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Please, allow FACTION DEFECTION as a part of end game!


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Bioware, please, allow us to defect to the oposite faction as an end-game option!


Here's my situation (as an example). I have a 53 sniper and I LOVE it, but I don't like to play on the Empire side as much as I like to be in the Republic side.


I'm sorry imperials, but I love the Republic even with all its flaws.


So... I would LOVE to play on the Republic with my sniper and I'm pretty sure that role players would love this option too.


Maybe, if someone plays a dark jedi he could have the option to defect to the sith or if someone play a light side agent, he could have the option to defect to the republic military.


There could have some requirements to do so, like:


1 - You need to have a toon on the oposite side as a mirror to be replaced.

2 - You have to finish your class's story line completely.

3 - You need to be full light or dark.

4 - You need to be at least legacy 15.


Maybe other requirements or a combination of some of them.


In my opinion it could even be an cartel market perk.



So what do you guys think about it? :D

Edited by Haggardbr
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So wait, you want to play Empire Classes in the Republic Faction? Am I understanding this correctly?


In the essence of the idea yeah, but it's not only that, it's to give a better immersion and "real life like" thing to the game.


Just like many npcs during the story lines can or have defected so we could too.

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I like it! :D there would have to be very hefty prerequisites though, I'd want this to be a rare thing.


Just as I said... maybe a certain legacy level with a mirror class @ max level, a certain amount credits or a cartel market perk.


But it couldn't be that much limited or rare too, because I'm pretty sure a lot of people would love to defect to the opposite faction to play the toons they like.


I love my end game commando, but I like my sniper a lot more, I just don't play it much because sometimes I just can't stand the empire.

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I don't think a Cartel Market prerequisite would be a very nice touch ... something purely in-game that you achieve through being a great gamer, not shelling out enough cash for it. So like you said, Legacy Level, max character lvl, perhaps a certain amount of Credits (That do not necessarily have to be spent on it), & perhaps another max lvl character of the mirror class?


Say if you want to defect your Juggernaut to the Republic, you'd need to have a lvl 55 Guardian & so forth.

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It wouldn't work and it won't happen. Look at Makeb. Even though, in my case, my Sniper is no longer officially serving the Empire she is still contacted by Darth Marr to help the war effort. You can't just switch sides because that would screw up the entire story that Bioware has created so far. If I switched her to the Republic then who is she going to talk to on Makeb? Nobody. The story would make absolutely no sense. that will also greatly affect future story content, both faction and indiviual class stories.


Then there are the companions. Do you really think Lt Pierce or Khem Val or Quinn would suddenly feel the urge to join the Republic? Do you think Aric Jorgan or Elara Dorne, who left the Empire, would suddenly join the Empire? Because of companions and all the associated stories a faction switch would not work. It wouldn't make sense.


MAYBE, in future class story content, BW can allow us to make the choice and have it be meaningful, but they would also have to figure out the companions. Every class would lose some, if not all. New ones would have to be created to replace them. I do not see this happening. Defections just will not work in this game.

Edited by Kilikaa
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It wouldn't work and it won't happen. Look at Makeb. Even though, in my case, my Sniper is no longer officially serving the Empire she is still contacted by Darth Marr to help the war effort. You can't just switch sides because that would screw up the entire story that Bioware has created so far. If I switched her to the Republic then who is she going to talk to on Makeb? Nobody. The story would make absolutely no sense. that will also greatly affect future story content, but faction and indiviual class stories.


Then there are the companions. Do you really think Lt Pierce or Khem Val or Quinn would suddenly feel the urge to join the Republic? Do you think Aric Jorgan or Elara Dorne, who left the Empire, would suddenly join the Empire? Because of companions and all the associated stories a faction switch would not work. It wouldn't make sense.


MAYBE, in future class story content, BW can allow us to make the choice and have it be meaningful, but they would also have to figure out the companions. Every class would lose some, if not all. New ones would have to be created to replace them. I do not see this happening. Defections just will not work in this game.


Don't forget about the Voice Overs

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It could become a SIS agent!


Ok, then you would lose all Imperial Agent Gear [Weapon & Armor], Companions, Class Ship, Voice Over, Class Storyline, access to Dromund Kaas, Koriban, Nal Hutta, Crew Skills, Imperial Fleet, Advanced Class.


So, um, yeah, you wouldn't be able to be a Sniper on the Republic Side.

Edited by Altyrell
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Ok, then you would lose all Imperial Agent Gear [Weapon & Armor], Companions, Class Ship, Voice Over, Class Storyline, access to Dromund Kaas, Koriban, Nal Hutta, Crew Skills, Imperial Fleet, Advanced Class.


So, um, yeah, you wouldn't be able to be a Sniper on the Republic Side.


The point is, you keep what you got so far.


To be honest, except from the trench coat looks and the RD-07A Vendetta set from the agents, the gear from smugglers are better looking in my opinion.


And why the person couldn't be a sniper on the republic side? It would just be like a gunslinger, but with a sniper rifle instead.

Edited by Haggardbr
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Do want.


I can't stand being surrounded by rocks and dust and ugly yellow energy effects. I want purple, darkness and lightning without having to be a total sociopath, dammit!


care to explain that?

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The point is, you keep what you got so far.


To be honest, except from the trench coat looks and the RD-07A Vendetta set from the agents, the gear from smugglers are better looking in my opinion.


