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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sage or Sorc Aesthetics


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The way I'm playing my game at the moment is that whatever class, and AC, I choose on one faction is mirrored in the other. So I've got a Sentinel on my pub side and a Juggernaut on my Imp side. I'm beginning to delve into the Inq/Con base class and was wondering what some people thought of these classes asthetics. I realize there's very little difference in gameplay between a Sorcerer and a Sage, howerver I feel that blasting enemies with lightning would be a lot cooler than blasting them with... Er, whatever it is Sages blast people with. Just pure, raw Force I suppose. However on the other hand, Sage healing would make more sense in my eyes, as opposed to a Sorcerer who goes around frying his foes suddenly stopping to heal a comrade.


Thoughts? I'm having a lot of difficulty with this decision and hopefully some input from the community can help me choose. I've rolled to 14 as an Assassin so far and it's fun, what with charging your lightsaber with electricity and what-not, but I feel envious when I see a Sorc just throw out bolts of electricity from afar and cook his opponents.

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I'm playing the same way and I went with a Sage Healer/Assassin DPS. I agree that healing makes more sense being light sided, and my Assassin still has lightning abilities (in cutscenes as well) so I'm not really missing out on anything. It also feels more natural fighting as an Assassin and only occasionally using a shock attack as opposed to just continually shooting out lighting, but maybe that's just me :rolleyes:
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Huh, it's funny because I think nearly exactly the same as you when it comes to Assassins/Shadows, only the oppsite. I feel that hurling boulders and telekinesis would be rather flimsy as a main source of damage, so I'd pair them up with a double-bladed lightsaber and use them only occasionally (maybe as a finisher or as I'm closing distance). I feel like channeling lightning into my enemies would be a lot more damaging then tiny pebbles =P and as such I could just stand back and wreck havoc with my raw force power as a Sorc.
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Thoughts? I'm having a lot of difficulty with this decision and hopefully some input from the community can help me choose. I've rolled to 14 as an Assassin so far and it's fun, what with charging your lightsaber with electricity and what-not, but I feel envious when I see a Sorc just throw out bolts of electricity from afar and cook his opponents.


At this moment, I have 2 Sages, one lvl 52 specced healer the other I'm leveling in balance. However, I have a lvl 55 Sorcerer specced Lightning, and another I'm leveling as a healer. I enjoy playing both ACs. I recommend you level up one then do another. Both stories are pretty amazing in that it shows the challenges they both face as they reach the end of their storylines. This way, you can enjoy both sides in terms of game play.

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Well, Jedi are canonically humble, unassuming people so it made sense to make their diplomat a guy who would quietly and without drawing much attention do their good deed and then take an English exit. Whereas Sith are supposed to be extremely over-the-top, scenery-chewing large hams, and there's nothing hammier than spamming Lightning Storm wherever you go (cackling "Power! Unlimited power!!!!" for bonus ham). And hey, one invisibility is pretty much like another invisibility, but lightning spam > rain of pebbles.
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I'm playing a sorcerer (heal) to level with my husband's character, but I prefer sage animations. The one where you yank a piece of rock out of the ground and slam it into them feels "meaty" and like it really has impact. Lighting is lightning is lightning, and I'm not a huge fan of purple.


Disclaimer: Neither character of mine is past level 16, though.

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I have a level 43 madness sorc that I am currently leveling, and I've got one word, "POWER


I force lightning my but off, I have unlimited power... IMO, nothings cooler than shocking people to death.



If you do roll a sorc, go darkside, you are the cruelest psychopath in the galaxy with lightning at your fingertips...

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I have an Assassin so I decided to make a Sage next. Got him up to around 30, really enjoyed the class but hated the animations. I decided to try creating a Sorc. She's currently at 22 and I'm enjoying it a lot more.


If I could go back and do it again, I would do Shadow/Sorcerer. RIght now its going to be Assassin/Sorcerer (I cant stand Sage after playing Sorcerer), so maybe I'll level a Shadow sometime in the future.

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I'm playing a sorcerer (heal) to level with my husband's character, but I prefer sage animations. The one where you yank a piece of rock out of the ground and slam it into them feels "meaty" and like it really has impact. Lighting is lightning is lightning, and I'm not a huge fan of purple.


Disclaimer: Neither character of mine is past level 16, though.


I am the exact opposite I guess. I've got one of each: Sorcerer, Sage, Assassin, and a Shadow. And, I love all of them but my Sage just feels a little embarrassing.


I mean, here we are running around in starships with people wielding blasters and lightsabers and what's my "big" super-powerful move? I hit them with a rock. (insert facepalm here) :o

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I mean, here we are running around in starships with people wielding blasters and lightsabers and what's my "big" super-powerful move? I hit them with a rock. (insert facepalm here) :o


You know, this here thing is actually "in favour of Sage" camp. Since rocks are not commonly found in starships, warships particularly, your Sage needs to materialize it from somewhere...or something else before hurling it. That's damn powerful magic!

