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Please fix phase walk!


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I don't know if this is by design, but why does the spot time out AND put the skill on cool down? If you are going to have it time out (which I find frustrating when guarding a node), at least allow it to be set again immediately. To be honest, I'd rather the cool down start on the set, not the release (two buttons?).
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I can see how this gets annoying. It doesn't stay there when i set it in their huttball endzone. The tooltip says it stays there for 2 minutes.


My guess is the cooldown is there so you dont have an endless escape teleport. You know, set your phase walk out of range, attack, teleport back, set it again, then attack again. I could see how it may get abused.

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I can see how this gets annoying. It doesn't stay there when i set it in their huttball endzone. The tooltip says it stays there for 2 minutes.


My guess is the cooldown is there so you dont have an endless escape teleport. You know, set your phase walk out of range, attack, teleport back, set it again, then attack again. I could see how it may get abused.


Ok then add a timeout timer where the CD timer would be?


Having a 2 minute timeout just further makes the ability useless. Dont get me wrong it has its uses.....but half the time i go to use it and its on CD due to timing out. One other thought. If the 2 minutes is up and it hasn't been used then automatically reset the CD so it can be reapplied.

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The most frustrating thing I find is, if you use it while not in the correct distance it disappears and goes on CD. Half the time I use it expecting to be within range and I'm not and then I need to wait.


If you want to cancel it and put it on cooldown, you should have to right click it off your buffs bar. That would allow the use of red text saying you're not in range or something when trying to use it outside of 60m.

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Considering how bad the implementation of such a potentially useful ability is, the best way to rebuild it would be to separate the capability to place the teleport node (make it instant cast, off GCD, no CD or 30-45 sec CD, you could even shorten the duration to 45 seconds to limit node guard abuse) and the capability to teleport back to the relevant node (instant cast, off GCD, 45 sec CD like the teleport currently has). It preserves the current usability while making it actually *useful* for things besides PvP node guarding.
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Considering how bad the implementation of such a potentially useful ability is, the best way to rebuild it would be to separate the capability to place the teleport node (make it instant cast, off GCD, no CD or 30-45 sec CD, you could even shorten the duration to 45 seconds to limit node guard abuse) and the capability to teleport back to the relevant node (instant cast, off GCD, 45 sec CD like the teleport currently has). It preserves the current usability while making it actually *useful* for things besides PvP node guarding.


I actually do use Phase Walk quite a bit in PvE. Styrak is probably the best example of a fight where this works well, both for the healing buff and to teleport out of the exhaustion zone. It also makes a great get out of jail free card if you get nightmared right as the soft enrage starts, which can otherwise be an auto-wipe due to the dragon debuff.


With that said, I agree with your suggestions 100%. Phase Walk is only barely usable now, and it requires far too many contortions to be reliable. It's on my bar. I use it, but I bemoan the lost potential. I would love to see it retooled.

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Is this intended?


It's never happened to me, so I think it's probably not intended. Did you allow it to time out or did you right click it off? I know that it's supposed to teleport if you turn the toggle off, but I'm not sure about removing it yourself. I'm definitely sure that letting it time out does nothing (because I've done it *loads* of times in FPs and it's never once teleported me at time out).

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It's never happened to me, so I think it's probably not intended. Did you allow it to time out or did you right click it off? I know that it's supposed to teleport if you turn the toggle off, but I'm not sure about removing it yourself. I'm definitely sure that letting it time out does nothing (because I've done it *loads* of times in FPs and it's never once teleported me at time out).


I was trying to get the Aim Datacron on Corellia and allowed the location to time out. At that point it auto teleported me.


I too have only had this happen the one time so maybe it was the location near the datacron.

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I was trying to get the Aim Datacron on Corellia and allowed the location to time out. At that point it auto teleported me.


I too have only had this happen the one time so maybe it was the location near the datacron.


If you were doing it while trying to get a datacron, I can think of 2 possible explanations:


The first is that it only teleports you back when you're in range *and* out of combat. Every time I've let it time out while I've been in range, I've been in combat and absolutely nothing happened.


The second is that, because most datacrons take place in nonstandard locations such that when you /stuck, it takes you back to the start of the jumping puzzle or whatever else is at the nominal start of the "path" (the "path" as such is broken up a few times on the Makeb datacrons: I used /stuck a few times and, rather than taking me back to the start of it, it took me back up to last long run) whenever it falls of. The possible explanation might be that because the teleport effect is vanishing and you're not using it, it still puts forth a set location command since the teleport is tied to the Phase Walk buff fading. If you're in combat, it ignores it (since such commands are generally ignored while in combat; /stuck has an "if/else" statement for in combat and out of combat that makes it do different things in each so the location reset is only accessed if you're out of combat) whereas if you're *not* in combat, it resolves and you're teleported back to the phase walk node. This, of course, is just supposition based upon guesses about how it was programmed, but it's entirely possible considering how it works.

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sorry, i have no issues with this ability. i understand and appreciate the mechanics as a balance issue.


Are you cool with when/if its used outside the 60m and it just goes on CD? Obviously we know to be more careful and mindful of how to use it, but how about a red message that says something like "You are not within range to use this ability"

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Being able to relocate Phase Walk would be a great help... If it can reset the buff duration as well, I think it would ease the playablity of this ability a lot.


If the devs have still some connections with the Mythic devs who worked on Warhammer Online, they could ask them about how they implemented "Redeploy Turret" on Dwarf Engineers... Hoping the game engine is compatible with the mechanics involved.

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So, phase walk only goes to 2min CD if you actually used it. If the mark dies out (it expired) you could insta cast it again. Also you'd be able to insta cast it again if you manually removed the effect from you're status bar.


Oh and off global CD insta cast too, yes please. Or give us the saber reflect :D And tank shadow (shadows shelter) should give aswell all friendlies (not the tank) within it a 5% or 10% damage reduction buff.


Bonus: Enemies who are within the mark when shadow teleports back to the mark would get their movement speed reduced by 70% for 6 seconds. (Would be epic for tanks who teleports back to help healer [PvP])

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