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Minor suggestions for next DLC


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Doubtful this will be read, but I feel I should post this anyways just to get it out of my system.


This is what I would like to see in the next expansion, and while I doubt most of these will even appear, or not appear, I think it would be neat. So what? Sue me.




2. Free-Roam Space Combat


3. Fully Customizable bases, exterior and/or interior (or perhaps the interiors alter to whatever shape the ship is)

- Ability to move companions within your ship. Love interest in the bedroom, huh? huh?


4. Class Focused continuing stories (allow us to have our Empire Strikes Back where we as the class separate from the core group and explore our own journeys again)


5. Mission Immersion

- Start Planetside,

-fight big boss,

-he escapes into space: give chase in starfighter, he flees wounded and jumps to hyperspace to another planet,

- head to hyperspace, AMBUSH! Dogfight!

- Cutscene where we have to use the escape pod (seriously, you built that to be useless? right.)

- land on the planet, wade through tons of enemies, solve some puzzles along the way,

- Big confrontation and CLIMAX TIME!!!


6. More companion progression


7. THEATRE MODE!! This story is so epic that it deserves the ability to go and relive all the major class cutscenes and give a taste of "what-if?" which is what a lot of characters, especially Jedi, think about.


8. Torgruta species


9. Advanced Class re-spec


10. 1 New Class? Diplomat? Uses Cunning or Aim like HK-51 does? Advanced Classes either use Pistol or Rifle? Rifle uses cunning, blaster uses aim?

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Don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I'd like an option to limit dark side corruption to the eyes. i love my sith yellow eyes on my twi'lek, but i refuse to let that crimson skin wash out as I reach DS2 and above. *sigh*


Anyway, I'm not sure ship redecorating or moving companions would be all that practical, seems a bit of a waste of time to create all that for a ship you don't spend all THAT much time inside.


While I like having hoods it would be nice to have the option of a bare head.


Anyhoo my 2 creds

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