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Imperial Trooper ( READ ME )


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Ok guys i know people will probably say that the Imp agent is the mirror to the Rep trooper and i know theyre right but ..

There should be an Imperial trooper because i know Agent is fun but been an actual imp trooper would be cool and would add another good story to the game !

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I would say agent is the mirror of smuggler and trooper is the mirror of bounty hunter but i think the story given not just for an imperial trooper would be worth it but i also would love an SIS agent, Republic bounty hunter and imperial smuggler. Edited by Shingara
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  • 1 month later...
I COMPLETELY agree with the previous reply. I see NO reason why there couldn't be an Imperial Trooper and a Republic Agent. We've seen and dealt with both as NPC while playing the various storylines. I don't believe the Bounty Hunter or the Smuggler are adequate opposites for the Trooper or the Agent! As far as storyline for them goes, they could easily borrow from existing storylines to build from.
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Yup, an SIS agent and an imperial trooper stories would be nice. Regarding weapons, they could re-use the existing troopers weapons for imp troopers, and the smugglers/agents weapons for SIS agents.


I know this could be part of an entire expansion (total new story, new class balance, voice actors for every race....), but hell, I would pay for it.

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It would be nice, but... probably not going to happen. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see -no- new classes ever added to this game. Why? Cost.


Here's what you're talking about:


Voice acting. Tons of freaking voice acting. They would have to hire voice actors for male and females for two entirely new storylines, plus add some additional dialogue for random non-story quests. They would also have to spend a ton of money doing sound editing for all these voices. Then they would have to spend a ton of money animating all these conversations.


Dungeons/Settings: New areas, dungeons, and settings. Tons of them. Much more than exists for Makeb. And serious modifying of existing settings, since you would have to add new instance entrances (green doors) in areas that weren't originally designed for them. It would be an extremely expensive and time consuming process.


New Gear: Lots. Lots. Lots of new gear. Unless you expect them to just wear BH/Smuggler gear. And would this require a new stat other than aim/cunning? New vendors with new Black Hole/Campaign/Dread Guard/Elite/Underworld gear? That's extensive. It's a massive amount of work and money.


And... For what? For Pre-50 content. You have to understand that this game, like all MMO's, is going to see very little introduction of more Pre-50 content. That's not how MMO's work. It's a cost/benefit ratio, and you're talking about adding in another massive portion to the game.. which requires a lot of money. Which they won't see a return on. If they don't see a return, it's not worth it. MMO's seek to provide new content for top level players - to keep them, and entice others to get to that point.


If, as a 55 Sentinel who does top tier HM ops, you offered me the choice of a couple new classes (Imp Trooper, Rep Agent), or new FPs/Ops/levels/planets, I'd choose the latter. If Swtor spent the next year and a half developing and balancing two new pre-50 classes, they would -piss off- all the level 55s waiting for new content.


Sorry, but it's a massive amount of effort, money, and time that wouldn't pay off. There are other priorities

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I have put something similar in another post so I will just quote here what I put.


When I first heard of Star Wars: The Old Republic was being made and I was waiting to play the beta, I was hoping the game would actually start off as a neutral state character and when reaching a certain level on your home world you would actually have decided which way you were going to turn to on the choosing of good or evil, or for the republic or the imperial, on every class you decided to make. In that way if you made a Trooper, Smuggler, Bounty hunter or Agent you would of decided by Level 10 or later which faction you would join, and also the same with the force classes by level 10+ you would decide if you were going to be a sith warrior or a jedi knight.


Do not read below as it contains Trooper Information and would ruin story if you have not played a Trooper.


So for instance when you caught up with the rest of Havoc Squad and Commander Harron Tavus you would then decide if you defect with him to the imperials or stand and fight him and join the Republic.


Edited by Mithersonian
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I like the idea, but there is two main arguments in it.


One: Armor and weapons. There just simply isn't many types of imperial trooper armor in the game. I've counted two models: The Imperial trooper armor like on Dromund Kaas, which is sold at the collector's edition vendor. The other is a recolored version of the Makeb imperial assault armor (which is obviously sold from Makeb). This armor comes in many different recolors on NPCs.


Two: the other problem is story. It's no surprise that the imperial soldiers serve "their lord" blindly. I don't see much of a story beyond that. Sith like to handle things themselves: why would they go send a non force sensitive grunt do elite missions for them? It seems this is where the agent came in: they're "soldiers", but aren't blind followers.


Does that make sense?

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I like the idea, but there is two main arguments in it.


One: Armor and weapons. There just simply isn't many types of imperial trooper armor in the game. I've counted two models: The Imperial trooper armor like on Dromund Kaas, which is sold at the collector's edition vendor. The other is a recolored version of the Makeb imperial assault armor (which is obviously sold from Makeb). This armor comes in many different recolors on NPCs.


