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Uniform colors for service branches


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Imperial ones, mind you. As far as I understand it, the color on Republic outfits (in this age, anyway) is mainly squad designation.


Now then. This is something that has been gnawing at me for the past... well, 10 minutes, if we're being honest. Since we're getting armor dyes soon, I was wondering if the actual color scheme of the uniform has any reflection on the service branch.


My observations so far: "regular" military, like Malavai Quinn, seem to have a simple black on black arrangement. The brass, like Kilran, seem to get red collar tabs and such instead of black. Reclamation Service seems to have part of the uniform in tan colors, rather than whole black. Diplomatic Service seems to be red shirt with white pants. Then there's the folks in white uniforms (R&D, maybe?), and... well, this one's bothering me a little. Most of the Imperial Intelligence staff seem to wear the regular black/black or black/red set, perhaps so as to not stand out from the rank and file (don't want to make things easy for the snipers, right?), but then there's the Imp-Int fellow on Alderaan with a black/purple shirt... not sure what to make of him.


Granted, I'm probably overthinking this, but I'd still like to see what other people's thoughts are on this.


And hey, useful guide for color planning for our Imperial uniforms once the dyes come out, if nothing else...

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Imperial ones, mind you. As far as I understand it, the color on Republic outfits (in this age, anyway) is mainly squad designation.


Now then. This is something that has been gnawing at me for the past... well, 10 minutes, if we're being honest. Since we're getting armor dyes soon, I was wondering if the actual color scheme of the uniform has any reflection on the service branch.


My observations so far: "regular" military, like Malavai Quinn, seem to have a simple black on black arrangement. The brass, like Kilran, seem to get red collar tabs and such instead of black. Reclamation Service seems to have part of the uniform in tan colors, rather than whole black. Diplomatic Service seems to be red shirt with white pants. Then there's the folks in white uniforms (R&D, maybe?), and... well, this one's bothering me a little. Most of the Imperial Intelligence staff seem to wear the regular black/black or black/red set, perhaps so as to not stand out from the rank and file (don't want to make things easy for the snipers, right?), but then there's the Imp-Int fellow on Alderaan with a black/purple shirt... not sure what to make of him.


Granted, I'm probably overthinking this, but I'd still like to see what other people's thoughts are on this.


And hey, useful guide for color planning for our Imperial uniforms once the dyes come out, if nothing else...


Imperial Intelligence, if they were intelligent, wouldn't go around parading it with a uniform. Maybe for special functions, walking around the destroyers, but generally, a good intelligence agent, shouldn't be coming off as an intelligence agent. Their work is about subterfuge, espionage, undercover work. They should be making themselves look like Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, regular citizens.

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Imperial Intelligence, if they were intelligent, wouldn't go around parading it with a uniform. Maybe for special functions, walking around the destroyers, but generally, a good intelligence agent, shouldn't be coming off as an intelligence agent. Their work is about subterfuge, espionage, undercover work. They should be making themselves look like Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, regular citizens.


Except they need to be seen, part of their job is to scared the regular folk into line, occasionaly being seen in a uniform that shouts "I'm part of the intelligence service and can have you jailed for not praising our superiors enough" is part of the job. The rest of the time they disguise themselves, and hope nobody recognises them as a janitor from Balmorra, or a engineer from Hoth.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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That's kind of the thing, though... Imp-Int doesn't usually stand out. At a military outpost, any one of the guys in regular uniform could be Intelligence. And most of the kit you receive as an agent isn't, strictly speaking, formal uniform. Most of it is combat wear, sure, but not much of it could be outright identified as Imperial-issue. Of course that doesn't quite account for why Imp-Int staff wear the same army uniforms at the Citadel HQ. Or, for that matter, why the one guy on Alderaan was wearing the purple uniform.


Maybe it's a dress uniform or something? I think those nobles might like that sort of thing.


Any thoughts on what's up with the guys in the all-white uniforms, though? Like that one guy on Tatooine, and some other officers here and there...

