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EA signs exclusive SW rights with Disney

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No, its not and it should be. The fact that it wasnt is one of the reasons it fell flat on its face. WoW fans play Wow. This game is a pale comparison to that game and probably always will be. Not the games fault, WoW has a 10 year head start.


And if you read the post you would see that its not "my" SWG as you so quaintly put it with disdain. I understand you don't like the game, or at least glean so by your tone. You might want to get a hold of your emotions however.


I have an opinion, you have yours. No need to get snippy over it.


lo lplease SWG was a disaster keep the trash away thanks.

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A new level in license issues with Disney.


EA lands near-exclusive Star Wars licence


This part is a little bit shady tough:


The deal will see EA-owned BioWare allowed to continue producing role-playing games set in the Star Wars universe, as follow-ups to its existing Knights of the Old Republic titles. Where the exclusion of 'online-category' games leaves BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO, however, is unknown - it's perfectly possible that the title will be allowed to wind down in favour of a reborn MMO under Disney's direction. The deal will also allow EA to produce new first-person shooters, spiritual succesors to the Dark Forces series previously created by Lucasfilm's gaming subsidiary LucasArts.


Even if they do it will be over the course of years. They wont stop SW:TOR dead in its tracks before the next game is done and ready to be released.

And i dont see myself paying this game in 5-6 yers time if there is another SW MMO coming out.

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I for one think this is awesome news. Not because I think EA is the best company but I think EA subsidiaries ie BW make really great games and I'm very happy that there will probably be a continuation of the games that were in progress such as Battlefront III. Not sure what the 1313 game was about but my son was realty interested in that. I am enjoying the hell out of TOR again. I left after 6 months because I was bored but they have added enough content to get me interested again and I have 11 characters I play, 1 that is my bank (something I hope BW works on) and one that's a place holder for a Cathar jedi knight (have to keep my white kitty's name).


I think the games EA has under its belt including the ill fated Kingdoms of Amular are really good games. They don't have the best track record but at least they managed to keep solvent in an economy that sucks. That is saying something right there and they are giving us what we want even if we do have to pay cash for it. I for one am glad about the collections feature. I love the valiant jedi armor but I lost one because I deleted a twi'lek jedi knight that I wasn't happy with. Now I can assure that I have it unlocked for my account and each of my characters can wear it in different colors and my juggernaut can go to the stylist and get her hair done, everything else on her is perfect.


So yes, I'm quite glad about this. Predicted it to my son (who also wasn't happy about it until I explained that maybe the games that were in production would be picked up and worked on). Congrats EA and BW!

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SOE can make a better MMO then BW EA, with out a doubt. Problem is they tried to corner the market by buying everyone elses Bullcrap niche MMO's to try and corner the market on the niche lol. the MMO community is ready for sand box elements .



This ^^^^




RIP Star WArs

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Yup this is exactly how I feel. I now I know that everything SW from here on is going to suck big time... Disney never made a movie with a good story that makes any sense. It's generally shallow poorly thought out story with special effects spectacle to shock and awe the masses who hate to think anyway... EA on the other side is just equivalent of that in the gaming world. Disney has to know that EA has been voted the worst company in the world for 2 years in a row and yet they didn't have the problem to give them this contract.


Welcome to the age of "kitsch is cool" folks...

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Lets be honest here EA are not so bad after all, and they even will use ''Frostbite 3 engine'' for all new Star wars games it's incredible, can't wait to played them, I've just hope EA will pick up SW 1313 as well...


So many exciting things happening now, new Star war movie and EA will actually now produce quality SW games, I am so looking forwards to all this...


Thank you,

Best regards!.

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Lets be honest here EA are not so bad after all, and they even will use ''Frostbite 3 engine'' for all new Star wars games it's incredible, can't wait to played them, I've just hope EA will pick up SW 1313 as well...


So many exciting things happening now, new Star war movie and EA will actually now produce quality SW games, I am so looking forwards to all this...


Thank you,

Best regards!.


Exactly, now brace yourself, take a deep breath and think what would have happened if Activision got it and not EA.

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Yup this is exactly how I feel. I now I know that everything SW from here on is going to suck big time... Disney never made a movie with a good story that makes any sense. It's generally shallow poorly thought out story with special effects spectacle to shock and awe the masses who hate to think anyway... EA on the other side is just equivalent of that in the gaming world. Disney has to know that EA has been voted the worst company in the world for 2 years in a row and yet they didn't have the problem to give them this contract.


Welcome to the age of "kitsch is cool" folks...


Disney will not makes this movie but Lucasfilm will, what for EA well it has he's downs and ups with the games, but anyway I have a strong filling EA will produce many great SW games in the near future...

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Disney has to know that EA has been voted the worst company in the world for 2 years in a row and yet they didn't have the problem to give them this contract.


The fact that a video game company won this poll 2 years in a row pretty much kills its credibility to anyone who has any sense of priorities or scope. I was honestly surprised when I saw The Consumerist's hilarious followup article to the most recent poll, "EA's problem is that they need to make a product that people want. Yes, some of their games sell in the millions, but look at these recent examples of games that people claimed to hate which also sold in the millions." And then they go and accuse EA of making Sim City need an online connection to play, when devs from Maxis have said it was their decision.


Which is pretty indicative of the thing I love most about EA, they're somehow responsible for every bad thing their developers put out and never the good. If a game is good then it's a "<Insert dev studio name>" game. If someone hates it then it's an EA game.

