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Star Wars - War of the Dream Teams - Planets, Leaders And Alliances!


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Hey guys, please dont post in this thread unless you're saying you have updated your list.



Military Commander: General Grievous* (One and only change allowed)

Champion: General Pong Krell

Morale Leader: Carth Onasi

Assassin: Aurra Sing

Investor/Supplier: Prince Xizor

Representative: Bail Organa


Military Hub: Kashyyyk

Recuperation/Consolidation Hub :Manaan

Government/Media Hub: Ithor

War Factory: Rendili

Intelligence Hub: Umbara

Economic Hub: Subterrel (Mining)



Military Commander: Grand Admiral Thrawn

Champion: Plo Koon

Morale Leader: Jan Dodonna

Assassin: Darth Maul

Investor/Supplier: San Hill

Representative: Mon Mothma


Military Hub: Anaxes

Recuperation/Consolidation Hub: Thyferra

Government/Media Hub: Byss

War Factory: Kuat (If not possible, Rothana)

Intelligence Hub: Corellia

Economic Hub:Cato Neimoidia



Military Commander: Admiral Ackbar

Champion: Mace Windu

Morale Leader: Bastila Shan

Assassin: Guri

Investor/Supplier: G0-T0

Representative: Padme Amidala


Military Hub: Hypori

Recuperation/Consolidation Hub: Kamino

Government/Media Hub: Nar Shaddaa

War Factory: Geonosis

Intelligence Hub: Bothiwui

Economic Hub: Makeb



Military Commander: Darth Malgus

Champion: Durge (If allowed)

Morale Leader: Raptus (If allowed)

Assassin: PROXY

Investor/Supplier: Jabba the Hutt

Representative: Leontyne Saresh


Military Hub: Hapes

Recuperation/Consolidation Hub: Taanab

Government/Media Hub: Onderon

War Factory: Balmorra

Intelligence Hub: Alderaan

Economic Hub: Ambria



Military commander: Garm Bel Ibles

Champion: Luke (Thrawn Trilogy)

Moral leader: Obi-wan

Assasin: IG-88

investor/supplier: Queen Mother Ta'a Chume (u can have talon I know you really want him star squirl)

Representative: Leia organa (before jedi training and marriage to han)


Military Hub: Carida

Recuperation Hub: Contruum

Government Hub: Brentaal

War factory: Axum

Intelligence Hub: Obroa-skai

Economic Hub: Arkania



Military Commander: Nek Bwua'tu

Champion: Mara Jade (Fully trained Jedi)

Morale Leader: Darth Cadeus (pre-reveal/while commander of GAG)

Assassin: HK-51

Investor/Supplier: Lando Calrisian

Representative: Talon Kaarde (don't need his organization, just the guy. Can I have him PLEASE!?!?!?!)

(reserving Jag Fel in the event I can't get Talon)


Military Hub: Myrkr

Recuperation/Consolidation Hub: Mandalore

Government/Media Hub: Rhinnal

War Factory: Bilbringi Shipyards

Intelligence Hub: Wayland

Economic Hub: Ralltiir



Military Commander: Admiral Trench

Champion: Darth Traya

Morale Leader: Saul Karrath

Assassin: Assajj Ventress

Investor/Supplier: Gardula the Hutt (In her slave empires prime)

Representative: Senator Mina Bonteri


Military Hub: Korriban

Recuperation/Consolidation Hub: Ziost

Government/Media Hub: Raxus

War Factory: Mon Calamari

Intelligence Hub: Lorrd

Economic Hub: Bonadan


Military Commander: Supreme Commander Gilad Pallaeon

Champion: Emperor Krayt

Morale Leader: Admiral Daala

Assassin: Darth Nihl

Investor/Supplier: Tyber Zann

Representative: Marasiah Fel


Military Hub: Bastion

Recuperation/Consolidation Hub: Kalee

Government/Media Hub:Muunilinst

War Factory: Yaga Minor

Intelligence Hub: Csilla

Economic Hub: Mygeeto


Military Commander: Wullf Yularen

Champion: Anakin Skywalker (The Clone Wars, Lightside)

Morale Leader: Supreme Commander Jace Malcom

Assassin: Jindo Krey

Investor/Supplier: Nute Gunray

Representative: Padme Amidala


Military Hub: Praesitlyn

Recuperation/Consolidation Hub: Alzoc

Government/Media Hub: Utupau

War Factory: Sluis Van

Intelligence Hub: Dagobah

Economic Hub: Bpfassh



Military Commander: General Carlist Rieekan

Champion: Luke Skywalker (Rebellion era)

Morale Leader: Crix Madine

Assassin: Kir Kanos

Investor/Supplier: Alexi Garyn

Representative:Mas Amedda


Military Hub: Hoth

Recuperation/Consolidation Hub : Polis Massa

Government/Media Hub: Bakura

War Factory: Eriadu

Intelligence Hub: Naboo

Economic Hub: Bespin



Military Commander: Darth Jadus

Champion: Darth Cognus

Morale Leader: Tarkin

Assassin: Zam Wesell

Investor/Supplier: Wat Tambor

Representative: Keeper


Military Hub: Ilum

Recuperation/Consolidation Hub: Lehon

Government/Media Hub: The Redoubt

War Factory: Metalorn

Intelligence Hub: Malachor V

Economic Hub: Kessel



Military Commander: Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow

Champion: Darth Bane

Morale Leader: Grand Moff Odile Vaiken

Assassin: Jango Fett

Investor/Supplier: Xim the Despot

Representative: Malavai Quinn


Military Hub: Belsavis

Recuperation/Consolidation Hub: Clak'dor VII

Government/Media Hub: Malastare

War Factory: Sullust

Intelligence Hub: Mustafar

Economic Hub: Dorvalla



The Current alliances Stand as:

Bionamaster, Wolfninjajedi and marcelo_sdk


Selenial, Starsquirrel and Warren,


Beniboybling and Arch


Aurbere, Rayla and Tunewalker!

