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who wins the most wzs and why?

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Hi guys last night i was puging wzs on my sorc healer and did 9 wz which we only won 3 of. this does happen most nights unless i get into a pre made. Was just wondering do u guys have the same problem if so what do u think the cause is? Both imp and rep responses would be great :)
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At 55 or in lowbie? It's been a month or so since I leveled a char but it was complete pub dominance for the republic back then. Pubs are probably generally better 55 too but the imps seem to have more premades and that evens it out a bit since they are winning the vast majority of their games.


It's way more balanced than on my main server though, That server is so one-sided, in favor of the imps, that no one seems to queue on the pub side anymore. You probably play atleast five imp vs imp games for every pub team you come across.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Hi guys last night i was puging wzs on my sorc healer and did 9 wz which we only won 3 of. this does happen most nights unless i get into a pre made. Was just wondering do u guys have the same problem if so what do u think the cause is? Both imp and rep responses would be great :)


When you go into a warzone on your own you always have to prepare for the worst and never get surprised if your team ends up losing big time. Run with friends, profit. Simple as that.


Also, your question was basically rhetorical.

Edited by AuroraAustralis
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Simply put, Neither side, I'm sure if BW let us see the metrics you'd see that the win/loss ratio on the server would be around 50:50 (or like 49:51) but nothing massively out balanced like (20:80)


It all depends on YOU. Yes, you can get a **** team, yes you'll get people who don't guard nodes, yes there will be medal farmers, yes you will come across 4-Man premades.


But these are not factors that stop you winning, Recently I have been running WZs with a friend and we win ~80% of our games. What influences who appears to win most is YOU:


- If your DPS: Do YOU do 360k+ DMG each wz without fail?

- If your TANK: Do you do 100K+ Protection each match? Do you annoy healers, do you conta taunt?

- If your a HEALER: Do YOU do 360k+ Healing each wz without fail?


If you do your role, you can turn the tide of a warzone. What is causing this "Oh Imps win far more gamez than pub cus pubz suk balls" (or imp variant) is one thing: The player that says that goes into a WZ does 100k dmg (yes, they are always dps :rak_03:) and yells at others with slurs like "**** l2P" or "**** Why you no call" when they didn't read chat, or just expected everyone else todo the work.


Think about it, How many times have seen a warzone tide turned by 1 player who comes in and does 700K+dmg in 1/2 the warzone? How many times have you won a game due to good capping? how many times have you lost a game because of good capping by the other team? etc. etc.


So Morale of the story: "Learn your class" dont roll FOTM and expect to be insta god mode, you can be godmode by playing a class which is "UP" (said in the loosest terms). Again, Pre 2.0 no-one played Operative cus "They r so bad" .. yet some OPS did 1M+ Healing and 700K+ DMG.

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Simply put, Neither side, I'm sure if BW let us see the metrics you'd see that the win/loss ratio on the server would be around 50:50 (or like 49:51) but nothing massively out balanced like (20:80)


It all depends on YOU. Yes, you can get a **** team, yes you'll get people who don't guard nodes, yes there will be medal farmers, yes you will come across 4-Man premades.


But these are not factors that stop you winning, Recently I have been running WZs with a friend and we win ~80% of our games. What influences who appears to win most is YOU:


- If your DPS: Do YOU do 360k+ DMG each wz without fail?

- If your TANK: Do you do 100K+ Protection each match? Do you annoy healers, do you conta taunt?

- If your a HEALER: Do YOU do 500k+ Healing each wz without fail?


If you do your role, you can turn the tide of a warzone. What is causing this "Oh Imps win far more gamez than pub cus pubz suk balls" (or imp variant) is one thing: The player that says that goes into a WZ does 100k dmg (yes, they are always dps :rak_03:) and yells at others with slurs like "**** l2P" or "**** Why you no call" when they didn't read chat, or just expected everyone else todo the work.


Think about it, How many times have seen a warzone tide turned by 1 player who comes in and does 700K+dmg in 1/2 the warzone? How many times have you won a game due to good capping? how many times have you lost a game because of good capping by the other team? etc. etc.


So Morale of the story: "Learn your class" dont roll FOTM and expect to be insta god mode, you can be godmode by playing a class which is "UP" (said in the loosest terms). Again, Pre 2.0 no-one played Operative cus "They r so bad" .. yet some OPS did 1M+ Healing and 700K+ DMG.



