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Bad Pvp gone wrong


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I put my self up for a pvp yes I am new at it at level 36 but trying to learn. I got to the pvp understood what I was doing place two of the bombs on the doors to blow them up. I thought I did pretty good was proud of my self. Only to have one of the other pvp tell me I shouldnt do it again I was a drag on there game. REALLY and what were you like when you started. ITS A GAME FOR FUN earlier in the day found a new player gave him 10.000 and gear to help him. Thats the way the game should be not the way I was treated. ::mad:
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Seriously? You actually had someone tell you to *NOT* plant bombs on the doors in Voidstar? You are not just making this up to see if you can get fools like me to reply?


Well, as you continue to PvP in PUGs you will quickly learn that you need a bunch new new skills. Different situational awareness than in PvE, different rotations, when to CC instead of kill, how to protect healers, how to prioritize targets... but by FAR the most important thing you'll have to learn is how to filter out the unhelpful b_tching in chat from the useful communication. Ignore the haters.

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I put my self up for a pvp yes I am new at it at level 36 but trying to learn. I got to the pvp understood what I was doing place two of the bombs on the doors to blow them up. I thought I did pretty good was proud of my self. Only to have one of the other pvp tell me I shouldnt do it again I was a drag on there game. REALLY and what were you like when you started. ITS A GAME FOR FUN earlier in the day found a new player gave him 10.000 and gear to help him. Thats the way the game should be not the way I was treated. ::mad:


dude your the bad just except and let everyone know before we hit the speeders kay?

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Is there any pvp people out there dont mind having someone that just really wants to learn OH I am 55 a good player to I think I just want to be like everyone else and have the chances they do to have fun AGE OR NOT!!
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I planted them only to find they treated me like trash wow and thanks for the reply was nice to hear I should just keep doing it other PvP players are like quit really I had lots of fun. My son got me on here so we could play together till now it was a blast not so sure now.
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Provided it was a one sided roflstomp there are three reasons people may ask to drag out games.


- They have no idea about Dauntless medals or the fact that they cap at 8 and want to rake up more.

- They want to artificially buff up their scores, which considering the cheeves are broken ATM is pointless.

- Thrashing noobs strokes their epeens.


Just ignore them and cap those points.


Also looking for help on PvP forums is shooting yourself in the foot. There are only trolls and QQers here.

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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I just read some of the post asking me to bow found out its not worth bowing to LOL I catch on quick was a chat host for talk city for 15 years kick ban Heck I could even ban a whole servers off been against some of the biggest hackers was fun this is more fun though !! After reading some of the post screw the haters I am going back to pvp you can all just deal with me I am not stopping I am no loser !!!!!!!!!!!!
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PvP needs more objective-oriented players like you


I was in a Voidstar yesterday, we got to the datacore in like 3 minutes. Someone sent me a tell "pathetic... i feel sorry for you" then logged off before I could reply.


I'm seriously scratching my head over it.

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PvP needs more objective-oriented players like you


I was in a Voidstar yesterday, we got to the datacore in like 3 minutes. Someone sent me a tell "pathetic... i feel sorry for you" then logged off before I could reply.


I'm seriously scratching my head over it.


That... can't be right, are you trolling? :p

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For once... no, I'm not. That was a true story, bro.


Granted I've had very similar experiences (I'm notorious for stealth capping), but... man...


This reminds me of another thread in this forum that this guy was pissed off that other players were winning that don't play like the way he does...


I remember once though that a guy was pissed off that I interrupted his 1 on 1 duel with someone in the WZ (as he was aiming for the medal), we killed him, but my teammate rage quitted cause he didn't get the medal, but we ended up winning the game anyway.

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I remember once though that a guy was pissed off that I interrupted his 1 on 1 duel with someone in the WZ (as he was aiming for the medal), we killed him, but my teammate rage quitted cause he didn't get the medal, but we ended up winning the game anyway.


That's like going to the BMV, seeing 10 people ahead of you, so you leave and come back later.



Edited by Arlanon
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Is there any pvp people out there dont mind having someone that just really wants to learn OH I am 55 a good player to I think I just want to be like everyone else and have the chances they do to have fun AGE OR NOT!!


I could always use more pvpers newbie or not. Yes fun is required, skills will be taught by experience. And I'm more frustrated when we DONT play objectives, not by playing them.

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Just had to write this well went pvp I was protecting the target I backed up and some how got stuck. Yes stuck gun wouldn't fire bombs worked and I didn't die till i was unstuck . Oh and typed /stuck till I was blue in the face that didn't help. Haha funny that what you call getting your but in the door hahaha thanks to my guild for being so nice we didn't win but had fun The GUILD UNDERDOGS thanks so much hahaha. Next time my but not going there lol
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PvP needs more objective-oriented players like you


I was in a Voidstar yesterday, we got to the datacore in like 3 minutes. Someone sent me a tell "pathetic... i feel sorry for you" then logged off before I could reply.


I'm seriously scratching my head over it.


Objective based play gets you insults these days. I regularly get accused of defending our node on hypergate, just to farm medals. Like I'd get less if I went mid? Certain classes are just better suited to certain roles. If you have stealth then guarding a node is the best use if your abilities. If you dont have stealth then you should avoid solo guarding.


Playing just objectives seems to be a thing of the past. All that matters to leet puggers is stats at the end. Eejits.

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