Edited by Selenial
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I actually already updated mine to Jedi academy Luke if allowed been that way since before the alliance was formed (don't think any one noticed).




Edit: also changed Contruum to my recup center and my economic center is now Arkania

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You mispelt Aurbere! :eek:


Quick change it before you incur his wrath!


Iphone auto correct changes it to auberge.... Guess I forgot to change back the r! Ahh

Don't hurt me!



(At least not till the war starts)

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Of course plenty more room.


Selenial and Warren, you'd make all of this easier if you didn't have your planets all over an entire quarter of the galaxy.


Find some, beneficial to me, closer to Raxus and ill move.

Because I'm honestly stuck, i can't.


Or do you mean choosing an alliance with someone who happens to be right on top of my forces? Because if so, that's just intelligent planning :p

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Find some, beneficial to me, closer to Raxus and ill move.

Because I'm honestly stuck, i can't.


Or do you mean choosing an alliance with someone who happens to be right on top of my forces? Because if so, that's just intelligent planning :p


You two more than anybody are trying to claim so much space that you are both leaving little room in that corner of the galaxy for other players to dare move to and kind of defeating yourselves by spreading so wide and thin, consolidation of planets and choosing smaller pockets of space is beneficial to us all.

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You two more than anybody are trying to claim so much space that you are both leaving little room in that corner of the galaxy for other players to dare move to and kind of defeating yourselves by spreading so wide and thin, consolidation of planets and choosing smaller pockets of space is beneficial to us all.

Again, if you feel so strongly try help me find some!

This area of the galaxy has planets spread out more than half the other sectors, and most of them are useless for this conquest.

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Again, if you feel so strongly try help me find some!

This area of the galaxy has planets spread out more than half the other sectors, and most of them are useless for this conquest.


Rhen Var is useless? Vjun is useless? Lianna is useless?


Or better yet forget Raxus, claim Geonosis, a massive factory station and the surrounding planets which are all major crime hubs, perfect for your bandit army.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Rhen Var is useless? Vjun is useless? Lianna is useless?


Or better yet forget Raxus, claim Geonosis, a massive factory station and the surrounding planets which are all major crime hubs, perfect for your bandit army.


Yep, useless to me.

I'm only really thinking of moving aargau now, my other planets are grouped, at least, my southern most are surrounded by 4 of warrens planets.

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If we take a look at this, You have basically split yourself in two in almost polar opposite ends of the galaxy, I hope you like split forces. :p: http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/1/10/MainGalaxy.png


I know right?

I need to move my war factory, intelligence hub and economic factory, but there are none closer north!

So until I find some, they're resting with warrens fleet XD


Edit: Lianna =New war factory.

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I know right?

I need to move my war factory, intelligence hub and economic factory, but there are none closer north!

So until I find some, they're resting with warrens fleet XD


Edit: Lianna =New war factory.


Swap Malachor V and the lot for Geonosis, and get rid of Raxus for planets down south and take those clusters, you have got some un-taken and excellent planets there and it keeps you consolidated if all you are thinking of is getting the big boy planets, then you aren't thinking properly, there are many great planets most don't know about, nobody bothers to claim them.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Swap Malachor V and the lot for Geonosis, and get rid of Raxus for planets down south and take those clusters, you have got some un-taken and excellent planets there and it keeps you consolidated if all you are thinking of is getting the big boy planets, then you aren't thinking properly, there are many great planets most don't know about, nobody bothers to claim them.

I don't have Malachor V.

And again, I'm staying north... For reasons I'm keeping to myself :p]

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I don't have Malachor V.

And again, I'm staying north... For reasons I'm keeping to myself :p]


I hope you aren't seriously still planning everything based on my alliance, plan for your own space, not just as a counter force, that's what you call logistical limitation.

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I hope you aren't seriously still planning everything based on my alliance, plan for your own space, not just as a counter force, that's what you call logistical limitation.

Im not planning everything for your alliance.

I'm planning, based on the goals layed out. And it's pretty crucial if I want to see the end of this debate.


Intelligence hub moved to lorrd. Now just for my economic hub....


Edit: Economic moved to bonadan for its trade.

There, I'm isolated :p

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Im not planning everything for your alliance.

I'm planning, based on the goals layed out. And it's pretty crucial if I want to see the end of this debate.


Intelligence hub moved to lorrd. Now just for my economic hub....


I think we changed the match to being more like battlefront 2's galactic conquest, at least that is what quite a lot of us agreed on, Coruscant is probably not going to be the I win capture and hold objective.

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