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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Raygon Legacy


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This is my fisr ever mmo. Never played one of these types of games. To tell you the truth my liking of Star Wars games came when I was about 15 when I bought KOTOR and really loved the game even tho I did not know what I was getting into when I purchased it. Went on to purchase KOTOR 2 and since those teen years I've fell in love with The Old Republic series of Star Wars. When I heard of this game I wanted it but didn't know how I was ever going to play it seeing how its a game for the computer which I didn't have at the time. Then I went to school and they game me a machine that could play it lol. Did /played on all my toons and I've spent 1/3 of a year on this game. Thats 3 full days a week. Amazing that I have a woman and school huh? lol and I cut hair (as a barber making people look good for money). I was the noobest player in the game when I started playing. Atleast I was smart enough to not stack the wrong stats on my toons lol. Was a loner leveling to level 50 even tho I ran the Knights of Tython guild name. got bored with Questing around level 45 and always wondered where my guildies were when I dropped the guild tag. They would always be in "The Pit" it seemed. Thought to myself it must be intense in there if its named "The Pit". I decided to Queue for Warzones. Didnt know what to expect. Didnt know anything about anything when it came to this game. Met a Dead on Arrival guy named Saladbar and we WZ'd together. Me Saladbar and Ogclutchbossman leveled to 50 through warzones and it was awesome hanging with them. That's when My quest to be one of Ieldis's pubside Pvp'ers started. Sev'row would pop out of stealth and kill me in 3 hits and take my node lol. Tyrosine would emote laugh when I'd go to his cap point. Azazzele would power house three guys and take a node These imps were op, Zenithsbane wouldn't die lol those were the times. I would chase Respute around because he wouls snipe everyone to death with no contest. He started the "You No Aza" taunt lol it didn't bother me because I was just me. I was a Tank back then. couldn't kill anyone if i tried lol. Went for a change in spec. Couldn't get the hang of Vigilance (Remember I'm a noob) so i chose to get the hang of Focus. I was in tank gear so i couldn't hurt anyone to bad but It was a nice change in abilities. Doesn't take much skill for Focus spec and skill was something I still didn't have so it worked better for me than Vigilance.


Then came the Begeren Colony merge and Ranked Warzones. People sure made me feel welcome when I entered Warzones lol almost like a superstar. I remember in vent Og complained about some guy named Wrecks like he does every dps thats killing him lol (the first time I ever heard of the guy) the first time i ever ran into him it was in a ranked match and him and some tankassin came to west on Novare Caost and me and the KoT healer who came when I called for back-up (Didn't want to cost us the game) and we took those imps down fairly easy.

People started leaving the game. Rumors of Imp Legacy having a fallout went through the pub side air. Mr. Cauiss Ballad started making his monster sentinel. (Cauiss is one of the names of thos main Royal Vampires in Twilight right?) He gave me some pointers on Ilum during a couple duels to help me get the hang of it. Then the DPS Raygon was born. Would go on to master all three of the Guardian Specs (imo) then There was Daxos. Love my commando. When assault spec he sure could light it up. Then there was the Sage Jen-allel. There wasn't a stealthy that could drop her. Keep the melee slowed and at range and they're worthless. lol They leap, I DoT, force speed away, slow them and dps a little, Force wave DPS a little more, They leap, I bubble, The break it and get stunned, Dot and speed away again DPS rinse and repeat. Love the sage class very good class. Now i got my scoundrel and man is she a monster in both dps and heals, love that class too. http://imgur.com/jbtb6YX Thanks Tywind for screening that for me


After 2.0 hit and changes to spec I decided to make Ray go back to his origins in Tank spec and stance. Dps'n leads to ego in PvP, and raging. Something I never want to embrace. Don't do it in Real Life not going to in a virtual world. When I first started PvP'n a guildy told me that PvP can kill a game experience and he was right. Immature People taunt you with laughs after they and another guy with much higher single target dps kills you and they emote laugh at you like they did all themselve "I demolished him" lmao its so hilarious how ego can blind people. 2vMe should i pop my defensive? eh I'll wait. I've beaten them all and I've won it all. (Undertaker/Triple H quote for you Rhodium lol) I'm on my Shawn Micheals/Triple H when you've done all I've done and PvP'ers like me as long as we've done it. Who cares about winning or losing. Neither affects me anymore. I know what I can do on all my characters because I've done it & Documented it via screen shot or video. 6 months of not caring whether or not I win or lose but always performed when the team needed it. I don't care if i lose duels shoot I screen shot them for all to see. Would never sabotage matches because I didnt care. You Pubs man you guys make me feel so awesome. I went back Tank because it's humbling. It's harder to give life than it is to take it. I enjoy giving my team the chance its needs to survive and win the day. I get Warm welcomes when I log in. When I enter Warzones and people are happy to see me (on a personal note not a skill note) We're gonna win and we're gonna fight and we're gonna have fun slapping imps with our lightsbagers and shooting them in the ***. To all you whether I like you or we've exchaged harsh words, You're much appreciated.


Thank You from Raygon :D

Edited by RayGonJinn
adding a screen shot
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I miss zenithsbane. Best healer this game has ever seen :(

I remember way back in the day when Zenith, Qali and I used to q for warzones and own all the pubs on ieldis...occasionally we would pick up aza for some jugger-nut madness :D

Edited by J_Fred
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Nice one. My memories of Ieldis also include Sev'row and Og. If I queued with Sev, I always thought we would win, and when we went against Og, I figured I'd lose.


Funny about Sev'row. I think everybody from those days remembers being solo-killed by Sev'row..then he disappeared for months and I assumed he'd stopped playing. Just before 2.0, I leveled by Sniper (Cailla) to 50 and my very first WZ, playing with Recruit gear (saving the comms for 2.0 to drop), I left mid to go defend our Pylon and "zap" Sev'row opens up and solo kills me before I can even react! Literally the first time I'd seen him in months and first time in 50 PvP with this toon. Brought back good memories...er...kinda.



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Ray, nice job man.....


This was something decent and positive, nice to see on the forums here.


BTW I read a lot on here, but never post. Had to make the effort this time hah!


See ya around bro.

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Ray when I first started playing this game I had the stalker set on my Sage because it said accuracy lowered the resitance to spells so I thought it was like Spell Penetration from Wow and that my spells would hit harder. Sadly it didn't do that. The nice thing is my Sage has the Centurion Stalker set which is very rare these days.


I think one of the things you brought up is when you play a lot of different characters you may be good at them but when you settle on one and devote some time to it that's when you really start to figure out how to use all of your abilities to counter other classes and get better,.

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