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A Rough Commando Healing Guide

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I like your guide for the most part being a commando healer i can see where you get your rotation. I dont know if this point was said or not but the only thing i dont agree with is your skill builds.. in fact i would not use any of those 3 (not trying to sound rude). the reason being is your gimping yourself in all 3 builds by adding psych aid. yes it might sound like your going to heal more but in reality how many times do you use your cleanse ability? i dont use it as much and that 1k heal isnt much to go gaga over and if your just trying to do heals then it would be wiser for a kb or adv probe. or any other heal for that fact. The best build I have noticed for me at least is 36/8/2. for combat medic the things i left out were combat shield, med zone, treated wounds, and psych aid. Of course though psych aid and efficient conversions can be a skill that might not matter much and be a personal players taste but in my opinion making your cc free makes its much more reliable as a raid heal then having it cost you ammo. especially when bosses have aoe raid damage where you can throw kolto bomb and also do cc right after and healer everyone. even up to 16 with kp and cc. usually with this build i give out above 3.2k - 3.5k hps or around there (in flashpoints hard mode) then maybe 3.5k - 3.8k hps (in 8 man ops) and for 16 man i hit around 3.6k-4.2k hps usually now and sometimes a bit higher, and for gear now..


I have my gear stated to give me 955 bonus heal, 30% crit, and 75% surge with 4.17% alacrity. this way my heals can be optimized and i can throw up to even 10k heals. the reason alacrity is only 4% is because with our buff first responder it'll boost it to 7% or 8% (cant rmbr) and its very easy to crit and keep that up. then for augments i would recommend power and not aim just due to the fact that power gives more heal boost then aim and is more reliablet o give it a better upgrade. Though this build and optimization is mre for if your running a lot of operations and flashpoints. anyways nice guide still!


The talent psychic aid is not taken for its healing but for its ability to remove mental effects. this skillpoint is required for any serious raiding, especially SaV. even if it didnt have the minor heal attached to it you would still take this talent.


and another note please re-read my guide carefully, nowhere on this guide will you find field aid in any of its rotations, it is not used except to... duh duh duh... cleanse people.

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The talent psychic aid is not taken for its healing but for its ability to remove mental effects. this skillpoint is required for any serious raiding, especially SaV. even if it didnt have the minor heal attached to it you would still take this talent.


and another note please re-read my guide carefully, nowhere on this guide will you find field aid in any of its rotations, it is not used except to... duh duh duh... cleanse people.


true sorry you did not say anything about the healing of it. And it is true you can use it for the mental skill but i have never really suffered from not having it in fact. Even in hm 16 man s&v i did not run into any trouble of not being able to cleanse a mental effect. Like I said In the end psych aid is more of a players taste since you can survive without it.

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look at the #4 spec, no gimps. any spec that your not taking psych aid your gimping yourself. the #4 spec takesadvantage of all benefits. I consider it the "Optimal" spec.

I personally do not believe your gimping yourself by not taking psych aid because I do really good heals per second without it and without removing mental effects. Usually a lot of the times everything is cleansable without it.lf there is a dot thats cleansable ONLY by mental that is very dangerous for the group and if its not cleansed it kills everyone I would like to know (because I have not ran into it at all in any operations). Though everyone has there own heal beliefs and what we should spec as. so if that spec works for you then keep on doing what your doing. As long as the raid does not die your all good

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I personally do not believe your gimping yourself by not taking psych aid because I do really good heals per second without it and without removing mental effects. Usually a lot of the times everything is cleansable without it.lf there is a dot thats cleansable ONLY by mental that is very dangerous for the group and if its not cleansed it kills everyone I would like to know (because I have not ran into it at all in any operations). Though everyone has there own heal beliefs and what we should spec as. so if that spec works for you then keep on doing what your doing. As long as the raid does not die your all good


alot of the mental effects are crowd control types of debufs, stuns roots ect.

