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Display last names

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I would love the ability to purchase a display last name, which I suppose could also work as a display title.


The Legacy last name is nice, but it doesn't necessarily fit all characters in a Legacy. Using the original trilogy characters as an example, I would love to be able to have something like this:


Han Solo

<The Skywalker Legacy>


Since Legacy names are no longer unique, I can't think of a downside to this, and it would add hugely to the RP population and the immersion of those who don't understand why a Jedi Twi'lek and a Chiss agent have the same last name! :)

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Honestly this would be a welcomed change, I roleplay. Not all my characters are related. I want them to have a last name too that separates them from the character that, back when I was able to name my legacy, I chose to use the last name for.
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I would love something like this!! It could be separate from your display name so that it didn't cause problems for grouping and messaging people and whatnot. It would just be for display purposes for RP and the like. I have a Chiss Operative who is not at all related to my Miraluka Jedi Sage, and it would be nice to be able to distinguish between the two. My Sage's last name is my legacy name because she was the first character I created, but with something like this, I could set my legacy name not to display on my Operative (or display as "The ____ Legacy" instead of in last name form), and then give her a different last name. :)
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I am all for this. I had posted on a previous Thread about being able to add a Space or Underscrore for my names. I too am playing characters i brought over from RPG, some of them i've played over 20 yrs. & it is annoying not being able to have the name correctly displayed. We can now rename our character (yay!) why not provide the option for a Surname?
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