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Non-sentient creature that is more powerful than TFB?


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Non-sentient and more powerful?

There are some that are more powerful but they're all sentient to an extent.


Non-sentient (but weaker)


The Gorog is like a Rancor on crack, 50 times the size and 100 time as hard to kill.


Sentient (but stronger)

Indobok: a semi-sentient moon.

D'vouran a sentient carnivorous planet.


Semi-Sentient and on par with TFB

A fully-matured Sith Leviathan

Edited by AshlaBoga
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consdering we have no idea what TFB was, umm.. no clue.


((personally I wonder if it was Aboleth))


Its a Gree of some sort. A really bigass Gree, but a Gree. Seriously, compare screenshots of them next to each other, its a little disturbing, they're pretty much the same aside from a few minor differences. I figure either some evil ancient secret Gree thing, or Gree mutated by Sith Alchemy. Anyway on topic yea probably the Exogorths.

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