Two: the other problem is story. It's no surprise that the imperial soldiers serve "their lord" blindly. I don't see much of a story beyond that. Sith like to handle things themselves: why would they go send a non force sensitive grunt do elite missions for them? It seems this is where the agent came in: they're "soldiers", but aren't blind followers.


Does that make sense?


Yeah, I agree with you from a lore perspective. Even the Moffs seems totally cowed by Sith, they can be completely overruled by some nobody apprentice and they have to take it.


Even as far as agents go... (extensive spoilers)



Look at how (male) Keeper was treated by Darth Zhorrid and this is a man who becomes Minister for Intelligence. And he is completely at the mercy of a spoiled Sith brat with no consequences. And of course the Sith then disband Intelligence altogether and reassign everyone. Agents only recourse against the Sith is to work in secrecy.



I don't see how Imperial Troopers could compete really.

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I like the idea, but there is two main arguments in it.


One: Armor and weapons. There just simply isn't many types of imperial trooper armor in the game. I've counted two models: The Imperial trooper armor like on Dromund Kaas, which is sold at the collector's edition vendor. The other is a recolored version of the Makeb imperial assault armor (which is obviously sold from Makeb). This armor comes in many different recolors on NPCs.


Two: the other problem is story. It's no surprise that the imperial soldiers serve "their lord" blindly. I don't see much of a story beyond that. Sith like to handle things themselves: why would they go send a non force sensitive grunt do elite missions for them? It seems this is where the agent came in: they're "soldiers", but aren't blind followers.


Does that make sense?


Sith Trooper armor comes in all colors. Red, black, white. This is where they dont use dye packs. The armor for the sith trooper is not different shapes. Its different colors. Denoting different areas of the military. Yes you can add a few special suits as well. Like the snowtrooper and scout troopers of the movies. Pre versions.


Plus what is the problem with new models? Look at the cartel market. How many different types of armor and weapons is there on it? That is a full class version and then some.


As for the story. Follow something different. The starter planet could be a training planet for all imperial soldiers. Much like Carida. Maybe it even is Carida. At the start, the planet comes under attack by the republic. The republic has developed a new super weapon that can glass the entire surface of the planet. A planetary wide retreat is called for. The player would then have a starter story whereby he is trying to fight his way off the planet. Along the way a Sith lord is injured, he has to protect the sith lord and still try to get off the planet. He and the injured sith lord manages to stow away on a republic troop transport heading back to the main command ship. While on the republic ship he and the sith lord blow up the ship and the super weapon. The sith lord, in probably his only act of kindness, hurls the trooper into an escape pod. The planet is saved by the trooper. He can even have a conversation where he either takes full credit (dark side) or tells the high command he had help from a sith lord (light side).


The player is now considered a hero among the empire and allowed more "free reign" in his duties. And his duty is find the plans for that republic super weapon. Along the way gaining companions, much like the republic trooper, that are troopers of different skill. Again scout troopers and such. And thus begins the story of the Sith Trooper.


To say that all sith troopers follow their sith masters mindlessly... Well not so. If that were the case there would be no light side sith. There are no absolutes.


Pirate class (Sith Smuggler) would be on the same planet. He is making a delivery of arms and materials to the sith trooper academy. When he drops out of hyperspace his ship blasted hard by republic fighters. He crashes on the planet and now must also try to make his way off the planet.

Edited by tyranusdarec
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Oh, tyranus! Bah, I forgot to mention in my post about how dyes work for the imperial soldier gear that are in the game. (Still trying to get my hands on a black one...)


And furthermore, about your story.

It's amazing. Quite possibly the greatest of the starter world stories. I loved it. But there is a small problem... It fits an agent too. They could change it so imperial agents start with that story you came up with, and gets a promotion into intelligence.



And an interesting idea... A good companion for that imperial trooper class could be that Sith Lord you saved, who would come back as a melee tank companion much later in the class story.

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Oh, tyranus! Bah, I forgot to mention in my post about how dyes work for the imperial soldier gear that are in the game. (Still trying to get my hands on a black one...)


And furthermore, about your story.

It's amazing. Quite possibly the greatest of the starter world stories. I loved it. But there is a small problem... It fits an agent too. They could change it so imperial agents start with that story you came up with, and gets a promotion into intelligence.



And an interesting idea... A good companion for that imperial trooper class could be that Sith Lord you saved, who would come back as a melee tank companion much later in the class story.


All the class stories are fairly interchangeable anyway. I could see the BH doing the agent story and vice versa. Same with inquisitor and warrior stories.