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First, I must say these things bother me too. In pretty much every Star Wars material they just seem to randomly assign uniforms and rank insignia. There doesn't seem to be any system.


In SWTOR I would assume the green-grey uniform with light grey middle section (the one that Kilran wears, ie Clandestine Officer set from cartel market) is the navy uniform. Captain and XO of Black Talon wear one. Also Viodwolf who was an admiral wears one. But then again, the general on Taris wears one too.


The slightly lighter blue-green-grey with black middle section and red lines, that Grand Moff Regus wears could be army (ie. TD-06B Eliminator Jacket). Lots of officers wear that one on Balmorra when you play as a republic.


The darker grey one with black middle section and white lines could be some kind of special forces. Most of the officers on Belsavis wear it. Those officers are from either one of the five Special Operations Groups sent to extract the dread masters.


I just couldn't make any conclusion for Imperial Intelligence because they vary all the time. You have this light grey one that is worn by the Keeper and Watcher Two. On the other hand you have this II officer that you save from Kiliks on Alderaan who wears this slight purplish uniform.


The only really consistent is the Diplomatic Service. They all seem to wear the same red uniforms.


To conclude, it is a random mess and I don't think they put any effort to be consistent.

Edited by Path-x
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Maybe it's a dress uniform or something? I think those nobles might like that sort of thing.


I suspect those with family connections and money can dress in "finer" uniforms if they wish, at least once they make it to command rank. Some of those are probably standard sets for anyone who can spare the coin while the really wealthy might order a custom job.

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I was wondering about Imperial Intelligence colors too. They seem like any other Imperial Military personnel. I don't know what to dye my hooligan vest.


I thought the white color is for moff since if I'm not mistaken in the Sith Inquisitor story, you get to see 2 moff wearing the white uniform. Maybe they are moff who commandeered a large fleet?:rak_02:

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  • 3 months later...

Well, it's not that I've seen in game, but at least in some of the comics, Imperial Intelligence wore red, or at least Ysanne Isard, director of Imperial Intelligence during the Galactic Civil War and was even Emperor of sorts for a bit before Palpatine returned. So, I would love to see more info on the colors, heck I might even dye my clandestine officer's uniform red and white like hers.


Here is a link to her Wookiepedia page.



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Well, it's not that I've seen in game, but at least in some of the comics, Imperial Intelligence wore red, or at least Ysanne Isard, director of Imperial Intelligence during the Galactic Civil War and was even Emperor of sorts for a bit before Palpatine returned. So, I would love to see more info on the colors, heck I might even dye my clandestine officer's uniform red and white like hers.


Here is a link to her Wookiepedia page.




In this incarnation of the Empire, the officers who wear red are mostly affiliated with the Imperial Diplomatic Service, like Ambassador Rove if my memory serves me right.

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In this incarnation of the Empire, the officers who wear red are mostly affiliated with the Imperial Diplomatic Service, like Ambassador Rove if my memory serves me right.


Hmm.. cool, well still I'd like to see some actual info on the different colors, since I see like white uniforms, actual black instead of grey, and then as you said Ambassador Rove (where is he btw, don't think I've ever seen him?) is actually red... so some official from Bioware notice on how they decide what color Imperials wear when they wear something other than grey would be great.

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The SWTOR Encyclopedia only says:

"Uniform colors worn by Imperial moffs come in a much wider variety than those worn in the lower ranks. These unique designs reflect both their past service and current area of command."


I could find nothing to the actual colors though.

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I did notice Imperial Intelligence has a purple hue on their uniform.


Hmm.. cool, well still I'd like to see some actual info on the different colors, since I see like white uniforms, actual black instead of grey, and then as you said Ambassador Rove (where is he btw, don't think I've ever seen him?) is actually red... so some official from Bioware notice on how they decide what color Imperials wear when they wear something other than grey would be great.


Maro Vizhen, the npc that give out the first planet side quest on Nar Shadda, and the npc at the Mandalorian camp that ask you to get base codes from a Gamorean camp wears a red unfiorm.

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