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Ranked PvP Draft on The Colony!


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I've picked a time and date. (Also, you might want to take my Sage off of ignore if you want to send a mail) :rolleyes:


As long as the guild rank teams decide not to queue at the time you picked up this can be a good chance for people to get some ranked experience. Keep up the good work.

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As long as the guild rank teams decide not to queue at the time you picked up this can be a good chance for people to get some ranked experience. Keep up the good work.


thanks :) I picked Sunday because the majority of the community is available then, and as far as I know it doesn't interfere with anyone's scheduled ranked nights.

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As long as the guild rank teams decide not to queue at the time you picked up this can be a good chance for people to get some ranked experience. Keep up the good work.


Well that wouldn't be very nice either. Guild ranked teams should be participating in the event so they can have some fun shootin/stabbin each other up for a change of pace. :D Or take this opportunity to do ranked on an alt.

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I hope you all do well with this, I think it's great. ITK had talked about this format quite a bit.


I unfortunately cannot be on during the day for scheduled events, but I hope people take advantage of it. It has potential to be a lot of fun.


Best of luck!

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I hope you all do well with this, I think it's great. ITK had talked about this format quite a bit.


I unfortunately cannot be on during the day for scheduled events, but I hope people take advantage of it. It has potential to be a lot of fun.


Best of luck!


hopefully, we can get people to participate. 4 people so far, not looking very promising :rolleyes:

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Maybe, like me, other people are afraid that 17 people will sign up and they'll find out they were the only one not picked. My epeen couldn't handle it. :(


i have plans in place in case that happens. if you sign up, you are guaranteed to be on a team, provided enough people sign up to even go through with the event.

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May 19th, noon PST


If you did it at 2pm PST I could attend. I am an east coaster and I get off work at 3pm EST which would be your current start time. If you cannot change it that is also fine! I don't want my scheduling conflicts to create many more conflicts.

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If you did it at 2pm PST I could attend. I am an east coaster and I get off work at 3pm EST which would be your current start time. If you cannot change it that is also fine! I don't want my scheduling conflicts to create many more conflicts.


just picked noon to try to get an early start time. if changing the time encourages more people to participate, i'm all for it. 2 PST it is!

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I'm kind of in the same boat as Scyn, I can't be there that early, but could make it a little later. But again, if I can't make it, no big deal.


So I'm literate. 2 PST works for me.

Edited by EFSoupy
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I'm going to help some of you out here




If you are interested in participating, please send an in-game mail to Kristus (for Pub Side) and Ammut (for Imp Side)


Please follow the following format:


Toon Name <Guild Tag> (if you have one) - Class - Desired Roll


Sign Ups for the event have been extended to Wednesday, May 15th


Apparently he doesn't want sign ups here. I think that's what he means by "follow the listed format".

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