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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Resubbed for 3 days, game STILL is badly coded and has broken gameplay mechanics.

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Before I say anything at all, I'm playing on a comp with i7 2600k cpu, Gefore 560ti (same clock as 570ti stock), 8gb ram. I run all the new games (BF3, skyrim, the witcher 2 etc etc) on max settings with fluid FPS.


Before I started playing SWTOR again for the new expansion, I enjoyed theorycrafting etc with new talent builds, checking out new abilities and what's new. It looked really nice on paper, until I logged in and noticed how "choppy" and "laggy" everything still felt. It was actually WORSE than what I remember from the last time i played SWTOR. I can have 40-100 FPS, and I will still get spikes and it feels laggy, and suddenly drop down to 20-30 FPS a lot. Warzones where battle is going on is the worst. PVP is really no fun atm, when I get spikes and FPS drops when the game should play at 60+ FPS. The gameplay and pvp is simply "laggy" overall. Oh, and just to mention it: THE BOLSTER SYSTEM IS NICE ON PAPER, BUT YOU TURNED IT INTO THE LARGEST JOKE IN MMO HISTORY. The dev that is behind the bolster system should already be fired, it is so amateurly done that I lose faith in mankind.


Now I'm expecting the EA defenders and SWTOR fanboys will flame me with "your comp is broken, you havent tried this and that blabla". I have tried different drivers, I have tried tweaking with nvidia inspector (which has helped sometimes, and what I learned from that is how **** the ingame AA is, and what a joke the graphic settings ingame really is), I have looked at the CPU/GPU % load and so on. It's the game that is poorly coded atm, and the game engine is really, really bad. I also base this on the fact that there are tons and tons of people with the same problems, with different graphic cards. Hell, even people with brand new cpu chips and nvidia 680 cards are getting low FPS and laggy gameplay.

It's even more funny at the new planet Makeb is even worse than the old planets in terms of FPS and spikes.



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Huh. No FPS issues here, with a worse computer than yours. I keep shadows off, though. Everything else maxed.


It's weird how there are tons and tons of threads of this issue in customer service forum, dont you think?



This one has 19 pages and is only one of hundreds of threads with the same issue.

Or all the recent threads concerning crappy/laggy FPS and stuttering on Makeb?

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Well first thing, you subbed for a month cause you cant sub for 3 days.


With that said, you should have resubbed on 1.9 because there was no ability dealy then. For some reason it returned on 2.0. Its really annoying but im expecting something to be done about it again since it has been fixed before.

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Before I say anything at all, I'm playing on a comp with i7 2600k cpu, Gefore 560ti (same clock as 570ti stock), 8gb ram. I run all the new games (BF3, skyrim, the witcher 2 etc etc) on max settings with fluid FPS.


Before I started playing SWTOR again for the new expansion, I enjoyed theorycrafting etc with new talent builds, checking out new abilities and what's new. It looked really nice on paper, until I logged in and noticed how "choppy" and "laggy" everything still felt. It was actually WORSE than what I remember from the last time i played SWTOR. I can have 40-100 FPS, and I will still get spikes and it feels laggy, and suddenly drop down to 20-30 FPS a lot. Warzones where battle is going on is the worst. PVP is really no fun atm, when I get spikes and FPS drops when the game should play at 60+ FPS. The gameplay and pvp is simply "laggy" overall. Oh, and just to mention it: THE BOLSTER SYSTEM IS NICE ON PAPER, BUT YOU TURNED IT INTO THE LARGEST JOKE IN MMO HISTORY. The dev that is behind the bolster system should already be fired, it is so amateurly done that I lose faith in mankind.


Now I'm expecting the EA defenders and SWTOR fanboys will flame me with "your comp is broken, you havent tried this and that blabla". I have tried different drivers, I have tried tweaking with nvidia inspector (which has helped sometimes, and what I learned from that is how **** the ingame AA is, and what a joke the graphic settings ingame really is), I have looked at the CPU/GPU % load and so on. It's the game that is poorly coded atm, and the game engine is really, really bad. I also base this on the fact that there are tons and tons of people with the same problems, with different graphic cards. Hell, even people with brand new cpu chips and nvidia 680 cards are getting low FPS and laggy gameplay.

It's even more funny at the new planet Makeb is even worse than the old planets in terms of FPS and spikes.