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I am leveling a sorc, only because I wanted a break from republic, I prefer the sage aesthetically.


Sorcs are easier to single out in PvP, imo. Not sure if you're interested in PvP or if it is a deciding factor. Channelled lightning is as dead a give away as the Commando's heal beam.


I prefer the Sage's TK throw - rocks smashing out of the ground to the Sorc's lightning instant, just a spark. Sorc has the better channelled attack, imo. Heals and dots look the same, hardly noticeable. Sorcs have better looking gear, Sage gear is either bland or ugly.


I don't think either class has exciting companions.


I would roll Sage, but I am happy with my Sorc.

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Well I've leveled a Sorc to 15 since my OP, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I also tried leveling a Sage but by the time I hit level 10 I was already bored of the same old look of my animations. I suppose it's pretty shallow of me to like one class more simply based off the look but I don't care, haha.


I have a level 43 madness sorc that I am currently leveling, and I've got one word, "POWER


I force lightning my but off, I have unlimited power... IMO, nothings cooler than shocking people to death.



If you do roll a sorc, go darkside, you are the cruelest psychopath in the galaxy with lightning at your fingertips...


It's a shame, I prefer going Lightside so far. I always have on my characters in any Star Wars game I'm given the choice. I do enjoy the Darkside (my favorite part of my Warrior was on Dromund Kaas when I told those merc/smuggler characters that I was going to kill them and eat them, haha) but with my Sorc I'm going for the whole "Reformed slave who is given the chance to inflict pain and suffering on others in revenge of what happened to me while being a servant, but doesn't" sort of thing.

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It's a shame, I prefer going Lightside so far. I always have on my characters in any Star Wars game I'm given the choice. I do enjoy the Darkside (my favorite part of my Warrior was on Dromund Kaas when I told those merc/smuggler characters that I was going to kill them and eat them, haha) but with my Sorc I'm going for the whole "Reformed slave who is given the chance to inflict pain and suffering on others in revenge of what happened to me while being a servant, but doesn't" sort of thing.


Eh, I don't know... I just feel sith should be darkside.... I mean, what powerful sith Lord is like, "Well, I can bring justice to these people that betrayed me or I can let them go... I'll let them go."

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Eh, I don't know... I just feel sith should be darkside.... I mean, what powerful sith Lord is like, "Well, I can bring justice to these people that betrayed me or I can let them go... I'll let them go."


I prefer to not look at things so black and white. Take Scourge for example, he said he will always be Sith, but he recognizes that there is a threat that needs the attention of more than just one person or group of people. My Sorc isn't just a "Sith," they're a person, in fact I like to think the only reason they are Sith is because they were a slave and sort of forced into it.

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I prefer to not look at things so black and white. Take Scourge for example, he said he will always be Sith, but he recognizes that there is a threat that needs the attention of more than just one person or group of people. My Sorc isn't just a "Sith," they're a person, in fact I like to think the only reason they are Sith is because they were a slave and sort of forced into it.


Okay, well, I guess that makes since.... My black and white self doesn't have time to think that deep! :cool:

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I prefer to not look at things so black and white. Take Scourge for example, he said he will always be Sith, but he recognizes that there is a threat that needs the attention of more than just one person or group of people. My Sorc isn't just a "Sith," they're a person, in fact I like to think the only reason they are Sith is because they were a slave and sort of forced into it.


I did the same thing with my Sorc, Chaotic. I mean, I started her out DS but around level 14 though I just started to feel so bad for her. I mean, first a slave now as a Sith she was just a slave again- just of a different kind: "Do this, think this way, hate these people..."


So, I re-rolled her LS simply because I just wanted her to have that one thing that they just couldn't beat or terrorize out of her- that one tiny spark of: "This is who I am and I will not become the monster you want me to be." That itty bitty bit of humanity and compassion that they just couldn't burn out of her no matter how hard they tried and, I have to admit that I loved it. In fact, I'm getting ready to re-roll another one just for the fun of it :D


Besides. Rolling Light always seems to cause some unlooked for humor that I just cannot resist because while your character can be as Light as a fracking Sunrise- no one ever believes you! LOL.

Edited by Dallayna
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I have a Sage, Sorceror, Assassin & Shadow. Some abilities look substantially cooler on one side or the other. A short list of the majors and my opinions is below:


1) Disturbance/Lightning Strike - In my opinion the Sages power looks much stronger and more impressive;


2) Force Lightning/TK Throw - Force Lightning looks better or at least stronger;


3) Project/Shock - Hitting a foe with a droid or a telekinetically excavated artifact beats more lightning IMO;


4) Spike/Spinning Kick - Spike looks awesome. It's even more impressive because it manages to beat out Spinning Kick which also looks good;


5) Stealth - Shadows' version looks much cooler IMO;


6) TK Wave (may have name wrong)/Overload - TK wins, because lol Overload


On balance, I like all 4 and I would let this be the determining factor.

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