And why the person couldn't be a sniper on the republic side? It would just be like a gunslinger, but with a sniper rifle instead.


They can't be a Republic sniper because there is NO Rep sniper to begin with. Read my first post on page one. Due to stories and companions, defections will NOT work in this game. There are other factors as well.

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They can't be a Republic sniper because there is NO Rep sniper to begin with. Read my first post on page one. Due to stories and companions, defections will NOT work in this game. There are other factors as well.


I did read your post.


As for the class, it's pretty much a gunslinger with a rifle and different animations. All the animations are already in the game programming.


As for voice overs, they had to hire people to voice over RotHC main NPCs, so they could do again...


This idea could be another expansion pack too.

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The point is, you keep what you got so far.


To be honest, except from the trench coat looks and the RD-07A Vendetta set from the agents, the gear from smugglers are better looking in my opinion.


And why the person couldn't be a sniper on the republic side? It would just be like a gunslinger, but with a sniper rifle instead.


Except you wouldn't keep what you got so far because some/majority is tied to Class/Advanced Class so the Imperial Agent who becomes the SIS Agent is no longer an IMPERIAL AGENT therefore would lose EVERYTHING that is tied SPECIFICALLY too being an Imperial Agent. Sniper is the AC of the IMPERIAL AGENT so again, the SIS wouldn't be able to be a Sniper.


And no, Gunslingers and Imperial Agents are different in terms of Weapons they use.

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The open pvp would definitely get fresh and even more exciting with this feature though. I couldn't think of a better thing to do than hunting traitors across the galaxy :)


At least you got the idea and gave another that is just as awesome as mine.


Bounty rewards for those who hunt down the traitors!


What I'm seeing for some replies here is that some people don't realize the game code already has all the animations and stuff needed for this to work.


An imperial sniper who defected to the republic and became a SIS agent CAN, YES, be a sniper in the republic, it would use the same mechanics and animations.


A gunslinger is a sniper in essence and vice-versa, they just use different weapons.

Edited by Haggardbr
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NO they cannot because SNIPER is, at the moment, EXCLUSIVE TO THE IMPERIAL AGENT Class. The moment they became, under your idea, a SIS Agent they are NO LONGER IMPERIAL AGENTS. Therefore they would lose EVERYTHING that is EXCLUSIVE to being an IMPERIAL AGENT.


Gunslingers DUAL WIELDS PISTOLS they do NOT use a Sniper Rifles & a VIBRO KNIFE. There is a DIFFERENCE, the Off-Handed Pistol is used more often then the Vibro Knife.


Saying that the Gunslinger is the same as a Sniper is like saying the Commando is the same as a Powertech. Sure they might function similarly but there is still a difference. Powertechs play their Characters differently then how Commandos play theirs.

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Jesus, are you mad today or what?


Why the need of so many caps words?


And why is there a problem of a republic with snipers? And the empire with gunslingers?


No one would be obligated to defect to the other faction, it's a matter of choice.


And being from the republic, such agents could become SIS freelancers.


The way you're saying that looks like you don't want to see agents in the republic side nor smugglers in the empire side.


But you know... the game is not yours and it's not only you who play it. What if someday EA / BioWare decides to do just as I'm proposing, will you still be mad? :rolleyes:

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Saying that the Gunslinger is the same as a Sniper is like saying the Commando is the same as a Powertech. Sure they might function similarly but there is still a difference. Powertechs play their Characters differently then how Commandos play theirs.


No, it's like saying commando is the same as mercenary, since they are mirror classes with the same abilities but different names and animations.

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I don't think a Cartel Market prerequisite would be a very nice touch ... something purely in-game that you achieve through being a great gamer, not shelling out enough cash for it. So like you said, Legacy Level, max character lvl, perhaps a certain amount of Credits (That do not necessarily have to be spent on it), & perhaps another max lvl character of the mirror class?


Say if you want to defect your Juggernaut to the Republic, you'd need to have a lvl 55 Guardian & so forth.


Pretty much all you said. You're getting the idea of this concept.


You would need to have both mirror classes at cap level and some more requirements to defect.

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Jesus, are you mad today or what?


Why the need of so many caps words?


And why is there a problem of a republic with snipers? And the empire with gunslingers?


No one would be obligated to defect to the other faction, it's a matter of choice.


And being from the republic, such agents could become SIS freelancers.


The way you're saying that looks like you don't want to see agents in the republic side nor smugglers in the empire side.


But you know... the game is not yours and it's not only you that plays it. What if someday EA / BioWare decides to do just as I'm proposing, will you still be mad? :rolleyes:


He isn't mad he is frustrated that you don't seem to understand a few important things and I agree with him so i will try to explain


1. It would not work because the animations regardless of the similarity they are COMPLETELY different.


2. The companion story lines is a major barrier especially if you maxed out affection how would it work if there was a switch? Also what about crew skills you have unlocked? The recipes you have discovered or the mats you have accumulated it is not as simple just to have them on the new character.


3. The most important aspect is the voice overs as they locked to specific classes doing a switch would mean the devs have to re work every cut scene on the new switched character so that they can partake in cut scenes which is a insurmountable amount of work which is simply not a priority.


4. The only possible way I could ever and I mean ever see this happening is if you are legacy level 50 and that the switch happens through some sort of quest line yet if you do this you LOSE your crew skills, you LOSE your armor, you LOSE your affection finally you lose your abilities. In other words your an empty shell but even that is a far stretch which i do not think will ever happen.

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