I have issues with FPS and my computers a beast, so it'd be cool for them to fix it. But I doubt they will, they would probably have to switch engines to fix it ;(

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I Have a intel core i7 930@2.80ghz

12gb Memory running win 7 64 bit

Nvidia 460


and guess what no issues other than some frame latency is some of the same areas others have but overall game runs fine maybe your system is broken and needs a tune up...


by the way if you read my past threads i am far from being a fanboi for this game or any other sounds to me you are just looking to make excused to anyone who might say something different than you that the motive is fan based maybe you should not even post if all you plan on doing is attacking.

Edited by JediJonesJr
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I hate the fact that my character gets stuck constantly, and always on the most absurd of things too, like the corner of a box or something. I've never had to use '/stuck' so many times in a game before. To make it worse, the cooldown on '/stuck' is longer than any other game, so not only do you get stuck far more often, but it takes you twice as long to get out of it every time. Maybe they shouldnt have released the game with an engine that was still in the earliest stages of development. *shrugs*
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I hate the fact that my character gets stuck constantly, and always on the most absurd of things too, like the corner of a box or something. I've never had to use '/stuck' so many times in a game before. To make it worse, the cooldown on '/stuck' is longer than any other game, so not only do you get stuck far more often, but it takes you twice as long to get out of it every time. Maybe they shouldnt have released the game with an engine that was still in the earliest stages of development. *shrugs*


i have had that happen a few times i agree it is a pain but i get out of the issue easy, but this should be addressed thats far from a game breaker,

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i have had that happen a few times i agree it is a pain but i get out of the issue easy, but this should be addressed thats far from a game breaker,


I think every issue with any game can be viewed as a minor annoyance. It's entirely dependent on your perception. I get stuck all the time, ability delay is back, and there's performance drops in random places, but I'm still subscribed and playing the game. You have to like what the core game is all about in order to get over all these minor issues. In other games that dont have said issues, people still find something to complain about. Everyone's looking for the perfect MMO to blindly throw their money at and it just doesn't exist. Every single MMO on the market is flawed in some way, and all the over-hyped games coming soon like ESO and Wildstar will be just as flawed. If you don't like the core game enough, you'll never get over these minor issues in any game.

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Huh. No FPS issues here, with a worse computer than yours. I keep shadows off, though. Everything else maxed.


I highly doubt that. Without you linking your dxdiag and at least showing a video of your game not stuttering or having fps issues. You are just trolling him in return to prove a point.


This game is using a terribly unoptimized engine that was not finished. Anyone claiming they do not have fps issues probably either do not notice it (don't turn on CTRL+SHIFT+F or don't monitor it with a proper program) if you actually payed attention to it you would see the dips in fps. They range from opening a simple menu like your inventory and having it dip 40-50 fps for absolutely no reason. To playing in warzones with only 16 people and having it dip in combat. (Again, you cannot really notice either of these unless you turn on some feature to track FPS.)


Visibly, the game looks fine (with a few stutters here and there) but deep down the engine suffers greatly from poor optimization.


I don't have extremely bad issues that make it unplayable but even on my rig which is better than the OP's. I notice the issues with the engine.

Edited by spectreclees
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They range from opening a simple menu like your inventory and having it dip 40-50 fps for absolutely no reason.


Every time I open up my Legacy, my FPS drops to zero and the game stops for about 10 seconds before it opens up lol

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Yep I experience everything you say, the game has many graphical inconsistencies. Flickering textures, fps drops, and performance degradation over time.


The performance is not constant in the same areas under the almost same conditions (which are the people online of course), so one day you get 70fps and the next 30fps in the same area.


Some days ago I noticed my fps drop dramatically to 25-30 in the Saleucami Fleet Action space mission. After that, the low fps continued everywhere until I restarted the client. I've gotten this "effect" several times.


The pictures below show how even setting everything to "very low" I got less fps than at "very high" after I restarted the client.




PhenomII 955 clocked at 3800 (stock is 3200) load temps <55Cº watercooled

HD7950 stock clocks 950/1250, load temps <70Cº

12GB RAM and the game is installed on a 1 year old SSD

W7x64 Ultimate


I haven't experience any memory leaks btw. I'm monitoring everything, my temps are fine, my drivers are always up to date, no bottlenecks, no bloatware running in the background.

