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Finally thinking about starting Makeb...which side first?


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As the title says, I'm wondering whether the story on Makeb is better if I do Republic before Empire, or vice-versa. Basically, I'm wondering if it's like Corellia where the Empire side actually takes place first, or just if one side explains things better. Anything of that nature.
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Haven't played all the way through Empire, but I do believe I know at least one of the twists the other user is talking about. Republic story was most excellent, and I doubt you'll be disappointed either way


Yeah, about halfway through imperial Makeb, you recognize the twist, especially if you've done the republic Makeb weekly.

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I'm going to have to dip into spoilers to answer that.




The republic's entire makeb storyline is about evacuating the population before the planet goes kaboom, thanks to the Hutts. After all that, they notice that the planet hasn't actually gone kaboom, and the weekly is based around investigating what actually happened.


The imperial storyline is about getting the stuff that the Hutts were mining so much that caused the trouble in the first place. About halfway, they find out that the hutts already used up all of it, so instead of stealing it, they have to spend the rest of the arc preventing the planet's collapse while making sure nobody finds out what they're doing. Their weekly is continuing the deception, and making it appear that Makeb could fall apart any minute, while the Empire continues to mine for the stuff.



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Definitely Republic first, Empire's story kind of spoils Republic one.


Just reserve your judgment until you complete BOTH. There will be one point in Rep story you will be like "what? what is this nonsense asspull???". Will make sense after you finish the Empire story.

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