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Vanity Gear Hunting


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So. I had a really great looking uniform way back pre-expansion before I got into the raiding scene, when I was going through the (PLOT!). And like a moron I sold it all piece by piece when I started nabbing tionese, columi, and rakata equips, blissfully unaware of the advent of set bonuses being tied to the armoring that would occur shortly thereafter.


I am disappointed. It's been so long now, that I frankly can't remember names, and hazily recall appearances, as I've been trying to reassemble the "set". The only piece I'm missing that I actually know for certain what looks like was a set of modifiable gloves. Or Maybe they were bracers. Yes, I know what effect it had on my looks, but not the slot. It's dumb, but that's why I'm bring this to the forum.


They were a bluish/purplish color, and unique in that one glove was significantly bulkier than the other, and had a thick line along the side from wrist to near the elbow that vaguely resembled a zipper. But like,a really huge zipper.


Would anyone happen to know what they are called, and how i can get a new pair?


or, in lieu of that, since most of that you probably found impossible to translate, what gloves (and/or bracers [modifiable, mind you]) do you think would look good with the Cademimu Sharpshooter's Jacket, RD-03A Recon Leggings, and TD-06A Fury Boots? I never did find a customisable belt, so that isn't an issue, unless someone knows one that would go well with the rest. Maybe I'll save for legacy belt/bracer.


Thank's for your time, sorry if this seems super rambly.


EDIT: Oh and Just in case it matters, I'm playing a female Chiss Agent (operative, healer). Because the Chiss are awesome. Legit.

Edited by Ikorus
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