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Everything posted by Khambhat

  1. looks great Bioware..keep up the good work. And just so you know...Blizzard pays these whiners to come here and help us all enjoy our day, so, I guess we should appreciate THEIR quality work and give them a round of applause for pitch perfect whining!!! Oh yeah..and we also better tone down the super secret plot to quietly over-power all aspects of the empire forces and skimp the rebel alliance wherever possible (see complaint about rebel turrets...REALLY!!!???)...I think some of the bigger brainiac Republicans are on to us!!! Shhhhh..... Be veeeeeewy qwuiet. I am hunting Webels!!!!
  2. I am not trying to toot my horn but rather make sure I am understanding what you are talking about. I just did 1770 damage at level 30 with my Marauder in PvE with a Pommel Smash.....were you talking about your MAX 1 time damage or a certain type of damage/situation/skill use? Just trying to decide how excited to be Thanks
  3. good GREAT and FREAKING WONDERFUL BioWare!!! You may well be the first example of an MMO company actually listening to the masses and making proactive, active, prompt fixes. Let's face it...you made a n AAAA+ game, but with an incomplete economic model and processes. Just finish it for us as only you can!!! And please don't stop with what you are discussing...we still have work to do with the GTM functionality and resource aquisition/availability.
  4. outstanding kalico...thanks for the prompt reply!!! this doesn't change with specialization, correct?
  5. hey guys. I am having trouble locating a difinitive list concerning classes and their primary attributes. For a BH/Merc it is Aim and Cunning, no? Endurance obviously for all. I need this stat info concerning ALL classes though, and I cannot find this information anywhere on the website. If anyone could enlighten me I'd really appreciate it..even if it's just pointing me in the right direction to find the info myself.... Good luck to everyone, and thanks in advance!
  6. good to see I am not alone in my confusion
  7. same concerns here. tying to cipher through the BS on the forums to get asnwers. one person has said that when we get our invite, origin will send us our game code (equivelent to a CD-key). But I can't see how origin will know EXACTLY when we get our invite...
  8. ok therein lies the problem then. I never received ANY code from Origin. I hope they are aware they are creating concern amongst alot of folks by the way they provided squat for information. In the receipt you receive, there is a link to the exact same "code redemption" area in the website that you go to naturally. IMHO they made this WAY more confusing then it needed to be.... Thanks for the help guys...just hoping I get some e-mails from various parties that clears all this up here shortly:o
  9. I am having exactly the same concern with the checklist...as with you..in the "my account' area it shows the box for redeeming product registration code as unchecked, but then in the pre-order section of the website it shows me as having pre-ordered on 11-22. When I try to go ahead and register the product in the checklist it says that the code has already been used. My concerns are that A: Won't get early access and B: Will have trouble getting in even after release.... Am I understanding correctly that ANOTHER code will be sent with the e-mail granting early access? Thanks to anyone that can lend a machete to my proverbial thicket.
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