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Eric Musco - Can you confirm/deny (Paid Transfers)


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Everyone keep bumping these two threads too:





I'm not normally one of "those" people, but we need an answer to this already, it has been far too long.


I think if we just have everyone continually bumping this thread, it would get more views.


Also, I feel like they'll probably wait till the boost in revenue from this patch dies down a little before Server Transfers are released or announced even.


Although this patch has been generally disliked, there are still quite a few people who will buy a lot of cartel coins to purchase the gambling kits. I think Server Transfers will work in the same way. We buy a kit to transfer one character, when we open it one random character will be transferred to a randomly selected server. Imagine the dollars Bioware is going to make.:rolleyes:

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Technically, and this is what they'll use, Cross-Server Rankeds aren't coming out till Season One begins. Ranked PVP is still in Pre-season, so they aren't really lying about that promise. They just haven't updated us on Season One.


thats a bit of a sore subject as well. the devs have no idea what to do for season 1

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Technically, and this is what they'll use, Cross-Server Rankeds aren't coming out till Season One begins. Ranked PVP is still in Pre-season, so they aren't really lying about that promise. They just haven't updated us on Season One.


Possibly, but I'm sure not going to bet the farm on that, lol.

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I think if we just have everyone continually bumping this thread, it would get more views.


Also, I feel like they'll probably wait till the boost in revenue from this patch dies down a little before Server Transfers are released or announced even.


Although this patch has been generally disliked, there are still quite a few people who will buy a lot of cartel coins to purchase the gambling kits. I think Server Transfers will work in the same way. We buy a kit to transfer one character, when we open it one random character will be transferred to a randomly selected server. Imagine the dollars Bioware is going to make.:rolleyes:


One of the threads I linked is already like 26 pages long, I say we keep bumping all three. This silence has gone on far too long.

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dear eric, if i promise to buy you the cathar species upgrade will you tell us the status of server transfers?




I'm sure he's seen the thread by now, I guess he's unable to confirm/deny...:(

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Pax East (2012) they had been talking about new huttball type maps and other pvp related stuff... I am sitting here now thinking... Where is it all? Sure they "delivered" the whole ilum thing they had mentioned and the character customization thing but here is the kicker: At Pax they made it sound like the new PVP junk would be coming out BEFORE the character custimization. Ilum was a flop really and I don't consider that PVP at all, its just dailies where you are in shared territory kind of thing.


I wouldn't mind waiting longer for things if they did them properly, with not a lot of bugs, and being more than just "Oh you want this well lets slap this together and hope for the best.. Oh and if we can charge them for it, lets" I hope if they DO come out with this transfer stuffs, that they do it right and it won't be too much of a hassle.


Heres how I wish the next update should be:

-Cross-server PVP for ranked and non-ranked (in the event that tranfers aren't a thing yet, this would technically be more ideal on the whole imo)

-Season 1

-At LEAST 2 new pvp maps even if one of them is just a new huttball map

-Something open worldy.. Like oldschool Ilum glory days open-worldy (including the objective that gave you the expertise buff thingy)

Edited by SenaZane
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if we get cross server, there is no need to server transfers. from a financial perspective, server transfers will result in a large, short term influx of cash. on the other hand, cross server warzones would most likely result in increased subscriber numbers, which is a long term influx of cash.


you tell me which financial decision EA is likely to make.....

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In theory over time wouldn't you be able to establish that sense of community again? It would be a similar thing to when merges happened only you don't have to deal with some of them outside of WZs. It doesnt affect anything one bit apart from competition level.


I see transfers winding up into another merging scenario to be quite honest cause look at it this way... All the hardcore people for PVP will go to one server, All the hardcore PVErs will go to one server (thus causing "server merges" of the players' own accords) Then the more casual players of the community who don't really care about it are like "Why can't I do things as much anymore? Oh yeah, server transfers"


If it does get confirmed, this is what I foresee.

Edited by SenaZane
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if we get cross server, there is no need to server transfers. from a financial perspective, server transfers will result in a large, short term influx of cash. on the other hand, cross server warzones would most likely result in increased subscriber numbers, which is a long term influx of cash.


you tell me which financial decision EA is likely to make.....


Yeah, EA's not one for delayed gratification.

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In theory over time wouldn't you be able to establish that sense of community again? It would be a similar thing to when merges happened only you don't have to deal with some of them outside of WZs. It doesnt affect anything one bit apart from competition level.


I see transfers winding up into another merging scenario to be quite honest cause look at it this way... All the hardcore people for PVP will go to one server, All the hardcore PVErs will go to one server (thus causing "server merges" of the players' own accords) Then the more casual players of the community who don't really care about it are like "Why can't I do things as much anymore? Oh yeah, server transfers"


If it does get confirmed, this is what I foresee.


Heard these arguments against transfers back in WoW many years ago. It did not work out the way you are afraid of, but when they implemented cross server PvP it absolutely did ruin the sense of community.


Is that more important than queues actually popping? To me personally, yes. I can PvP almost any time I want on my server as is anyways.


(My server that I rerolled on because the old one had low population)

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You are saying that this won't happen but people are already planning to do something of this nature. And unless you are too busy in a wz smack talking eachother then how does it ruin it? More rankeds would pop, Regs are fairly regular pop times, but you get some new players to play against. So again, you are still on your server when you aren't in a wz. Sure, you may not play against the same server teams as often, but quite frankly playing against the same people ALL THE TIME gets rather boring *cough Bravo vs Undead Lords on Belgoths*
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