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Hit and Run Method HM SV Dash takedown


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Baree, basically what we did here was fight Dash by the entrance to the sandstorm. As you may know, if Dash leaves the sandstorm he resets, so to avoid this, we kept the tanks in the sandstorm and everyone else outside. The mechanic we abused here was that once we leave the sandstorm, the stacks are cleansed, so every tank swap we would have the tank leave the sandstorm for they would not have too many stacks.We had our dps outside the storm, with range attacking Dash and the melee killing the birds. To avoid getting knocked back we all stacked by the pole near the entrance. We avoided the "lost" mechanic because we noticed in previous pulls that we would not get lost if the shield generator gets destroyed(this also means that this will only work in hardmode because the generator does not get attacked in story mode). If you have good tanks this method makes everything easier, but I will admit that it is an exploit, and that my raid group will not be doing it again because I don't like cheating. Just as a note, we beat it the regular way as well, we just wanted to have a little fun with this. Edited by raidmac
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