So Carida would be the perfect starter planet since its been an academy or other military installation for 5000 years. The trooper player arrives. His first quest is to go qualify on the training course. Taking out training droids, clicking lights, etc. The basic MMO early quest crap. As he turns the quest in planetary klaxxons sound. The end of his cutscene several republic corvettes and battle cruisers including one huge massive ship appears. Think Imp star destroyer with a huge barrel sticking out its nose. And down come the drop ships with republic troops to secure the planet.


Next mission the player has to hook up with a unit. He must move out of the training field and into the academy grounds where the barracks are. There is a gun emplacement that he can man for bonus xp to push back the rush of republic troops. "We're pinned down! We need someone on that gun!" etc etc etc...


He gets to the academy grounds where he is told about the super weapon. His new job? Protect the transports as they take the officers and sith off planet. So now in a reverse Hoth scenario he is in a fox hole shooting any and all republic troops he can get too. Maybe even manning another larger gun emplacement for some bonus xp to take down a republic walker. After that battle he is tasked with finding another sith lord that hasnt arrived yet to be shuttled off planet. "Now I do I get to go?" "Nope your expendable." oh goody....typical military...


He has to go to the command bunkers where the cutscene begins. He finds the sith lord valiantly fighting a jedi. In the cutscene the sith lord is cut across the stomach and falls. The player trooper then fires his blaster in a last ditch attempt to save the sith and kills the jedi. "What I killed the jedi? Holy hell!" Well the sith did most of the work. The distraction helped. He then tends to the sith's wounds as best he can with his medpack. They start to move out of the command bunker only find the exit blasted shut.


Now he has to move out the other side and sneak over to a pile of crates hiding behind it. There he finds a republic transport dropping off more troops. As it starts to leave he and the sith run for it. They arent noticed and get onto the transport. Mini flashpoint begins here...


They arrive on the command ship and move to a utility corridor. The sith tells the trooper to go to the medical bay and find some more meds for the sith. He hasnt much time left and he knows it. So he fights his way to the med bay and grabs some meds. Then returns to the sith laying on the floor. He then gives the sith the meds and the final part of their story begins (does it?). The sith instructs the trooper to head to the forward utility corridor and into an engineering intake. There he will find a panel. Flip switch A and pull lever B or something along those lines. While the sith heads to a power station. Trooper does as ordered facing republic troops and droids along the way. When he clicks the glowing box a cutscene of the sith sneaking to a bridge guarded by two republic troopers. He force pushes them down into a deep chamber killing them and then moves around a rounded object with all sorts of dials and readouts. The fall could kill him. (get it? Ala obi won on the death star. I love history repeating itself). He then fiddles with some knobs. The trooper cutscene ends and he hears the klaxxons of this ship going off. "Self destruct initiated" "You have 10 minutes to reach minimum safe distance" You know the drill.


The trooper then returns to the sith now in the escape pod area. He is instructed to hold back the republic troops as they try to enter, again manning another gun emplacement, while the sith disables all the pods save one. When he has killed X number he returns to the sith and a cutscene starts. A jedi enters the escape pod area. The sith force pushes the trooper into the only working escape pod "This is my fight!" and the troopers returns to the planet. (ala repeat of the start of KOTOR)


There is questioning by imperial high command and told "well it will be a while for us to round up the remaining republic troopers but you saved the planet. How did you destroy the command ship" Then he gets the choice of saying he did all himself (darkside) or he had the help of the sith (lightside). Either way imperial high command decide the story of a lowly trooper going above and beyond the call of duty is good for military morale and let the story stand that he did it all himself. Also he gets his first companion at this. Another trooper he arrived with on planet.


His next stop Dromund Kaas. There he is advised of the situation. The republic has a super weapon. Not just any super weapon. One that the empire had plans for before. But never could make it work. So now the trooper is transferred into a more independent role. And thus begins his story.


But wait did the sith lord that he helped die? Well no actually he didnt. He took another escape pod he didnt tell the trooper about. At the end of chapter one he finds out that the sith lord has been pulling his strings from the background the entire time during the chapter. It was the sith lord that was working on the plans for the super weapon. Now the trooper knows too much. And will have to face the sith lord. Chapter 2 he is uncovering more information to find out the sith lord had been working with someone else in the empire. Conspiring. It all leads up to Darth Malgus and his attempt to take over the empire.


That is just off the top of my head. Maybe I should right a novella about it... lol

Edited by tyranusdarec
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I put my BH in the CE vendor Imp armor...since it plays just like my Rep Trooper it feels the same...


My bounty hunter and my agent are in that trooper armor now as well. Just wish I could add dyes to it. Happy they made it adaptive now too.... I had been wanting to that since I first saw it.

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