In summary, my system is more clean than any newbie fanboy computer and I have a quite experience with it, so I can feel any force disturbance.

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Its funny too that they said they were going to work on addressing performance issues after the expansion launched, but instead we get the Cathar and customization stuff, which is basically just a money patch for them. And because this coming patch has no real content to it, people will be clamoring for actual content in the next patch after that in the way of another operation and/or flashpoints. So once again, fixing the overwhelming amount of issues seems like it will continue to take a backseat to making EA's quarterly statements look marginally better.
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I want my money and time back please :/


Two comments:


1) General Forum is the wrong department. You need to contact Customer Service directly.


2) Most adults would know this, thus making my first comment unnecessary. In this case though.... 1st comment required I guess.


Personally, I would not give you a refund. Why? Because as a returning player who quit before over performance concerns, you could have simply logged back in as a Preferred Status player and tested all of this out before resubbing. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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And the worst thing of all about Swtor is that the complete strangers on the general forums couldn't care less about your opinion. I blame EA. Do you realy think someone's who has quit then come back and after only 3 days writes this silly post has any credibility?
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Welcome to TOR... Love it or hate it. Most hate it. I wonder why?

'Cause you're making it up. If "most hate[d] it," hardly anyone would be playing for money (sub or preferred). No one would pay to play a game they hate. But for some reason, by some folks' definition, "Worst MMO ever" is "the MMO I currently spend the most time and money playing."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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'Cause you're making it up. If "most hate[d] it," hardly anyone would be playing for money (sub or preferred). No one would pay to play a game they hate. But for some reason, by some folks' definition, "Worst MMO ever" is "the MMO I currently spend the most time and money playing."


I think the actual hate began with all the fan boys that bought into all the massive hype going into this game and suddenly learned that nothing rarely ever lives up to that much hype. So they've been attacking the game every chance they get like jaded lovers. This lead to hating SWTOR as being the cool thing to do, like hipsters standing around coffee shops making fun of the music you listen to.

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I think the actual hate began with all the fan boys that bought into all the massive hype going into this game and suddenly learned that nothing rarely ever lives up to that much hype. So they've been attacking the game every chance they get like jaded lovers. This lead to hating SWTOR as being the cool thing to do, like hipsters standing around coffee shops making fun of the music you listen to.

Thing is, of course, every MMO has players who declare it hated or dead or whatever and yet still pay for and play it. It's a people thing, not a TOR player thing.


It reminds me of a woman I once worked with who bought one of those little Mercedes hatchbacks (or at least they look like hatchbacks to me). Several people made comments like "Oooo, nice, Mercedes, Moving up in the world." Her replies were something like "You know, it's not that great a car, it's not really like a real Mercedes, etc." So I asked her "If you think it's such a lame car, why did you buy it?" I don't recall what her answer was, but I do remember the question made her uncomfortable.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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And how's your MMO coming along?






*resumes reading newspaper*


This is a stupid response. Just because most of us can't make an mmo doesn't mean the ones we pay for can be shoddy quality. I'm also experiencing pausing betwee combat animations, and I have a great computer. Neer had this issue with the gamebefore. Also had an fps drop in ev hm which is again new. Its bad coding and bugs.

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It's your system. I use a i5 3500k iirc, and a 2gb 6870, and have no issues. The only time I experience an odd drop is on a crowded fleet. With all settings max and shadows and with 24+ people raid, my fps then gets low to about 20.


Edit: with the game running, plus overwolf with 4-7 tabs open, and skype, and mwb, and mse, and sas, it takes around 60%ish of my 8gb of ram. CPU is 30-45% or so. It's your system.

Edited by Hockaday
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This is a stupid response. Just because most of us can't make an mmo doesn't mean the ones we pay for can be shoddy quality. I'm also experiencing pausing betwee combat animations, and I have a great computer. Neer had this issue with the gamebefore. Also had an fps drop in ev hm which is again new. Its bad coding and bugs.


Well if you don't have an MMO that's perfect, maybe you should stop knocking those who are trying. In case you forgot, this is Bioware's first attempt. It's not perfect. So what? No MMO is. So maybe, until you make the world's first bug free MMO, you should zip the lip and offer constructive solutions instead of whining that your "top of the line" computer can't handle it.

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