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There's an actual casino in Nar Shadda that sits unused in the game that represents a huge opportunity for the game. Create four or five mini-games of chance fitting to the setting and place them there. One could be as simple as a slot machine, while another could be based off Pazaak. Much as in real life casinos, offer generous payouts that inspire players to risk playing and small payouts to keep them playing, but keep the odds FIRMLY in favor of the house.


This could benefit the game in three ways: First, it gives players something to do, and more options for play are always worthy of consideration. Second, as games mature inflation can become an issue for new players. This takes credits out of the economy, helping to control inflation. Finally you could make it possible to play with both credits and cartel coins, perhaps giving players more reason to purchase the coins. As long it is established that there will NEVER be a payout of coins or credits for real world cash, I would assume there would be few legal complications.

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Great idea. I (and many other players) have wanted Pazaak or Sabacc which was even in KOTOR, another Bioware game. =P What's weird is if you go into the Esseles flashpoint (I don't know about Black Talon), there's a Sabacc table to your left right before the first conversation. You can hover the cursor over it and it highlights with an actual tooltip. Clicking it does nothing though, I wonder what the significance of this table is. :eek:
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