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alot of the mental effects are crowd control types of debufs, stuns roots ect.


can you please remind me the fights that have that? I honestly don't remember not being able to cleanse effects during hm s&v, tfb or any ops. (Except the force ones in tfb that no commando can heal of course)

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can you please remind me the fights that have that? I honestly don't remember not being able to cleanse effects during hm s&v, tfb or any ops. (Except the force ones in tfb that no commando can heal of course)
the stun the boss from battle of ilum uses after he pops out of stealth is a mental effect


i am not sure, but i believe the stun that goes out from whatever that guy's name is after the oasis city infiltration could be a mental effect.


but i believe it would be stupid to try to cleanse this anyway as the priority should be the sabo charge that goes out on everyone just beforehand.



that's all i've got. one in a FP that no one ever cleanses anyway (meaning it doesn't make much of a difference), and one possible one in an operation that probably shouldn't be cleansed anyway because of a more pressing cleanse that happens around the same time.




Some commentary:


  1. Under Intermediate, make a point to mention that a KB dropped right at the end of SCC can provide the shield for the entire duration it takes to recharge 30 stacks of CSC. It lasts 15s, and a zero alacrity HS provides 3 stacks every 1.5s. 100% shield uptime on the tank and melee is easily doable with any alacrity.


also keep in mind that kolto pods provides the buff as well (while SCC is active)



so this means that:


  • you have about a 3-4s window before SCC ends (rather than trying to aim right at the last second) to throw down a KB and any KP ticks that go off before SCC ends will still provide charged shield
    (any KP ticks after will not, even from a KB used during SCC)
  • you can also cast KB before SCC and still provide everyone with the buff for any KP ticks after SCC starts.
  • these provide a little more wiggle room for maximum uptime of charged shield and additionally allows the casting of KB before, in the middle of, and at the very end of SCC without having to be absolutely precide on the timing or risk losing maximum uptime.

Edited by oaceen
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titan 6 has a stun that is a mental effect, zorn and toth, Dreadtooth, stryvac does with the apparition mobs, there are TONS in PvP not that thats relevant. and these are just a few off the top of my head there are probably tons more, note that i say mental effects are MOSTLY roots and stuns, I beleive there are several in the form of DoTs.


in any case its 1 point that has no better placement so why take the risk of coming across one and wasting that global cooldown and the ammo trying to cleanse it with it to simply do nothing.

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titan 6 has a stun that is a mental effect, zorn and toth, Dreadtooth, stryvac does with the apparition mobs, there are TONS in PvP not that thats relevant. and these are just a few off the top of my head there are probably tons more, note that i say mental effects are MOSTLY roots and stuns, I beleive there are several in the form of DoTs.


in any case its 1 point that has no better placement so why take the risk of coming across one and wasting that global cooldown and the ammo trying to cleanse it with it to simply do nothing.

Titan 6 as far as i know doesnt have much necessity to cleanse, zorn & toths main debuff you need to cleanse is do able even without it if i remember since its been a while. also for styrac its not really again a necessity to cleanse. also like i said that 1 point is more of a players choice because it can either make concussive charge a more reliable raid heal without needing to waiste ammo on it. and etc, etc.
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Titan 6 as far as i know doesnt have much necessity to cleanse, zorn & toths main debuff you need to cleanse is do able even without it if i remember since its been a while. also for styrac its not really again a necessity to cleanse. also like i said that 1 point is more of a players choice because it can either make concussive charge a more reliable raid heal without needing to waiste ammo on it. and etc, etc.


Again i direct you to the #4 build. all of those fights i had mentioned have a stun of sorts that can be broken with a psych aid cleanse. If you choose not to use any of my builds because you wish to not use psych aidthat is your preference,but again, there is no good reason not too. there is nothing (minus some pitiful defensive talents) more valuable that that point can be placed on.