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Simply put, Neither side, I'm sure if BW let us see the metrics you'd see that the win/loss ratio on the server would be around 50:50 (or like 49:51) but nothing massively out balanced like (20:80)


It all depends on YOU. Yes, you can get a **** team, yes you'll get people who don't guard nodes, yes there will be medal farmers, yes you will come across 4-Man premades.


But these are not factors that stop you winning, Recently I have been running WZs with a friend and we win ~80% of our games. What influences who appears to win most is YOU:


- If your DPS: Do YOU do 360k+ DMG each wz without fail?

- If your TANK: Do you do 100K+ Protection each match? Do you annoy healers, do you conta taunt?

- If your a HEALER: Do YOU do 360k+ Healing each wz without fail?


If you do your role, you can turn the tide of a warzone. What is causing this "Oh Imps win far more gamez than pub cus pubz suk balls" (or imp variant) is one thing: The player that says that goes into a WZ does 100k dmg (yes, they are always dps :rak_03:) and yells at others with slurs like "**** l2P" or "**** Why you no call" when they didn't read chat, or just expected everyone else todo the work.


Think about it, How many times have seen a warzone tide turned by 1 player who comes in and does 700K+dmg in 1/2 the warzone? How many times have you won a game due to good capping? how many times have you lost a game because of good capping by the other team? etc. etc.


So Morale of the story: "Learn your class" dont roll FOTM and expect to be insta god mode, you can be godmode by playing a class which is "UP" (said in the loosest terms). Again, Pre 2.0 no-one played Operative cus "They r so bad" .. yet some OPS did 1M+ Healing and 700K+ DMG.


y well when you have dumb ******* on your team side whatever you do you can't win solo :D

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Every time you press solo que is like rolling a dice.


And Lady Luck can be a nice helpfull person or sometimes a serious *****.


Get used to it or try to avoid her. Otherwise she can drive you mad. :D :D :D

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Regarding this statement:

Simply put, Neither side, I'm sure if BW let us see the metrics you'd see that the win/loss ratio on the server would be around 50:50 (or like 49:51) but nothing massively out balanced like (20:80)


It all depends on YOU. Yes, you can get a **** team, yes you'll get people who don't guard nodes, yes there will be medal farmers, yes you will come across 4-Man premades.


But these are not factors that stop you winning, Recently I have been running WZs with a friend and we win ~80% of our games. What influences who appears to win most is YOU:


- If your DPS: Do YOU do 360k+ DMG each wz without fail?

- If your TANK: Do you do 100K+ Protection each match? Do you annoy healers, do you conta taunt?

- If your a HEALER: Do YOU do 360k+ Healing each wz without fail?


If you do your role, you can turn the tide of a warzone. What is causing this "Oh Imps win far more gamez than pub cus pubz suk balls" (or imp variant) is one thing: The player that says that goes into a WZ does 100k dmg (yes, they are always dps :rak_03:) and yells at others with slurs like "**** l2P" or "**** Why you no call" when they didn't read chat, or just expected everyone else todo the work.


Think about it, How many times have seen a warzone tide turned by 1 player who comes in and does 700K+dmg in 1/2 the warzone? How many times have you won a game due to good capping? how many times have you lost a game because of good capping by the other team? etc. etc.


So Morale of the story: "Learn your class" dont roll FOTM and expect to be insta god mode, you can be godmode by playing a class which is "UP" (said in the loosest terms). Again, Pre 2.0 no-one played Operative cus "They r so bad" .. yet some OPS did 1M+ Healing and 700K+ DMG.

Warzones are about objectives and not AOE roflstomp smashers, spam healers, and complaining about 100k dmg dps'ers. Interrupting a door cap, stealthing and capping a novare coast node, or capping a hypergate pylon 8s before reset is worth more than any medal ever.

Edited by keeroo
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Regarding this statement:


Warzones are about objectives and not AOE roflstomp smashers, spam healers, and complaining about 100k dmg dps'ers. Interrupting a door cap, stealthing and capping a novare coast node, or capping a hypergate pylon 8s before reset is worth more than any medal ever.


I think you missed the point Crimzon is trying to make. He is merely saying that often the ones that are /crying in WZs about a loss are the ones contributing the least.


I agree that it is not only about the numbers and neither does Crimzon say that inhis post, but that doesn't mean it is alright for a DPS Jugger, Sorc, Merc, Mara, Sniper... or even Operative or Assassin to do 100k dmg in a long fight.


