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6 Novare Coasts in a row?


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You played since launch, Genttry? My guess is no.


Just guessing (not judging), you're either relitively new to PvP and SWTOR, have a great guild and fun friends playing SWTOR, 1st MMO, super SW fan, or something of the sort. Or just disagree!! :)


I've been around for quite some time, as TUX and a few others I usually agree with, and the direction SWTOR PvP is going is quite disturbing, especially to those of us that have played classes that are CLEARLY outmatched in PvP (Merc/Mando).


No OWPvP, this WZ rotation debacle, bolster, ranked PvP, ranked PvP balance, 5 WZ's in 18 months, etc...


Hopefully, they will take some of that CC money and put it back into GAMEPLAY developement...PvP and PvE.


Hi friend-


Yep, I've played since launch. Admittedly, I left when they first postponed rateds in patch 1.2 or whatever it was. i was pissed, as was my pvp guild. As you can see, I came back.


Nor is this my first MMO. I've played a lot of MMOs. I continually go back to WoW after I try a game and don't like it. I still enjoy WoW arenas. I am a gladiator in that game and sometimes I post on a few different toons in Arena Junkies, one of them being Jentry (similar to this handle.) If youa re familiar with that site, only the top 0.5% of pvp'ers can post there based on country-wide ratings. I got blasted for mentioning this in other potsts because "WoW is for babies, or it's all about comp, or I could have been a gladiator in that game if only, etc..."


I choose to focus on the positives in the PvP in this game and I've found that it really makes people angry. That's fine, but I want to point out that not everyone hates the bolster system, 2.0 or PvP in SWTOR, even with its faults. You can PM me and I'll discuss more with you about my gladiator toons, my experience in arenas in WoW, my experience here with PvP in this game, whatever. I'm not going to make posts that can be considered egotistical because that just incites flame wars. I like the fact that you are cordial, friend. Maybe you assumed incorrectly, but you are cordial! Peace!


edit: I got 4 Novare coasts in a row recently and it was a bummer...also, i recently got called out by one of my prior partners in WoW arenas for making trivial posts in SWTOR about the self-proclaimed best op healer on a certain server. My partner was right- no sense in trying to bang up the people I think are just plain dumb on forums. I try to keep my posts positive, as hard as it can be when people act dumb. I still enjoy SWTOR PvP and for some reason it makes people mad. ..

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Then why are you here? :D


To add his input against the onslaught of people who want to be pissed for the sake of being pissed...that's my guess, friend.


edit: Assasin, where are you? We were having civilized dialogue! What is your reply to my last thread re: being a long-time subscriber and long-time MMO player? I'm interested to see your reply.

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