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Again i direct you to the #4 build. all of those fights i had mentioned have a stun of sorts that can be broken with a psych aid cleanse. If you choose not to use any of my builds because you wish to not use psych aidthat is your preference,but again, there is no good reason not too. there is nothing (minus some pitiful defensive talents) more valuable that that point can be placed on.

again that last point is a preference. Id rather have it in efficient conversions(so my concussive charge can be more reliable and ammo doesnt need to be waisted) or first responder (so its a 100% of granting the alacrity buff when i crit and a better chance of being on 100% of the time) and etc. your builds arent bad but again psych aid is not a required talent at all because the only ones that are needed cleansing can be cleansed by your normal cleansing ability without the psych aid point. at least the important ones that actually can hurt your raid.

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You may want to add a note detailing that Recharge Cells adds 10% Alacrity for 6 Seconds, and may want to consider how you can use that to your advantage in the future. You say to save Recharge Cells for emergencies, I say it should be rolled in combo with SCC when you know you are going to be doing heavy healing. You should never wait until you hit 0% ammo to use RC...that's asking for something bad to happen. Use it around 25%, you'll be topped off, have higher regen for a longer period of time for the start of a heavy heal cycle, and the Alacrity boost to pour it on heavy to even out the damage spike.


Also, after chatting with KeyboardNinja a bit about gearing, I would say you may want to ask around too. According to all the info I have gotten from him, and seen for myself, 30+ % Tech Crit is highly suggested, with around 75% Surge, filling the rest out with Power and Alacrity is the way to go.

Edited by Miallen
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As of right now, how the combat Rez works against commandos I generally suggest reserving recharge cells for utter emergencies or upon receiving a combat Rex. Trying to incorporate recharge cells as a rolling buff will be more detrimental then beneficial since it will almost positively result in an ammo excess and over healing.


I retain my philosophy that it is reserved for emergencies.

KBN is on my server and is a good friend of mine I will run it by him,

The higher crit rating I am finding to be true ( maybe not 30%) but higher in any case but higher surge is almost definitely not true.

Even before 2.0 commandos stacked little to no surge as healers now that alacrity is more fundamentally use full as well as the loss of value to surge from its scaling factors as well and the diminished value of crit (since surge's value is derived from your crit) so I can say with almost absolute certainty that stacking high surge on a commando would be a dread full idea and 75% would just be almost asinine.

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I will be revising my guide on these forums as well as the healing forums in the near future. Most likely this week to reflect my more recent findings.


Thanks, look forward to seeing the updates.


Also, could you possibly include a "stat priority"? Like noxxic has one that says "Aim >= Power > Surge (75%) > Crit (30%) > Alacrity".


I was wondering what you'd recommend - I know you said that surge was too high, and am interested if that's still the case after your additional testing.


Also, some guy said power augments a few posts back and nobody corrected him. I did a lot of testing on this back when I played and aim was definitely better over power, but is that still the case? I haven't played since 2.0 and now I feel a bit lost on my commando and what gear/stats I should focus on with all the changes.


Again, thank you for sharing all your work/findings.

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Thanks, look forward to seeing the updates.


Also, could you possibly include a "stat priority"? Like noxxic has one that says "Aim >= Power > Surge (75%) > Crit (30%) > Alacrity".


I was wondering what you'd recommend - I know you said that surge was too high, and am interested if that's still the case after your additional testing.


Also, some guy said power augments a few posts back and nobody corrected him. I did a lot of testing on this back when I played and aim was definitely better over power, but is that still the case? I haven't played since 2.0 and now I feel a bit lost on my commando and what gear/stats I should focus on with all the changes.


Again, thank you for sharing all your work/findings.



First off, never ever ever ever ever ever use noxxic, ever. All of their information is wrong about everything and I'm not exaggerating.


And secondly I have posted the stat priority in both the main guide and in the comments.

So I guess I can post it again.

Crit to about 300-350 rating> rest of budget jnto power

Surge to about 200-300 rating > rest of budget into alacrity.


Always use aim augments. They are miles ahead of power augs. Always use unlettered mods and enhancements.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Would you say that these numbers are still accurate? As is I'm running about 4 pieces of crit and 3 pieces of alacrity but am close to 339 crit rating and 612 surge rating. Should I be using way more power and alacrity enhancements instead of the power and surge?