I am well aware that stealth capping is a very important tactical move but that doesn't mean that a stealther has to stay at the pylon, invisible, for 1min 40sec and then try to do his masterful fail cap -- 4 phases in a row - that really is tarded gameplay. You can come DPS in the middle for 1min 30 sec and then go and try stealth cap. No point in staying stealthed, laying eggs.


roflstomp smasher - stop crying about smashers, there are so many classes that are deadly for us, if played well ofc.


spamhealing - not sure why you show them in a negative light keeroo, if they spam heals and keep ppl alive fk***ing awesome


"who wins the most wzs and why?"


It is a bit of a gamble at the moment queueing solo. This will change once the more casual players get used to their new specs and get themselves geared. There is always a bit of an unbalance at the start of a new expansion, or any bigger changes to the talent trees/gear etc.


That said, I abo****ely agree with Crimzon - first make sure that you perform well then critisize others. 1 good player really can make a big difference.


If I go to a and objective, solo kill 2 defenders and take the spot then I did well, period.


If a strong healer manages to keep up let's say him/herself and 2 other against 5 opponents that gives the rest of the team a big advantage.



I agree that the IMP vs. REPS win/loose ratio is probably quite close to equal. Let's face it, most of the more vocal pvp commentators that complain about either side being always winning are usually the ones that just don't have the personality to do PvP = play 5 games --> win 2 (happy) --> then loose 3 --> /cry --> /troll --> beat their dog with keyboard --> don't play WZ for a week --> rinse & repeat.


Forgot to add: WZ are lost often because of the "I give up attitude". PvPers that don't like comptetitiveness and challenge are not supposed to do PvP.

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Hey guys I've been pugging on the imp side over the last few days and the reps have completely destroyed us, the standard of play has been awful on our side. Ok so I'm not the best player in the world and make mistakes but I do score top in most games especially when it comes to objectives.


If I'm ops leader people will just do the opposite of what I request or don't even listen full stop, I have had people leave nodes unguarded, two many people guarding a single node, quitters, failed ninja attempts when we were winning resulting in a lose, you name it's happened.


I think one of the reasons is the time of day that I have been playing, 16.00pm to 18.00pm end of school time, too many kids playing imo plus many poeple not speaking english.

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the republic have been pretty dominant for awhile in regs.. but when players start rolling to the "winning side" the scale tends to turn.. dusted off my old jugg and played in the 30- 54 bracket and lost 1 out of 20+ games...


when players start to ask what side wins the most it's usually because they want to be on the winning side.. what happens when alot of players do this? the "winning" side becomes losing side.


if you want to win.. learn to play better and most of all learn to communicate.

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Simply put, Neither side, I'm sure if BW let us see the metrics you'd see that the win/loss ratio on the server would be around 50:50 (or like 49:51) but nothing massively out balanced like (20:80)


It all depends on YOU. Yes, you can get a **** team, yes you'll get people who don't guard nodes, yes there will be medal farmers, yes you will come across 4-Man premades.


But these are not factors that stop you winning, Recently I have been running WZs with a friend and we win ~80% of our games. What influences who appears to win most is YOU:


- If your DPS: Do YOU do 360k+ DMG each wz without fail?

- If your TANK: Do you do 100K+ Protection each match? Do you annoy healers, do you conta taunt?

- If your a HEALER: Do YOU do 360k+ Healing each wz without fail?


If you do your role, you can turn the tide of a warzone. What is causing this "Oh Imps win far more gamez than pub cus pubz suk balls" (or imp variant) is one thing: The player that says that goes into a WZ does 100k dmg (yes, they are always dps :rak_03:) and yells at others with slurs like "**** l2P" or "**** Why you no call" when they didn't read chat, or just expected everyone else todo the work.


Think about it, How many times have seen a warzone tide turned by 1 player who comes in and does 700K+dmg in 1/2 the warzone? How many times have you won a game due to good capping? how many times have you lost a game because of good capping by the other team? etc. etc.


So Morale of the story: "Learn your class" dont roll FOTM and expect to be insta god mode, you can be godmode by playing a class which is "UP" (said in the loosest terms). Again, Pre 2.0 no-one played Operative cus "They r so bad" .. yet some OPS did 1M+ Healing and 700K+ DMG.


Could you pretty please link a video of a patch 2.0+ level 55 Shadow / Assassin pulling 700k in a non ranked WZ? Possibly in "1/2 the warzone".

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