Edited by Odlus
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Oh, I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with EA's stellar record of producing only the absolutely best games... :rolleyes:


Since they have the exclusive contract, they won't even have the impetus of competition to even give a half-hearted attempt to create anything great.


This in a nutshell. Exclusivity contracts give EA NO incentive to be creative, or ground breaking.

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The fact that a video game company won this poll 2 years in a row pretty much kills its credibility to anyone who has any sense of priorities or scope.



No, not really. The fact that this company won that poll only shows how fickle and aggressive the gaming community is.


Really? EA is worse than:


Bank of America?


COUNTLESS other corporations exploiting humans and violating labor laws?



So. A company made some bad video games, and is now worse than a Bank that is the DIRECT cause of the housing bubble collapse? Or a company whose negligence caused MILLIONS of dollars worth of damage to our environment? Sorry, I don't buy it.


Many gamers are just loud-mouthed children with anger issues.

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Ok time to throw my theories onto the table.


I have a feeling that Disney is trying make us the fans think they are going to drive Star Wars to the ground. So since Disney hasnt released any information about anything people are starting to get worried. I think that their end-line product is gona be something we have been hoping for years. Also lets face it, if they upset the the whole star wars fan population they will have a riot at their doorstep. So as the door closes on LucasArts and maybe another one will open up to a brand new world of gaming. Like maybe Disney will sign off on agreements to make games like Battle Front 3 or Rouge Squadron 4. So dont judge Disney too quickly. As long as we dont see Dancing Wookies the musical on Ice we should be good but if it does happen we the fans should bust down the golden door of disney.

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No, not really. The fact that this company won that poll only shows how fickle and aggressive the gaming community is.


Really? EA is worse than:


Bank of America?


COUNTLESS other corporations exploiting humans and violating labor laws?



So. A company made some bad video games, and is now worse than a Bank that is the DIRECT cause of the housing bubble collapse? Or a company whose negligence caused MILLIONS of dollars worth of damage to our environment? Sorry, I don't buy it.


Many gamers are just loud-mouthed children with anger issues.


Why did you tell me I'm wrong then spend the rest of your post listing reasons you agree with me? Yes, the fact that EA was voted worst company ever for making some video games when compared to companies like BP or BoA means that the poll has no credibility whatsoever.

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Why did you tell me I'm wrong then spend the rest of your post listing reasons you agree with me? Yes, the fact that EA was voted worst company ever for making some video games when compared to companies like BP or BoA means that the poll has no credibility whatsoever.


Sorry! -- your original post wasn't very clear, I guess. Or I just haven't had my coffee yet >.<

*runs to coffee pot*


It appeared to me that you were saying EA as a company no longer has any credibility. As that isn't the case -- ignore the first part, and pretend the second part isn't directed at you :rak_03:

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So if they can make some awesome new Star Wars games, then they are well within their rights to abandon a game that hasn't truly gripped the SW fanbase, is absolutely littered with problems, bugs and glitches both internally (gamewise, i.e bolster, augment exploit ad infinitum) and externally (payment issues, the whole CC debacle). It would almost make perfect sense to learn from the many painful mistakes and come back with a much more solid and well rounded game. But they would need to acquire liscences from Disne........oh.


SWTOR II anyone? :)

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Sorry! -- your original post wasn't very clear, I guess. Or I just haven't had my coffee yet >.<

*runs to coffee pot*


It appeared to me that you were saying EA as a company no longer has any credibility. As that isn't the case -- ignore the first part, and pretend the second part isn't directed at you :rak_03:


Yeah, I thought about it then and figured you thought I meant EA when I said "it." No worries.

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All hope for any innovative creative, fresh and mature take on any Star Wars game has just been utterly oblitherated




Really, so why are you here. you dont even believe the hyperbol your spewing so why should we even consider it.

Edited by Shingara
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You're a tool.


And you gave a perfect troll post to that guy. ;)




Please, tell me how EA, who hasn't had a decent game in years, known for non-innovation, voted Worst Company 2 years in a row, has a poor history with customers, etc. will make good Star Wars games?


It'll be TFU II and that pod racer game "quality" from now on...

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And you gave a perfect troll post to that guy. ;)




Please, tell me how EA, who hasn't had a decent game in years, known for non-innovation, voted Worst Company 2 years in a row, has a poor history with customers, etc. will make good Star Wars games?


It'll be TFU II and that pod racer game "quality" from now on...


You mean beyond deadspace, battlefield series, sports series and the sims stuff, no they havnt done anything have they, and you mean that poll where people voted because they didnt like the sportsman on the cover of one of the games not to mention the people who wrote off me3 because it didnt have the ending they wanted and they thought a games company was worse then the banks that nearly brought the world to its knees or the oil companys that destoyed eco systems.

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EA is far too much money-oriented for my personal taste - we won't never ever ever see Star Wars non-action Adventure games made by them. No way. They are far too much profit-oriented for this kind of games (and they wouldn't know how to do them anyway, since they just don't have any experience in that area of non-action Adventure games).

They won't do hardcore RPGs, either.

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Why are people surprised by this!


Disney doesn't create Computer games per se, so it makes sense for them to sign a deal with one of the world largest Computer game developer.


For those of you saying how rubbish EA are, you're deluded fools. If EA was so bad at producing games they would not be one of the biggest developers. Please don't quote the award for worst company, just because cynical people like yourselves voted for them, rather than some of the companies, who's actual polices cause death and destruction around the world!


Does this change anything, no. As long as this game is profitable, it will continue (just like all those Sequels some complain about) if the game becomes more profitable it will gain more support from its parent company. The day it's not making a profit, accountants will start asking questions as to why.

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