You are definitely sacrificing alot if you indeed have 612 surge as I think the point of increased diminishing returns is around 300.


On another note, I'm glad I finally found this thread as I have been looking to see if anybody had put something together that covered itemizations/situations that I was not aware of.

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I've found that Power and Surge are the most effective things to have(As auxiliary stats) because they increase the amount your heals do. This is my build I plan to use as my Commando when he hits 55(He's 47 right now):


The build takes care of the Crit and Alacrity. I always have some, but the +6% R/T crit and +3% alacrity on crit is useful.

I like to be that guy who is healing but can DPS if necessary(Ex: During a burn phase).

Edited by TheSupaCoopa
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Would you say that these numbers are still accurate? As is I'm running about 4 pieces of crit and 3 pieces of alacrity but am close to 339 crit rating and 612 surge rating. Should I be using way more power and alacrity enhancements instead of the power and surge?


generally with the new gear values i've found myself bumping my crit to higher levels (450 is my current target crit)

and ive been taking a slightly different approach to the surge/alacrity conundrum, to put it VERY basically im splitting my ticket 50/50


so ideally in full 78's im aiming for:

450 crit rating (this is incredibly subject to change once i crunch the numbers and sim. it out)

half of your tertiary budget into alacrity half into surge (in the 72 tier this would be 395/395)


these, at the moment, are just from my raiding experience in my clears of 16m DF and DP the last 2 weeks with alot of experimenting this setup *felt* the best.


and since healing is more about gearing *to flavor* rather than mathematical optimization, i think i will be sticking with it. we have to remember that, even if i did crunch out these numbers, the results would assume a 100% uptime, perfect rotation (which doesn't happen in a raid setting EVER since no one takes consistent enough damage to regulate a scripted rotation), and crits exactly equal to your actual value RNG would not be accounted for, nor would precasting or anticipation healing.


so yes what my stat budgets are showing is going to be *close* to mathematically optimal, if it doesnt feel right then tweak it up to best suite your own healing style.


only thing i can say FOR CERTAIN about gearing is that it should be to *your flavor* so long as your not neglecting crit rating in favor for pure power (the commando surge tallent CANNOT be ignored)

and alacrity cannot be ignored for pure surge, i would say a minimum of 300 alacrity should be used.

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I've found that Power and Surge are the most effective things to have(As auxiliary stats) because they increase the amount your heals do. This is my build I plan to use as my Commando when he hits 55(He's 47 right now):


The build takes care of the Crit and Alacrity. I always have some, but the +6% R/T crit and +3% alacrity on crit is useful.

I like to be that guy who is healing but can DPS if necessary(Ex: During a burn phase).


please tell me this is a PvP build.....


if you're doing PVE this will be a garbage spec for just about every boss fight in the game, and is miles behind in practicality compared to my standard PVE build.


also your comment on power/surge is false, they do not increase the healing you do, they increase the size of your heals, healing is all about the effective heals per second and a full power, full surge build would be absolutely decimated by a properly budgeted healer.


and finally just because a build offers a talent for a stat does not mean its "Taken care of".

stat prioritizations are a game of number roilette with the diminishing returns and bonus' from tallents have no bearing on the diminishing returns.

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Could you go over relics in the gear section?

I imagine a Serendipitous Assault would be the first one. I know they also stack if they are a different gear set, so would two SA be BiS?

They change the healing proc relic to where procs every 20 seconds, but is it worth it?

The new crit and mainstat proc relics are out. The crit proc relic looks like decent depending on much crit someone stacks.

And there is the boundless ages for the 30 seconds of burst every minute and 30 seconds, which would work great with SCC.

I know Every boss could have a different solution, I just want get some feedback on the different relics.


If you wanted to take the guide one step further, you could go over UI layouts. Features like scaling debuffs in the raid frame, and using focus target on boss to watch his cast.


And thanks for guide. It helped understand to spec to much greater knowledge than I knew.

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