotten pretty good at it and asked me to come help them GEAR the guy they were bringing in to fill the role who to my knowledge was a pvper and it really stung cause I had worked my but off and was nearly fully min maxed at this point and had sunk several million into my tank to get it geared quickly. At this point every person I was friends with in guild excluding two people out of ten had left and even they only come on occasionally. When I was learning my class they basically threw me in the deep end and told me to swim but seem to have hand held anyone they wanted for their core. I hate to just leave cause I've had a lot of fun times with them and they did give me one hm ec run's entire gear drop to me when I was getting my tank in order (mind you this was well after tab had launched and most grips had it on farm) but I just am getting tired of feeling like a cheerleader. I know this post has no information about server or names but I really don't want this getting back to them before I decide what to do
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Holy wall of text, Batman!


I struggled through all that, and what I took from it is...


Your guild treats you like the ugly girl they don't want their friends to know they're banging. Stop letting them abuse you and hoping they'll change and realize how great you could be together. It sounds like you're low priority to them, and if you want to be treated better, go elsewhere. Maybe they're just not that into you. Find a guild that is. The guild recruitment forums are great for that.

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Thanks for responding and nice batman reference. Sorry there was so much in it it's just late and I am kinda mad. Once again thanks for taking the time to read it and respond. My biggest concerns over leaving is that several of my friends from the guild haven't been on in a while and I hate to leave without saying bye:(. Can anyone suggest a good pve guild that's looking for a tank or healer on prophecy of the five. Edited by DarkWingedEagle
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I'd send my friends a note via in-game mail to explain, so that when they do log in, they'll see that and go "oh that's what happens when we stay gone so much. I should get in touch."


If you haven't checked it out, go here to Prophecy of the Five guild forum and browse. Most of the guilds have websites you can check out, and a lot of them will let you do a trial run with them in game as a 'recruit' before you sign on for full-time guild duties to make sure it's a good fit. That usually includes being given their mumble/vent/teamspeak info and shooting the breeze on voice and seeing how you mesh. Don't feel bad if you need to try a couple places before you find something that clicks.


Most likely if you post that you're a geared tank looking to join a guild, people on that forum will invite you to hang out.


Good luck!

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I know my guild on POT5 is always happy to get new players. We are gearing up for HM raids and such right now and have PvE nights as well as PvP nights.


All the planned raids/pvp stuff starts at 8pm central, but we always do stuff before and after those times. We are currently trying to form a ranked team (and get other people geared up to fill in if someone cant make it). The PvP leader does a great job forming the teams and making sure each one has the roles to achieve victory. I've personally enjoyed pvp more since i joined them.


PvE is where this guild excels. They have a really strong player base that has been around since launch and are very knowledgeable about all the raids. They dont mind teaching new people raid mechanics. They even put up with me and taught me stuff. :D



Now im not high up in the guild but i could get you in touch with the recruitment officer and he could get you more information. Just pm me and ill try to get you in touch with him if you are interested.



*Also, we are a Republic guild if that helps you make your decision.

Edited by thatPERSON
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I would agree shoot your friends in game mails telling them why you left and then get the hell out of that unappreciative guild, nobody should be a whipping boy for idiots. If they don't appreciate you, which it sounds like they don't then forget them and find a Guild that would.


You could always try the SWTOR Guild Quiz to give you a few recommendations too, it's how I found my guild.

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If you are on the Jedi Covenant Server then Check out Souls of Fate (repub) / The Defenestrators (Imp). We are a casual progression oriented guild with 2 raid groups and working one building 2 more. We are a mixed group from at least 3 different countries and every timezone in the US. We are friendly and "fun to raid with." We have both Repub side and Imp side guilds with experienced players in all positions.


Look for any of us and we will gladly send you an invite.

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If it isn't working with your guild just leave; no need to leave on bad terms and send them a wall of vitriol.


It sounds like some animosity is building up within you so do it sooner rather than later. Give them an exit interview if you wish but keep it short.


Plenty of other guilds around.


- Arcada

Edited by Nydus
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