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Bounty Hunter/Mercenary primary attributes


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hey guys. I am having trouble locating a difinitive list concerning classes and their primary attributes.


For a BH/Merc it is Aim and Cunning, no? Endurance obviously for all.


I need this stat info concerning ALL classes though, and I cannot find this information anywhere on the website. If anyone could enlighten me I'd really appreciate it..even if it's just pointing me in the right direction to find the info myself....


Good luck to everyone, and thanks in advance!

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hey guys. I am having trouble locating a difinitive list concerning classes and their primary attributes.


For a BH/Merc it is Aim and Cunning, no? Endurance obviously for all.


I need this stat info concerning ALL classes though, and I cannot find this information anywhere on the website. If anyone could enlighten me I'd really appreciate it..even if it's just pointing me in the right direction to find the info myself....


Good luck to everyone, and thanks in advance!


It used to be Aim and Cunning back in beta, but BH had his secondary stats changed to endurance to match his mirror class-trooper.


But yeah, cunning contributes more to BH's abilities than endurance. On the other hand, though, I find my BH to be a bit more lasting with all those endurance stats and with our group buff. And to be honest, I'm not sure you can mod your gear to have only aim and cunning bonuses.

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A broad post.


Primary Stats


Strength improves melee attacks, and is an inferior stat for Sith Inquisitors, increasing by 1.6 Strength per level on average. It is the dominant stat for Sith Warriors.


Aim improves ranged/blaster attacks, and is an inferior stat for Sith Inquisitors, increasing by 0.8 Aim per level on average. It is the dominant stat for Bounty Hunters.

Note: Aim is not to be confused with Accuracy, a wholly different stat, which is discussed below.


Cunning improves tech attacks, and is an inferior stat for Sith Inquisitors, increasing by 0.8 Cunning per level on average. It is the dominant stat for Imperial Agents.


Willpower improve force attacks, and is the dominant stat for Sith Inquisitors, increasing by 4 Willpower per level.


Endurance improves health, and is an auxiliary stat for Sith Inqusitors, increasing by 3.6 Endurance per level on average. Every point provides 10 health, and every 5 points provides 1% health regeneration out of combat.


Presence improves Companions, and is an auxiliary stat for Sith Inquisitors, providing 3.6 Presence per level on average. Every 1 point provides 2 health to Companions, and every 20 points provides a 2% bonus to Companions' damage.


Secondary Stats


Absorption increases the % of damage improved by a successfully shielded/blocked attack, and is analogous to block value in World of WarCraft.


Accuracy is improved by Accuracy Rating, and determines the chance for our melee and force abilities to hit the enemy. After a certain breakpoint (when 100% hit is achieved), it instead reduces the likelihood of deflection and resists. If we do not have perfect Accuracy (which seems likely), then Accuracy Rating will be the most valuable stat on gear until we reach the breakpoint, as it reduces the possibility for our threat-generating attacks to have no effect due to not hitting the enemy.


Alacrity is analogous to Haste in World of WarCraft, reducing activation and channeling times. This stat will be of no value to us unless it also reduces the Global Cooldown (GCD), as all of our effects are instants. As the other effects have been stated explicitly and GCD reduction has not been, I have assumed that it does not do this (at present), although this will hopefully change. More information regarding Alacrity is not yet available.


Armor is a valuable stat, providing Kinetic and Energy damage reduction. Generally speaking, we will not need to focus on this, and will acquire it naturally by improving our gear. Due to Combat Technique, even small bonuses from Armor on gear will provide very large bonuses in the final Armor value Assassins/Shadows have. Consequently, any items with Armor which are not traditionally armor pieces, such as modifications, will be of greater benefit for Assassins/Shadows than they will be for Juggernauts/Guardians or Powertechs/Vanguards. Note that like Sorcerers/Sages, Sith Assassins/Jedi Shadows wear Light Armor. They do not wear Medium Armor, despite some claims.


Critical Chance is the chance to score a critical strike, which improves the damage/healing of an ability by 50%, and is improved by Critical Rating and the dominant stat. Critical Chance is less useful for us than it might be for some other classes, as we have no abilities/buffs which depend on criticals for their activation, and thus Critical Chance merely provides a small amount of threat.


Defense increases our chance to parry/deflect melee/ranged attacks, and is analogous to parry in World of WarCraft and similar games.

Power increases damage dealt by the relevant prefix - Attack, Force or Tech. As we use a mixture of melee and force attacks, specific Power stats are of little use, but generic stats may be useful.


Shield increases our chance to shield/block attacks, and is analogous to block chance in World of WarCraft.


Surge increases the magnitude of critical effects, improving their extra damage/healing beyond +50%. Given that we are guaranteed crits for all uses of Shock, a high Surge rating is valuable for threat.


source: http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-Secondary-Stats

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^ A broad post that is full of inaccuracies.


First off, absorption ONLY applies to shields. If you look under the defense tab in your character sheet it states the amount absorbed by shields.


Shield Chance affects the chance for an attack to even be shielded, while absorption increases the effectiveness of the shield, should it block an attack.


Gosh, I don't mean to come off as a d-bag, but I hate it when people post long "information" threads (I know it wasn't you originally) and then it gets spread around as misinformation.

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Thats what it says lol.




granted you could remove block part but its not entirely inaccurate.


granted you could remove block part but its not entirely inaccurate

(Let's take out that double negative.)

granted you could remove block part but its inaccurate


Ok glad you admitted that what he posted was inaccurate. Moving on.




And no that's not what the article said. He was considering Absorption to be useful to all classes. It's not, it's only available to those with shields. A 0% chance to block 24 damage is still 0%.


Absorption is a secondary stat OF shields. Not it's own separate stat.


If you want to read up and educate yourself on the proper way damage mitigation is determined (at least for those with shields) read this:



Near the bottom is the equation for damage mitigation.

Edited by Sykomyke
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I see a lot of gear starting in the 20s with +power, what is that? I usually see aim, end and either crit or +power. Is power useful at all? I thought it just adds to minimum/max damage but im not sure, its rated seperately from +tech power on guns.
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I see a lot of gear starting in the 20s with +power, what is that? I usually see aim, end and either crit or +power. Is power useful at all? I thought it just adds to minimum/max damage but im not sure, its rated seperately from +tech power on guns.


Yea. If you look on your character sheet in game under damage, you can see where power directly affects your attacks/healing. It's a direct increase to the relative power of your attacks.


Some attacks actually take a higher percentage increase of power, meaning that while it affects all of your damage/healing, it actually affects some skills better then others.

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  • 8 months later...

Now what about Power?

I've seen a power increase on several pieces of equipment. My guess is it's for healing?


Disregard that... Didn't see the power description in the elaborate post.

Edited by Gyronex
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  • 2 weeks later...

That elaborate post mistakenly identifies Cunning as an inferior stat for Inquisitors. It's actually the inferior stat for Bounty Hunters.


In your gear, you want Aim and Endurance. Putting Cunning in your gear would be useless. HOWEVER... grab Cunning datacrons in addition to Aim and Endurance ones, it'll help your tech damage or crit, I forget which.


Secondary stats - if you're DPS, Power, Crit, and Surge, with some Accuracy. Heals wants Power, Crit, Surge, and some Alacrity. Tanking wants Shield, Defense, and Absorb, with some Accuracy.

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